Just A Girl

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Jirou POV
Jirou yawns in her dorm, picking up the bag full of her manga. School seemed to have dragged on forever since she was awaiting the moment after school where she’d tell Aizawa sensei that she’s leaving, so she can unlock the glorious shojou manga section at the library. She hums to herself and she unlocks her dorm door to head out. As she locks it up again, she sees Kaminari coming out of his dorm room, yawning. Ah, crap! She thinks to herself, in a state of panic. Ignore him… he won’t notice m- “Ah! Hey Jirou!” Kaminari calls to her, grinning and waving at her. Jirou freezes like a statue, unable to move but she turns around quickly, hiding the bag behind her. “A-ah… Uh, hey 0-watt bulb.” She answers, making sure the bag wasn’t visible. “Aw, another nickname… But hey! What’cha doing?” Kaminari asks her, Jirou could recognize the curious look in his eyes. “Ah, just going to go to Aizawa sensei.” She answers, looking back, praying that he wouldn’t ask- “Oh? Where are you going?” Kaminari asks her, Jirou felt like knocking Kaminari out unconscious then running away, but that wouldn’t be in the least bit hero like, so that wasn’t a good option. “Hm, on nowhere, just the library…” Jirou answers, trying to make it as boring as possible, wishing deeply that Kaminari would lose interest and leave her be. “Ohh?? Those still exist?” Kaminari asks, looking shocked and Jirou bursts out laughing. “Phhhttt! Of course they do! Geez! Where do you think Bakugou tutored Kirishima?!” she answers in a fit of giggles. She seems to have forgotten her wish for Kaminari to go away. “Welp, I’m going to go, so see ya.” She states and turns around to leave, but the thing she dreaded happened. “Hey! I haven’t been to the library since I was like, a kid! I wanna check it out too! Wait up!” Kaminari calls out to her and she freezes and turns around. Knocking him out unconscious was yet again, another viable option. No, gotta think hero-like! Jirou convinces her mind, so instead of knocking him out, “Ugh, geez, you’re so clingy, fine.” Jirou scoffs, putting up an act. “Yay!” Kaminari says happily, catching up to the purplette and following her out. “So what’s in the bag?” Kaminari asks her and she smacks him in the arm. “Mind your own business Dummy-nari.” She huffs and Kaminari laughs. They both go over to the teacher, who was… still in the class since dismissal time, in his sleeping bag. Once they get permission, Kaminari asks Jirou. “Do you think that one day Aizawa might morph into a butterfly?” Jirou snickers. “There’s a chance!” she answers and they go out of the school grounds together. “Hmm, so Jirou. What is in that bag?” Kaminari asks her, once again and Jirou hisses. “I said that it’s none of your buisness Kaminari.” She huffs at him, quite annoyed. This was her secret to keep, not his to share with. “Oh okay!” Kaminari answers with a smile and that assured Jirou that he wasn’t going to ask again. Hopefully.
Kaminari POV
Kaminari was quite curious about whatever was in the bag that Jirou was holding, but he knows when to shut up… hopefully. “So anyways, what’s going on with you?” Kaminari asks her, changing the topic of the conversation quickly. “Ah? Oh, nothing much…” Jirou answers, her face flusters for some odd reason but Kaminari decides not to mention anything and continues walking. “So, Valentines day…” Kaminari says, changing the topic again, trying to grasp hold of the awkward conversation. “Hm, what?” She asks him, and suddenly violet eyes were looking at him. “Um…” Kaminari stammers, and she just scoffs, “Geez.” she tells him and he huffs, “Well, wanna grab a coffee before we head to the library?” Kaminari asks her. “We did that like, yesterday,” Jirou points out and Kaminari sighs. “Jirouuu, what can we talk about, this is so awkward!” Kaminari complains to her and she rolls her eyes. “Fine, so what did you think about class today, learning about quantum physics.” Jirou asks him and he thinks back. “I think I fell asleep in science…” Kaminari mumbles back. Jirou snorts. “Exactly, you still have marks of the ink mustache Mina drew on you before waking you up.” Jirou points to him. “Wait what?” Kaminari asks her, wiping under his nose to get any excess ink off. “Why didn’t you tell me?” He complains and she snickers, “It was more fun not to.” She answers.
