Death and Happiness

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Flo was brushing her teeth when she heard the shot and Hooblers whoops of joy.

He came tumbling towards her with Pat and Leo on his tail saying "Fizz I've finally got one, I've got a luger. I shot this Kraut on his horse from a distance, I'm as good a shot as Shifty"

Flo couldn't help but smile at his enthusiasm "Well done Hoobs, I'm very proud of you" she said in a slightly teasing tone, but Hoobs smiled and ruffled her hair as he went past to tell Lip, Shifty and Bill of his great achievement. Flo chuckled to herself as she spat out her toothpaste and settled down in her foxhole to sort through her medic satchel. If there was one thing Sobel taught her, it was that a tidy medic satchel was key.

She pulled out bandages, morphine, sulpha, penicillin (that she still couldn't bring herself to take in case the men needed it), thermometer and her scissors and started to organise them in order of importance. Quite happy in her task Flo was only disturbed when a pop went off.

She immediately ducked down in her foxhole glancing out in the white stillness to see if she could spot any jerry's, being alone in her foxhole made her feel quite vulnerable.

Suddenly she heard "MEDIC!" being screamed from what she could identify as Bucks voice. Flo stood up and started running in the general direction of the voice, Gene suddenly appeared by her side and asked "Where is it coming from, they need to call again", Flo shrugged and looked around until she then heard Lip shout "Doc, Fizz!".

Flo and Gene suddenly came onto the scene in which Hoobler was lying on the snow with blood pouring out his leg.

The 2 medics immediately got to work with Lip quickly moving out the way, Flo started cutting his clothing while Gene gave him morphine and asked what had happened.

Buck replied "His luger was in his pocket, went off and hit his leg"

Flo shook her head, focused on what she was doing, he had so many clothes on and the commotion around her was making it difficult to concentrate.

Eventually, Flo made it through the clothes and started pouring sulpha on while Gene started trying to find the bullet.

"I can't see a thing, we need to get him to an aid station" Gene said quietly to her and Lip so as not to panic Hoobs.

As Flo was pressing a bandage to the wound, Buck said sharply "Florence, Doc. He's dead"

Flo felt his pulse and nodded. "Perco get a jeep" she ordered with her voice devoid of emotion. She then walked away from the bloody scene.

A little while later, Gene came and wrapped an arm around her small frame. He didn't try to talk as he knew Flo would say something when she was ready.

Which she did, "He shot himself in the leg?" Flo said in a disbelieving voice, she couldn't believe the human life was so fragile.

Gene nodded and hugged her closer, eventually allowing her to fall asleep.

Flo sat in a foxhe cuddled up to Luz as she was listening to Muck tell one of his stories, he started with "I swam across Niagra falls" to which Flo just rolled her eyes and scoffed.

"No I really did"

Luz then asked with a harsh tone "Then how come your alive? You couldn't survive that waterfall?"

Muck looked at him with a proud look "No I didn't swim over the edge you doofus, I Swan across the lake at the top"

Flo sliglty chuckled as she zoned out of their conversation, until Luz shook her awake to go wish Lt Peacock a good time in America.

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