Chapter 33: Azeryth

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"you're going too stretch me out honey.." Zelda panted as she came down from her high, a small smirk tracing her wet lips.

Mary chuckled as she emerged from underneath the duvet covers, rising to press a kiss too Zelda's lips.  The frisky brunette couldn't explain the sensations she experienced while making love to Zelda; the electricity that coursed through her veins, the warmth of the ginger's touch, her intoxicating scent, just threw Mary over the edge.

Much like the devil himself, tomorrow night's outcome was unpredictable.  Neither of the women would admit it, but they were enjoying each others company too the max-for they knew not what was to come. 

As the two women settled down beside each other in bed, Zelda sighed and nestled into the crook of Mary's neck. She was scared, and truthfully she had no idea if she would even exist after tomorrow night.  If one thing went wrong with their plan, one flaw, she could lose her life; the devil always kept his word.

"penny for them?" Mary whispered, as she ran her fingers through Zelda's hair. Aside from her moans of pleasure, the usually talkative ginger had been noticeably quiet all night.

"I'm just a little anxious about tomorrow is all-" Zelda replied softly. Mary nodded her head and pressed a kiss to Zelda's temple.

"Ever-" Mary started, but was interrupted by a loud knock on the door. Zelda gripped tightly onto Mary's forearm and looked into her eyes, showing minimal signs of fright.

"Who could that be? its past midnight" Zelda whispered, visibly concerned.

"I'll go, just wait here" Mary said with a small smile, in attempt to soothe her lovers worry. Zelda nodded her head and sat up in bed, pulling the covers up around her. Last time something like this had happened, Zelda was nearly killed by three of Lucifers subjects. She hated to give into the fear of something so pitiful, but she couldn't help but be nervous.

As Mary reached for the door handle, she could sense the magic radiating off whoever was on the other side. She inhaled deeply and quickly swung the door open, a gust of wind blowing the hair away from her face.

"Hello mummy" a tall, light haired man, with a pearly white toothed smile spoke.

Mary's mouth fell open, "Az-Azeryth?" the brunette stuttered. With a sly grin and a hearty chuckle, the man slithered past a stunned Mary and waltzed into the cabin.

Azeryth was one of Lilith's oldest spawn, and one of the only incubi she had any sort of connection with. Centuries ago he had gotten into a massive quarrel with Lucifer and was banished; meaning Lilith hadn't been able too communicate with him.

"What're you doing here?" Lilith asked as she closed the door, turning on her heel too spot Azeryth making himself comfortable on the chair in front of the fire.

He smiled and smoothed out the creases on the front of his blazer, "how about a drink?"

Lilith shook her head and waltzed over too the liquor cabinet, fetching two glasses. She popped the cork on her favourite bottle of whiskey and topped off both glasses. Walking back toward Azeryth she extended one of the glasses too him, before taking a seat across from him. The demon tilted his head back and emptied the glass' contents into his mouth, slamming the glass down on the coffee table.

While he was occupied Mary wanted too ensure Zelda would steer clear of her unpredictable son.

Zelds, please stay in the bedroom, and don't make a sound. I will explain later, I promise.

Mary's telepathic imprint connection with Zelda only went one way, but oh how the brunette wished she could hear Zelda reply. Despite the small flaw, Mary knew her message had been received and that her lover would listen.

"It's simple mummy, I'm here too kill Lucifer" the well dressed man spoke.

Mary had too conceal her shock, for she wanted absolutely nothing to interfere with what had been planned for tomorrow evening. If one aspect went wrong and Lucifer caught onto what was going to happen, he unequivocally kill Zelda. The thought made Mary sick, and there is no way in heaven she'd let Zelda get hurt,

"What! that is ludicrous, you could never pull it off" Mary started, but was cut off by a flash of light blinding her.

Her son had pulled out a blade from the breast pocket of his jacket. Mary's mouth dropped, for her off-spring seemed to be two steps ahead of her without knowing it. The blade he had pulled from his jacket wasn't just any old blade, it was Azrael's blade of death. The only sword that could kill any celestial being that roamed within the mortal plain. Mary had been trying to locate that blade for days, it was to be their one up on Lucifer.

"H-how'd you find it?" Mary stuttered.

Mary, Mary?

As Azeryth droned on and on about how he located the sword Mary couldn't believe she was hearing Zelda's voice in her thoughts.

Zelds, baby, I can hear you!

Is everything alright? what's going on?

I will explain everything later just- please Zelds-keep quiet and stay hidden.

Okay honey-

Mary then tuned back into her son. He had finished his story and was staring at her awaiting a reaction.  Little did he know she had missed his whole spiel, and had no idea how to respond. 

"Why are you here?" Mary asked, tipping 

"I have come here because, I need your help killing the bastard"

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