Chapter 13: Abaculus

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"Here, sit here while I run the water" Mary said, easing Zelda onto a small chair in the corner of the bathroom. 

With a huff, Zelda's bottom connected with the chair. Mary held loosely onto Zelda's upper arms: waiting a minute before leaving her side, just in case she decided to slump over face first off of the chair.

"Im steady Mary.." Zelda whispered, reassuring her friend she'd be alright. 

Mary nodded her head and slowly backed away, taking a step toward the bathtub.  She turned both the nozzles and stuck her hand under the stream of water, waiting for the temperature to be perfect.

"Okay, your choice Queenie. Rose, vanilla, or lavender" Mary said, pointing to all the bath oils on the ledge.

Zelda smiled and thought for a moment.  "I think vanilla" she replied softly. It appeared Mary liked to give her nicknames, which usually she'd despise-but didn't mind.

Mary nodded her head and reached up for the brown bottle of liquid; pouring some of its contents into the bath.  Zelda hummed in response as the sweet scent of vanilla enlightened her senses: reminding her of her childhood.  Ever since she was a child her favourite dessert has always been vanilla cake, and her mother had the best recipe.  Zelda would sit in the kitchen while her mother baked, just waiting for the aroma of vanilla cake to waft through the air. She missed her mothers baking, but thankfully it was a recipe Hilda knew all too well, and had mastered over the years. Hildy-Zelda thought. She'd need to get in contact with her sister soon, or else her family would send a search team after her. She knew her sister would pick up on the weakness in her voice if she called now, so she'd leave it until later.

"Okay! everything is all set.  If you need anything, I'll leave the door open a crack, so I can hear you call" Mary said, as she stood up from her kneeled position beside the tub. Zelda wished Mary wouldn't leave her, but she was too embarrassed to ask her to stay.  She was fearful of falling, or even passing out in the tub and sliding under the water.

Mary sensed Zelda's reluctance and tried to read her body language; she felt bad tapping into Zelda's mind and didn't want to do it anymore. However, Mary could see the witch was fighting a mental argument, and desperately wanted to know how Zelda was feeling. She remembered from the night before how she didn't want to be left alone, and perhaps it was the same reason for her discomfort now. Mary gulped and took a step closer to Zelda, deciding to test her luck-or rather-her body language reading skills.

"Or, if you are still worried about being left alone, I can stay if you'd like" She nearly whispered. 

Zelda's head snapped up and her eyes met with Mary's-they were no longer filled with fear, but relief-and her facial features seemed to relax. Zelda nodded her head and sighed happily, glad that Mary had offered to stay without having to ask. Mary smiled at Zelda and held out her hands, palms up, for Zelda to grab onto and pull herself up. 

"Lets turn you around so I can unzip you. Then I'll give you some privacy to undress" Mary said. 

Zelda nodded and laced her fingers between Mary's, using all her strength to hoist herself up.  As she stood on her feet she felt herself begin to sway and instinctively grabbed onto Mary's shoulders, grounding herself.  The pair stood in silence for a moment, making sure Zelda was stable on her feet. 

"Okay, I think i'm steady" Zelda stated, and slowly shuffled her feet, turning her back to Mary.

As Mary's hot fingers collided with the cool skin on Zelda's back, another spark flowed through her and up her arm. She stifled a surprised yelp not wanting to frighten Zelda, and slowly continued to pull the zipper down the length of the gingers back.

"Did you feel that too?" Zelda asked, turning her head to look over her shoulder.

Mary stood stunned, thinking she had been the only one who felt the spark. Mary gulped and quickly nodded her head, letting her fingertips graze lightly down Zelda's back. Her skin was soft like velvet, its milky tone perfectly even, untouched by any harsh marks or lines. Zelda slowly turned on her heel to face Mary-who kept her gaze on the floor tiles, too scared to make eye contact.

"Mary.." Zelda called out gently.  Mary nodded her head, eyes still glued to the floor. "Mary, look at me" Zelda countered.

Mary slowly raised her gaze, her ocean blue eyes landing on Zelda's hazel orbs. Their eyes rested upon each others and their blinking began to slow, Mary found herself lost within Zelda's warm and inviting orbs. She was overcome with a foreign warmth that made her feel whole: made her feel safe.  She hadn't eaten in nearly a weak and her hunger was beginning to consume her; meaning her emotions and physical feelings were amplified.  Becoming overwhelmed by her wanting for Zelda, Mary needed to break eye contact with the witch.  Her eyes settled on her subtle lips, observing as Zelda's bottom lip quivered, sensing she wanted desperately to say something.

"Mary-kiss me.."


I don't know if anyone has ever noticed...but I usually pick one letter, and then name every chapter with a word starting with said letter. 

For whatever reason, I chose A for this fic, and the word "Abaculus" describes a small tile used in a mosaic.

I thought it was quite fitting for this chapter, because this interaction between Mary and Zelda is the first " little tile" in their large relationship "mosaic" you all💕🌹

Kitty xo

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