Jirou POV
Jirou laughs at Kaminari, “Geez, did I get it all off?” He asks her, Jirou looks up at him and nods. “Yup, you got it all off.” Jirou answers, and Kaminari stares at her. “I don’t really believe you, but fine.” Kaminari chuckles a bit and Jirou pokes him on the cheek with her jacks. “C’mon, I mean, you didn’t tell me about the mustache in the first place up to this point, so why would I?” Kaminari huffs at her. “Fair point, dumbass.” She says, a smirk. They continue to head off to the library, ignoring everything and laughing and chatting together, like friends and idiots, though, Kaminari was mostly doing the idiot role. “Ah, we’re here!” Kaminari remarks, looking up from their chat and looking at the library in front of them. “Wow, so this is what the library looks like.” Kaminari says, looking up at the sign labeled ‘Public Library’ but it was a bit old and faded so it looked more like, ‘Pu  ic L b a ry’  instead. “Ohh, nice, all we need, a Puicbary.” Kaminari says with a grin to Jirou, who burst out laughing at his remark. “Geez, I gottta s-stop laughing b-before we go in.” She giggles and Kaminari smiles widely at her, making get an odd feeling, and she blushes. She ignores this feeling immediately.
Kaminari POV
Kaminari just grins, feeling proud of himself for making her laugh so hard when he wasn’t in dummy-mode as she still affectionately calls it. “Oh geez…” Jirou says again and she looks at Kaminari. “Okay idiot, don’t make me laugh in the library ‘kay? Or else I’m going to get kicked out. Then kick your ass.” She warns him. Kaminari nods, “Okay!” He agrees, and he enters in with her. Once they were both in, she looks at him, “I’m going to return my books, so just do whatever.” Jirou instructs him and he nods, giving her a thumbs-up. Though, in the inside he felt like a 4-year old kid being told by his mother to not make any trouble. He goes over to the manga section immediately, because who needs books when you have manga there for you, in all it’s graphic paneled glory.
Jirou POV
Now that I got him out of the way… Jirou thinks to herself, making her way over to the book returns bin and quickly but carefully shoving them into the manga portion of the book returns bin.  “Phew, that’s over with.” She whispers quietly to herself, and she goes over to the romance novel section, being cautious and wary of Kaminari, just in case. I’ll check out the shojou manga later… no doubt that Kaminari’s in the manga section already. She sighs to herself, knowing that the boy doesn’t read very much, unless it has panels and is known to human kind as comics, manga, or doujinshi, and stuff. Jirou looks at the different options, seeing that the library also had an LGBTQ+ themed place for books. (I don’t know, the public library near my house has it and I’m all for it taking out them books on gay boyos insert lenny face) She just enjoys the feeling of all the books around her, but she really wanted to go to the shojou manga section, she takes the book called ‘All the Bright Places’ and puts it in her bag. She looks around at books and judges them by their covers and their back flap. “Jirou~!” she hears a whisper running behind her and she immediately jumps from the romance novels to the mystery section, pretending to be interesting. “Ah~? Jirou I didn’t know that you liked mystery! Cool!” He whispers to her and she shrugs, She actually isn’t in the least bit interested but he doesn’t need to know that. She pretends to be interested in a book called, ‘The mystery of the mystery quirk’ it sounded lame, but it was the first book she found on the shelf. “Well, I’ll be over there reading mmkay?” Kaminari tells her and she nods. “Alright then.” Jirou answers, but despite this she sees immediately an opportunity to grab some shojou and run away in victory.  She watches as Kaminari goes away to find somewhere to read and she immediately runs over to the shojou aisle. Her mind was busy screaming victory, that she didn’t notice the blonde looking over at her, confused and curious. The bad part is, this curiosity may just as well be her defeat.
