Forever - 3

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I smiled. "And that is", I told myself, "why you should never judge a person after the first meeting." I looked at my clock. 7am. Still too early to get out of bed, even for me. I turned around in my bed again and thought back to what else Jungkook told me. They had a new girl at school. What was her name again? Ah, right: Leo. I had asked him jokingly if she was pretty. Very serious he had looked at me: "Yes. But not at all as pretty as you, my flower girl." I knew he meant it. He then also told me that I probably would like her a whole lot since she reminded him of me so much. I looked forward to meeting her. At least one other girl in our school's group. I liked being surrounded by the boys quite much and I usually befriended males faster than females. But a boy would never get how it is to have a period. Or why the sudden mood changes. I could talk about this with the Leo-girl. He got me curious on her. I thought about it a little longer until I fell asleep again for another hour.

At 9am I finally got up for real. I rubbed my eyes, still tired. After changing and having my breakfast I laid down at the lounger in the garden. It was weekend and the sun was shining brightly. I took out my phone to listen to some music and saw that Jungkook send me some photos. Curiously I opened them. They were from the party. It seemed like a good party. Or shall I say one with a lot of alcohol? I sighed. Could he try to know his limits at least once? A bit mad I tried to call him. He didn't pick up. I tried to call Jimin instead, knowing that he probably was around somewhere. But reaching him was another failure. So I texted Jungkook to call me and decided to rather enjoy the sunshine instead.

Another two hours passed by as my smartphone rang. "Still alive, Einstein?", I asked after picking up. "Yes, love", Jungkook's voice could be heard. Not sober, definitely. I couldn't hear any background noises, so I assumed that he wasn't at the party anymore. "The party's over, I guess." A undefined noise came from the other side but I interpreted it as a yes. "Be honest: How many shots?", I continued. "Lost count", he answered. So much for a math-genius, I thought. "Kookie", I started in a rather sharp tone but got interrupted: "Katy?" I recognized Namjoon's voice. "Joon?", I asked, nonetheless. "Sorry...", he said, "guess, your lovely boyfriend shouldn't talk to you right now. He is... a bit out of it." "I figured", I said ironically. Then I sighed – two more weeks and I once again could take the drinks out of his hands if he wanted one too much. "Make sure he drinks enough water before he gets to bed. And to have a good excuse when calling me again." "I will. Don't worry about him. It got worse when you left but I am sure it will get better once you're back as well." I nodded, only somehow realizing Namjoon couldn't see it. "Anyways, thanks", I said, "Bye then." "Bye." I hung up. "Time to really get back home to them", I thought. I never would have thought I would have to worry about him because of this when we meet the second day.


He was there the next day after we meet in front of the principal's office. He leaned against the fence, obviously wanting to look cool. I told him to come a bit earlier than the others to show him around. "At least on time", I told myself and went over to him. "Hi", he said, grinning widely. I still didn't like that attitude. "Congrats, you found the garden", I said but then scolded myself. No need to be harsh on him. So I quickly added: "Sorry. Wasn't a very good day up til now. Anyways, follow me when you're done with burdening that old fence." He looked at me confused and I just turned around, headed towards where we wanted to put up the new flowerbed. Sometime later he walked next to me and then – for the first time somehow shyly – said: "The fence is alright. I checked." I couldn't avoid a smile coming up on my face. Maybe he wasn't so arrogant after all. Somewhat touched by this I turned to him and said: "It's old but very stable." After a short pause I added: "Maybe we just met at the wrong time. Let's start over, shall we?" He nodded and I continued: "I am Katy. The leader of the school garden workshop. I obviously love flowers. And yesterday I heard somebody called Jungkook would like to help us out with our new flowerbed." He now smiled too: "Well, that's me. I am... just a normal student, I guess." I laughed. Then suddenly curious I asked: "How in the world did you crash the table by the way?" He blushed and looked at the floor. "I... I might have been... Well..." Jungkook took a deep breath and tried again: "See, I was mad. There was this guy who said bad things about one of my friends. So I told him to shut up. He pushed me backwards. And I guess, somehow, I must have tripped because I fell against that table and it broke. That's when the teacher came in. And that's that."

I looked at him. "And you?", I heard myself say, "Are you alright?" Ok, wherever this came from, restart or not, why should I even care? It obviously was very nice of him to defend his friend but whatever. Right? "I...", his shy voice got me back to reality, "My elbow has an open wound. But apart from that... Yes." He looked into my eyes and I suddenly felt my heart race. "Let me see it", I asked him. Still shy he rolled up his sleeves and showed me. I looked at it and then said: "I guess I have the right lotion for you. I can give it to you later. But for now, let's focus on the work. We won't do anything else apart from planning details today anyways so don't worry. And in case you don't want them to see it: Roll down the sleeves again, the others are coming. I ordered you here a bit earlier for introducing you to this place." He nodded and did as I said.

When the others reached us, I told them about our newbie. I didn't mention why he was here. My group was happy to have somebody new around and Jungkook really tried his best that day. He had some good ideas even though he barely had a clue about plants. And I slowly figured that he wasn't that arrogant bad boy that I first thought of at all. He rather was very soft and vulnerable inside and tried to not let others know about it too much. After all, he wanted to be one of those "cool guys". I smiled about that. And felt that I might like him for real this time.

---Back to the presence---

Well, that's how it goes. Before I knew it, I was head over heels for him. But then another sudden ring on my phone shocked me. It was my host family's daughter, asking me where I would be. Surprised I realized it was 1pm already. I simply forgot time over all the dreaming and worrying. I promised to be there in a second to accompany her to our usual jogging and got up.

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