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Again it'll be nice if y'all left comments

It's been a week since the wedding and now it was time to go home, everyone was packed and ready to go and your family were crying "I don't want y'all to leave, I'm gon miss y'all" Ashley said "you gon be okay Ash, we'll come back soon okay" she nodded and hugged you and Akari, Jasmin is a deep sleeper so she wasn't down there wit y'all "okay let's go" your father said opening the door "bye y'all" you all walked outside and got in the cars "I'm pretty happy we're leaving" you said "why" "I don't know just am" you took out your phone and texted Katsuki.


We're going to the airport 🙃:Wifey✨

Hubby💥: Finally I get to see you soon"

Lol you miss me bad huh:Wifey✨

Hubby💥:Yeah I just made me mad


Hubby💥:idk you just did

Tuff, well I'm sorry babe... anyways you ready to see me 🤭:Wifey✨


😐..alr bet bye:Wifey✨

Hubby💥:wait I'm kidding







...okay okay stop:Wifey✨

Hubby💥: tch bye teddy bear

Know what nigga bye:Wifey✨


You put your phone away as you arrived at the airport "have a nice flight" Iman thanked the driver and you three got out the car. Everyone was ready and head straight to the gate "Akari who you was textin earlier" you asked "Lamar, the boy you gave my fuckin number to bitch" she said, Crystal pinched her neck "ow" "we in public talk quietly when you cuss" she nodded. You all got to the gate and had to wait since the plane was late, you yawned and tapped Iman's shoulder "what" "can I rest on you" he nodded "the plane comin soon you know that right so don't get mad when I wake you" you nodded and laid your head on his arm.

After some time the plane came and now y'all were boarding on it, your dad had gotten business class again so that was great "hello ladies and gentlemen I'm your captain speaking and we'll be leaving shortly" you didn't really pay any attention to the flight attendant since you already did what what she told everyone before she did, you opened your bookbag and got a Attack On Titan manga out, you read it for a while till you fell asleep.

|Time Skip|

"Okay ladies and we have arrived to our destination, I hope you had a wonderful time flying with us" you quickly got your things together and checked your phone not seeing any notification from your friends or Katsuki. Once you got out the gate you were too excited to be back home "Y/n calm down girl" your father said "you don't understand how nice it is to be back, and get to finally see my boyfriend I haven't seen in some time" you said "I'm guessing you can't do long distance" you shook your head no "nope I can not, y'all got y'all's bags" you asked, everyone nodded and walked outside with you or at least trying to catch up since you were walking fast.

I Love You....I Guess | Bakugo x black reader✓Where stories live. Discover now