Part 8 (Confusion)

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Scene 15

Aroon and Somsak started getting used to each other presence!

Aroon have a routine of waking up early preparing breakfast for both of them, then heading to the near local market to look for a job! he visited every shop, introduced himself and left his phone number to the business owners hoping that one day they might need him and give him a call! he wasn't successful so far! however, he didn't give up. When it comes to Somsak he spend the whole day with his gang, at night he either stay with them or with his girlfriend! return home late and sleep immediately! he didn't had a chance to see Aroon only when he is not meeting with the gang!

What was really surprising, is that Somsak adapted to Aroon organized rules he set for them! Aroon kept a laundry basket so both of them can put their dirty clothes in it. Somsak had to wash his dirty plate after eating! and do the laundry whenever he is around, the rest of the week when Somsak is out it would be Aroon responsibility. Somsak had to take the trash out every other day, and in return Aroon do the same. little details like these that might seem silly! but its actually Aroon influence that Somsak didn't realize! however, someone else did! it was Fern!

Today, Somsak is home and he have a break from work!

Aroon: are you free?

Somsak: yes, Tom will be here any minute, lets go somewhere and have fun.

The door was knocked! "coming": said Aroon

Tom: hey my beautiful prince, did you miss me like I missed you!

Aroon: stope joking and get in already!

Tom: why is my prince sad?

Aroon: thank God you are both free today I wanna talk to you!

Somsak: what's wrong? why are you sad?

Aroon: Do you want me to be happy when more than a month have past and I still didn't get a job! what should I do? summer vacation will end in a couple months! how I will manage to go to college and pay for my expenses! I'm hopeless! sigh

Somsak: be patient! finding a job without experience can be really hard at the beginning! you just have to keep looking!

Tom: I told you I can help, but you didn't listen!

Aroon: you asked me to join the gang and you know how both me and P Som feel about this!

Tom: oho, my friend there is a difference between a person who actually rob a house and a person who: help the gang search for information, or a simply wait for us at the outside and give us a signal when there is something wrong or police is coming... there is a lot of things you can do to got money without getting involve in the process itself! for instance bring some alcohol and grocery with the person who prepare for our meetings!

Somsak with an upset face: Tom you know better than I do what happened last time when Aroon stayed for less than two hours in one of our gatherings right?

Tom with a loud laugh: you still remember this! you cant be serious. it was just my way to welcome Aroon!

Somsak: my point is I cant trust keeping him in such environment!

Tom: so? do you have an alternative plane?

Somsak: not at the moment, but I will definitely think of something!

Aroon: why don't we try? we will not lose anything!

Tom: there we go!

Somsak: its not a good idea!

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