Jirou POV
Jirou feels her fangirl inside erupt when she steps into the manga section. Her excitement when she finally can get her hands on the issues and volumes on the wall and she looks through a whole bunch of books that she wanted to try. “We were there…” Jirou mumbles to herself when she picks up the series, last time when she read the last volume it managed to tug at her heartstrings so she decides to give the next volume a try. She puts as many in her bag as she can fit and manage to read while school is still in progress and steps out, looking around before running over to the self check-out area so that she can take the books out. She doesn’t really look around her, her sight, vision and focus was all on getting to the self check-out and not getting caught by Kaminari so she doesn’t notice the other guy in her way until she crashes into the other person. “Ack!” She cries out, forgetting that she’s in the library. She doesn’t fall to the floor since her training helps her maintain balance and learn how to react quickly but the other person did and she let go of the bag while falling so her books went flying, but thankfully none of them fell in a position that would destroy the book or injure it. “Ack! Are you okay!” Jirou whisper shouts to the person, who rubs the back of his head. Jirou’s vision was a bit hazy from the fall and she rubs her eyes. “I would ask you the same question.” The other person answers, and their voice sounds awfully familiar and Jirou stops rubbing her eyes to see a not-so unfamiliar blonde picking up her books for her then looking up. “You dro-” Kaminari says and his jaw drops and he sees Jirou, Jirou stares back, eyes wide, deep embarrassment rushes through her. “Ack!” She whispers and Kaminari just stares at her.
Kaminari POV
Oh my god. Jirou… Kyouka Jirou, likes shojou manga. Kaminari’s mind blows as he stares at the eyes of his indigoette crush. “Um.” Kaminari stammers, but Jirou grabs the manga from his hands and stomps off to the self check-out. Kaminari just stands there, dazed, looking as Jirou took her books out from the library. Kaminari dazes off, staring at her, forgetting that he had a volume of Food Wars! Shokugeki no Souma in his hands, he goes to the self checkout, brain dead.
Jirou POV
Jirou was more than anything scared. She didn’t know what to do. Now that he’s found out, everything is going to change, isn’t it? Jirou checks her books out and wanted very very dearly to just leave the library without him but something held her back. She didn’t want it to hold her back but she turns to him, and he was staring at her in an almost creepy fashion, but she just looks back, as if testing him. Jirou leaves then, deciding that’s the best thing to do.  She walks out of the library and goes through the sliding door but she feels a hand hold her back, “Jirou wait!” Kaminari tells her and then the alarm for the sides of the exit go off since Kaminari forgot to actually take the book out. “BEE BEE BEE BEE BEE!” The alarms go off and a librarian goes over to Kaminari, looking deeply unimpressed and Jirou laughs. She laughs super hard and she looks at Kaminari.  “Phhht! You forgot to-!” All her worries go away when she sees the way Kaminari apologizes to the librarian and takes out the book, Jirou leaves because she gets kicked out of the library for laughing to hard and they create a scene, laughing together when they exit the library. “Phht! And they ahahah! You completely forgot!” Jirou giggles and Kaminari pokes her in the arm, “You-you got kicked out for laughing so hard!” He laughs at her and he gives her a bright smile. Jirou lightens up but then remembers that Kaminari knows. “So.” She says, suddenly looking away from the boy beside her. “Now you know.”  The tension could be cut with a knife, the silence and Jirou was wondering whether or not Kaminari was going to laugh at her, she slumps down but Kaminari gives her a small smile instead. “So…” He says, laughing a bit. “I shoulda known Jirou…” Kaminari says, grinning at her and she looks at him. “H-huh?” She asks, stammering on her words, for the first time ever, it was her turn to not know a thing about what he was trying to express.

I'm so so so so so sorry... I know it's been a long long time since I last updated this story... I've been losing a lot of my motivation lately to write any stories but I'm trying to get back into it. I'm sorry that I'm not gonna put out a chapter for Faked since it's been hard for me to think up of ideas to write about, so instead here are 3 chapters worth of writing in TSWL. I hope you understand, I don't want to put anyone down... Thanks for reading this story... I'm really happy you all like it -Chrysdamessedupauthor/AwamiTheYandere

Thunderstruck with Love (or My Secret Heartbeat) *Kamijirou*Where stories live. Discover now