Always 2nd Platoon

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"Here we are Florrie" Speirs said as he had led her to the shower.

"Thank you Sir" she hesitated before walking in, so Spires patted her shoulder "Don't worry Florrie I'm going to keep guard for you and there's a seperate shower set up at the back for you" he smiled as her face lit up.

"What are we waiting for come on!" she said exctidily as the sweat glistened on her forehead with her rosy cheeks. He laughed and followed after her as they turned the corner.

"Okay sir, I'll go inside you stay here at all costs or I'm gonna murder you and it will be bloody" she half smiled as she walked din as he shouted after her "I don't doubt it".

Flo walked into the shower and it was one of the best feelings she'd ever had, privacy. She stripped off her uniform that she'd been in for 2 months, looking at it she grimaced it was thick with blood and mud, it had holes all around it due to it being so thin, you couldn't even see the red cross on the armband anymore. Flo sighed and took her plaits out of her hair and set her helmet on the chair with her satchel.

Her head felt so much relief when the plaits were out that she sighed in relief so loudly Speirs called out "Everything okay Florrie?", "Yes sir" she called back a tad embarrassed but she chuckled it off and stepped into the hot water, on a chair in the room was soap and shampoo for her.

She let herself cry as the water ran over her, knowing no one could see her tears, she cried for Hoobler, Bill, Joe, Penkala, Skippy, Julian, smokey and buck but she also cried for everything, every feeling of despair, hurt and pain that she had felt since they dropped into Holland.

She also had a wee moment of self pity, here she was a girl of 21, if she admitted it to herself very ill, slightly scared and she just wanted a cuddle from her mum, of course she had the boys but it wasn't the same thing, she missed her brothers and sister and her dad and she just wanted to be around the fireplace with them drinking hot chocolate and laughing at her dad's bad jokes, she hadn't had a letter from her mum for a while either... Maybe that was it, she just wanted some news from them.

Once all the tears had come out, Flo scrubbed all the grime off her, there was about 2 layers of thick bloody mud that scrubbed off, the floor was filthy, as was her hair by the time she had washed the grit out from it her hair was a different colour. As she turned off the shower and put her towel on, Flo looked back at her manky uniform and sighed as she knew that was her only thing to wear when suddenly a hand passed through the curtain and there was a new unfirom.

Smiling thankfully Flo called out "Thanks Sir" and the hand waved in a way that said 'not a problem'. This new uniform was a bit big but Flo just took the belt from her old one and fastened it so the trousers didn't hit the ground, she had been given clean underwear as well thank the lord, as she slipped on the new medic armband she realised how much more she felt like herself, taking out her thermometer from her satchel she took her temp, 103° 'come down slightly' she thought but she still knew it was shitty.

Slipping her satchel over her head so it rested on her hip, her throughly washed hair in plaits and her helmet on Flo made her way out to Captain Speirs who looked shocked at his favourite girls transformation.
"Florrie you look..... Clean" he said eyeing her sneakily up and down
and mentally face palming he said clean instead of beautiful, making Flo blush and giggle slightly.

"Thank you Sir, its just what I needed" now I should grab the supplies from where Luz is I heard the rations have arrived" she said as Speirs nodded his head and checked his watch "Well Private Hilton, you have 20 minutes left and believe me I will be checking" he smirked slightly as Flo rolled her eyes smiling and started walking towards the building Luz was in until she heard Malark say defeated "Alright 2nd platoon on me!"

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