Chapter 12: Astonishing

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"I'll do whatever it takes"
A phrase that rang like music in Mary's ears.

Zelda despised Faustus, especially ever since their gross misalliance-he dared called marriage. He abused her in every sense of the word, and was a terrible High Priest; it was time for a revelation. With Lilith's help Zelda would unequivocally be able to kill Faustus, ending him and his power trip for the rest of eternity. She had longed to be Head Priestess of the Academy ever since her brother had passed, and it would truly be the highest honour. Zelda had massive plans for the academy and was very often then brains behind Faustus' decisions at the academy-she never received any credit though-typical.

"If you help me kill Faustus-I will help you" Zelda whispered.  "Let's enjoy our coffee first though.." she joked, in attempt to lighten the mood.

Mary threw her head back and let out a hearty chuckle. Zelda and her wit-always impeccable timing. Zelda giggled lowly, loving to hear the sound of Mary's infectious laugh; she knew the both of them working together would be a great pair.  They are powerful woman who are constantly belittled and mistreated by men with big ego's and small dicks.

As Zelda sipped her coffee she kept her eyes on Mary, beginning to mentally trace over the sharp features of her face. Every curve defining and perfectly sculpted.  Her hair had seemed to revert to its natural state, scattered, beautiful, natural curls-quite contrary to her usually groomed coils. She was a very attractive woman-Zelda couldn't deny it-but she pushed down her sapphic thoughts about Mary; for they were friends, and for their plans to work, they needed to stay friends.

"Zelda..." Mary called softly.

Zelda nodded her head in response, signalling for Mary to ask her question. Mary scooted a little closer to Zelda, and looked down at her twitching fingers. 

"I wanted to say-I'm sorry.  I'm sorry I wasn't there to prevent what happened last night," Mary stated nervously. "Mazikeen has been the living, breathing, bane of my existence, for centuries-" She hissed, reminiscent of the pleasure it brought when she tore her heart out.

Zelda gripped Mary's hand within hers and offered a small smile.  "There is nothing you could have done differently Mary.  You ended up saving me in the end anyhow-please don't believe my temporary death is on your hands" She finished, squeezing Mary's hand reassuringly.

Mary looked down at her hand encased under Zelda's and gulped.  Ever since the pair had first met at the school, Mary had felt a strange pull toward Zelda.  Being so close to her in such a tender moment, filled Mary with a tingling warmth.  A warmth-that regrettably-settled in a northern region. She was absolutely and utterly infatuated by the ginger beauty in front of her, wanting nothing more than to protect her for the rest of time.

She knew Zelda could never possibly feel the same way about her, so she buried her true feelings deep. Their friendship is something Mary valued very highly, for she had been alone so long and was happy to have another woman on her side.

"I have had a few dealings with Father Blackwood. Underwhelming to say the least" Mary said, taking a sip of coffee.

Zelda continued to hold onto her hand and Mary's mind was buzzing with happiness. The ginger witch nodded her head and closed her eyes slowly; her head was still killing her, and the light beaming into the room was overbearing. Mary sensed the change in Zelda's mood and withdrew her hand, wanting the woman to be most comfortable. She unintentionally tapped into the woman's thoughts to find out exactly what was going on. She was still hurting-from the accident yes-but Mary accidentally went to deep and saw the hurt Faustus had caused. She mentally slapped herself for mentioning the supine boob.

Mary gently eased the coffee mug out of Zelda's hand, and placed it on the night stand-setting hers beside it. She then got up and walked over the the window, closing the thick drapes to kick out the invasive rays of sun. She turned around and looked at Zelda slumped over in the bed, her dress ruined with dried blood and a rip where the blade had impaled her chest.

Mary knew the woman was hurting and desperately wanted to sleep, but she needed to be cleaned up. With the state she was in, Mary hated to disturb her in any way; but in this case, it was needed.  She had been too exhausted the night before-due to the massive amount of magic she used-to realize how bad a state Zelda was actually in. Mary felt in her bones that she had little to no charge left in her magic, or else she'd clean Zelda up with a snap of her fingers.  She'd syphon it from Zelda, but it'd be days before Zelda'd get her full magic back; when witches died, their magic needed to find its way back to them.

"Zelda," Mary called gently "We need to get you cleaned."

Zelda groaned in response, but knew Mary was right.  It was unhygienic to be stewing in day old blood, and she'd unequivocally need a new dress. Zelda opened her eyes and stared at Mary tiredly.

"I know Zel, I know" Mary whispered, feeling the exhaustion reverberating off of Zelda-her tired eyes giving her away. As Mary turned away briefly Zelda raised her eyebrows; sure, members of her family gave her nicknames, but never the one Mary had just used. It was kind of sweet, she thought.

Mary sat beside her on the bed once again and brushed a few lose curls away from her face. 

"I'll run you a nice hot bath and find you a new outfit. Preferably something more comfortable. Rips are too last season.." Mary joked, causing Zelda to weakly chortle in response.

Zelda slowly sat up again in the bed and nodded her head.  Mary helped her swing her legs off the edge of the bed, and helped her up on her feet.

"Let me know if you feel dizzy, I don't want you falling" Mary said, her grip tightening around Zelda's waist.  Zelda nodded in response and hooked her arm around Mary for stability.

"I think I'll be okay" She breathed. 

Mary looked her over and nodded her head. "To the bathroom we go!"

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