Drop In

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Flo sat there with her right hand tightly gripped in Gene's and her left hand clutching her medic satchel. 

Soon enough the sky started to light up with bombs and Flo hardly knew what was happening when she was suddenly pulled to her feet and equipment checks were being shouted.

She felt Gene give a hard tug on her kit and make sure everything was secure before she in turn checked Winters and put her arm on his left shoulder.

Ten okay!

Nine okay!

Eight okay!

Seven okay!

Six okay!

Five okay!

Four okay!

Three okay!

Two okay! Flo shouted as she started to feel the adrenaline build up

One okay!

And then the light went green and she saw Winters jump. Then she felt her feet move towards the door and jump.

She was looking for somewhere to land and thought she could see a field. As she drew closer she realized it was water, she panicked and tried to maneuver her chute but to no avail.

Flo took a deep breath and hit the water, her pack started dragging her down. When she opened her eyes under the water she screamed. In front of her was Jimmy Diaz from fox company. Dead.

While her body was fighting to untie her parachute, her mind was racing as she grabbed onto Jimmy's knife, she quickly cut herself free and grabbed Jimmy's dog tags. She was trying to move upward and get her pack off her back when suddenly she felt hands grab her pack and hoist her out the water.

When she looked up to her relief it was Tab and Shifty and Skinny. "How did you guys find me?" she asked shocked.

"Well Fizz we jumped straight after you and I guess we all caught the same wind" said Tab

"Well thanks guys, that would have been a lot harder if you weren't there" she said giving them all a long hug.

"Does anyone know where we are or where the CP is?" asked Shifty

"I know a bit, I studied the maps before we left, anyone have a torch or matches?" Flo said

"Yeah, I got one here Fizz" replied Skinny

"Thanks mate"

As the 4 huddled together they realized they were about 15 miles out of the jump zone and 20 miles out of the CP.

"At least we know we can walk 12 miles" Shifty said humourlessly

"Okay lads lets get going," Flo said as she brought out her compass and started walking, Shift, Skinny and Tab followed her.

About 4 hours into their journey, they heard German voices and they all got down quickly. Unfortunately in the dark, they couldn't see where the jerrys were and one of them tripped over shifty.

Out of the 5 Germans Tab took down 2 with his quick thinking, as it was still dark the other 2 only knew shifty,Tab and Skinny were there. The 3rd still was layed on the ground confused when he reached out and accidentally caught Flo's leg. She grabbed her knife but wasn't quick enough as he jumped on top of her and started choking her. She tried to prize his hands away but he was too strong, she tried kicking him but he was too strong. She could see stars and felt her life slowly ebbing away from her, she thought of her family, she would never see Annie and Joey grow up, she would never dance with Alicia, Libby or Juliette again, she would never laugh with her boys in easy again, she wouldn't see the end of the war but the thing that hurt her most of all was she would never see Speirs again and would never know if he returned her feelings. That thought made her kick her leg up high and hit the mans head, distracting him as she punched his nose, pushed him off and stabbed him.

She quickly looked round to see the other 4 Germans dead and Tab lying on the ground with Shifty and Skinny trying to press bandages to his arm.

"What we got Shift?" she asked as she quickly pulled out her equipment

"He was stabbed in the shoulder, will he be alright" Shift asked worriedly

"Keep talking to him for me Shift and Skin, Tab can you hear me, it's Fizz, keep your eyes open love" she cooed to him.

Flo did a quick assessment and found that he hadn't lost too much blood as to need plasma and the wound wasn't deep. She poured Sulpha on it and bandaged it up tightly. "Can you walk Tab?"

"Yeah, I'm fine Fizz, really" he replied

And with that and 5 dead Germans behind them, they continued their trek. So as not to waste water, Flo just wiped the blood on her trousers, as did Shifty and Skinny.

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