🎶Birthday Sex🎶

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You headed out the door along with Mina, Kyoka, and the guys. You all successfully made it to Sero's car "are you sure we can use his car Mina" you asked getting in "yeeeeah totallyyy" Mina said starting the car, you playfully rolled your eyes and turned to Katsuki "why are we wearing out hero suits" you asked messing with Katsuki's shirt "first I wanted us to look bad ass and stop that" Katsuki said moving your hands off him "Ok y'all I think we almost here" Mina said slowing down the car.

When y'all pulled up you guys saw Camie and four more other people. Y'all got out and walked over to them slowly "Why are y'all walkin slow hurry up" Iman whispered to you and Mina, when you all got closer to them Camie walked to you and just stared at you "babes I know I'm beautiful but don't stare" you said backing up "No you got blood on your nose" Camie said reaching for yo face "you could back-OW FUCK WHY THE HELL ARE PEOPLE PUNCHING MY NOSE" you yelled, you punched her right back real hard too and that's when the rumbling began."GET BACK UP"

Katsuki and Iman were fighting to guys and Mina and Kyoka were fighting with two other girls, luckily the punched wasn't that bed when Camie punched you so your nose wasn't broken, Camie tried to hit you but you pinned he to the and do the same thing you did with Kendo to her "OW OW OWW THIS HURTS" Camie yelled "shut your mouth" you whispered in her ear "BESTIE ARE YOU OK" Mina yelled running to you "Yeah I am but what about you" "I'm good that girl was too weak like the second I punched her it was game over" Mina said looking at her nails, everyone else had walked over with no scratches on them whatsoever "Camie how you gon have to little friends fight when they can't even stand a punch" Iman said kneeling down "OH SHUT YOU PIECE OF- OWWWWW" "Remember who has your arms and break them easily" you tightening your grip on her.

"I PROMISE I WON'T DO ANYTHING TO YOU OR KATSUKI AGAIN JUST LET ME GOO" Camie yelled "Mmmm ok go head" you said letting her go and stepping off her back "Wait are you serious Y/n she could be lying" Kyoka yelled "I know she is just wait", once Camie had gotten up she walked over to Katsuki and kissed him on the cheek. You walked over to Camie and pulled her by her hair "Ohhhh she mad mad" You slammed her to the ground and kicked her in her vaginal area "Now goodbye Camie" you said with a sweet tone in your voice walking away.

Next day April 9 ✨👀👀

You had woken up at 7:15 all happy but again tired, you took a shower and did the rest of your morning routine and got ready

You had woken up at 7:15 all happy but again tired, you took a shower and did the rest of your morning routine and got ready

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The outfit that took to damn long to find but if you don't like it change it

The outfit that took to damn long to find but if you don't like it change it

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