{27} Emptiness

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A meeting occurred not long after Norman had... You know. Everyone was miserable. It had been five minutes since they had all met up in the dining room and nothing was said. Alex was looking down at the ground with a sad expression on her face. Ray was sitting in one of the seats with his head hung low. Don, Gilda, and Emma stood nearby looking just as sad as the other two. Alex was a little surprised that she managed to stay up on her feet this long.

When Norman had...  Left, Alex collapsed from the overwhelming negative emotions she had felt. Gilda and Emma tried their best to comfort her even though they were feeling sad and upset as well. They knew how much Norman had meant to Alex, or they at least had an idea. Norman and Alex were always attached at the hip while growing up. You would never see one without the other. Now that they were finally separated, Alex didn't know what to do, think, or even say. She relied on Norman more than she should've, she knew that, but it didn't stop her from continuing to do so. Like she's said before, he was her other half. Being without out was something that wasn't right.

The first person finally spoke up to break the silence. The person being Ray. He didn't bring his head up, just continued to hang his head as he said, "Screw it all. Let's all just die here."

Emma was surprised by his blunt statement, "Huh?"

"What are you saying, Ray?" Alex asked. Her voice was quiet. You would barely be able to hear it in regular situations, but the room was so quiet that it wasn't hard to make out at all. You could almost hear the silence.

"We can't do this," Ray replied. "We're on a cliff too high to jump off of. The only bridge that leads to the other side is connected to the HQ. And most of all... I'm tired."

"Wha-" Don started to say.

"I'm just exhausted." Ray cut him off.

The feeling was definitely a mutual one. Alex was tired after everything that happened too. Not just physically tired, but emotionally tired. The things that had happened took a very big toll on her. She knew that she couldn't give up though. Norman wanted them to escape so they were going to. That's when Alex remembers the device she still had. She held it up for Ray to see, "But this-"

"Don't care. You can have it. Run if you'd like. I'm no longer part of the plan," Ray finally looked up at them. This allowed them to be able to see his face. He certainly looked tired. He had dark circles under his eyes and you could tell that he had given up, "I'm sorry, Emma, Alex."

There was a moment of silence until Alex turned around and left the dining room. It took her a bit of time since she was using crutches. She tried to leave as fast as she could without falling. She could hear Gilda calling after her. She didn't look back. She continued to make her way all the way into the infirmary. Once she made it there, she laid on her bed and stared at the wall far away from her before she finally went to bed.

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