Music Box

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"And where were you last night Pvt Florence?" Asked Shifty with a cheeky smile as he cleaned himself up at the water pump in the center of town.

"I was sleeping Shift, why? Were you up to something?" She asked smiling and winking at him as he turned red and the rest of the boys started laughing.

"If you must know, I was sleeping," Flo said with a final tone, so they knew they wouldn't get any further answers out of her. 

"Come on Fizz, lets go explore the town," Hoobler and Penk said standing up.

"Okay, lemme grab my canteen though, one sec"

They started wandering down streets and going into little businesses and cafes. They found a cute little antique shop with loads of trinkets Flo wanted to stuff in her duffel bag, but couldn't afford. And they wanted to stuff themselves with danish pastries but that would make them sick.

All together though they were having a nice time, relaxing and joking with one another. As they were passing by another trinket shop, Flo noticed a little box in the window, "Ooo boys let me have a look in here please".

"Noo floss, this will be the 5th antique shop you will have dragged us into" complained Hoobs

"Yeah, i thought we were gonna go get ice cream now," Penk said looking like a little boy

"I just noticed something in this shop, that i want to have a quick look at. 5 seconds" she said running into the shop.

"Where have we heard that before?" Hoobs said sarcastically to Penk

They waited about 10 minutes before Flo came out holding a wooden box and smiling like a mad thing.

"Flo, what on earth is that?" Penk said looking at the intriguing little box

"Its a music box," she said so excitedly that the 2 men couldn't help but smile as her youth shone through the blood-soaked uniform she was wearing.

"Look, its got music notes carved into the box on top, then you wind it up and open the box, then the piano spins round and it plays 'Over the rainbow', how beautiful is that" she looked on the music box in wonder.

Her boys smiled, they couldn't begrudge her something that made her happy. And it obviously was cheering her up from the situation she was in, so no they wouldn't be angry about her making them wait 10 minutes, they wouldn't tell her she couldn't play it as it could give away their position. They would let her have her little bit of peace, in a mad world.

Their Fizz- Band of brothersWhere stories live. Discover now