Forever - 9

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The next day I heard a knocking at my door. Thinking it probably was the girls again I told the visitor to come in. But what I saw was nothing like what I expected. At first, I only saw a giant teddy bear entering. Then I realized the arms around it. And the person behind it, obviously struggling with it. A face appeared behind the plushie. "Hi!" I looked into Jimin's smiling eyes. I couldn't help but smiling back. "I was told to bring you this." I wanted to ask him who told him so, as I heard another voice: "It is so embarrassing carrying this thing around. Don't dare to reject it." Yoongi's face showed up in the door frame now as well. I had to laugh – just to immediately stop again. It hurt as well. Jimin was right beside me in a split second, shoving the bear towards his friend. "Hey!", that one protested as he almost stumbled with the sudden weight in his arms. But Jimin didn't care. He looked at me in sorrow: "Are you alright?" "You're really asking this just now? Look at me!", I replied. Yoongi chuckled. "But it's ok, I guess", I added and Jimin looked a bit more relieved. Somehow, the bear now finally got stuffed in one corner of the room and his new carrier came over as well. "We were so worried as Jungkook called the others out", Jimin began and I figured that another stream of words was about to come out of his mouth. I looked to Yoongi, helpless. "Ok, we get it, Jimin", this one said, "We're here for a reason, remember?" I raised an eyebrow as Jimin took a deep breath. Then he said: "Talk to Jungkook. Please." I looked at him upset: "Why?" "Because he has to tell you something." "Oh really? He'd better be able to explain all this then!" I felt the anger again. "He will", Jimin reassured me. "I get you", I now heard Yoongi, "he hurt you. And he would be a complete asshole if what you know would be all. But if that would be the case – Why would we be here to try and persuade you to talk to him?" I thought about it. He was right. Why would they? "For today", he continued, "Jungkook will still have to stay at home. We will wait for your answer." We were silent for a while. But then Jimin took over again: "Try to talk to him. I can assure you that it is like he said. I was right next to him and witnessed." I remembered. "Then why don't you tell me?", I asked upset. "This is not anything that I should interfere with", Jimin answered a bit unsure. "True", Yoongi reassured him, "and he wants to tell you himself. He says he has to say all that out loud. And it's probably for the better if you hear it from himself as well." We grew silent again but a little later Jimin started to talk once more and this time Yoongi didn't stop him as his friend told me every small detail about the accident.

Seemingly Jimin followed us outside as well. At first he lost track of us because of all the people. But then he found us again right when Jungkook screamed "Watch out!" – only to see me getting hit by the car. JK was next to me right the next second and Jimin only slightly after. "He cried, looking at you and repeatingly said 'No! Oh, please no!'", Jimin remembered. The car driver then got out and they called the ambulance. Jimin texted the others and soon after everyone was gathered around me. JK refused to leave my side at first but the ambulance didn't have enough space for both of us. So the others all got into their cars and drove over. It took two hours but then the doctors finally told them I would be alright and everyone relaxed. Except Jungkook. He mumbled something like "She won't forgive me this" and the others asked him about it. But caught up in his thoughts he didn't answer and Jimin – as the witness of everything – took over. "It's her fault!", JK suddenly screamed, "That little girl that dared to..." He got up without finishing the sentence. As the others slowly figured what he was up to, they held him back. "He really was out and about to return to that party and heaven knows what he would have done if that girl came across him again", Yoongi said and looked slightly uncomfortable, "I never seen him like that before... He was so furious. We nearly couldn't convince him to stay and not make it any worse."

In the afternoon the others came as well – apart from Jungkook. Hoseok was the next to show up. He tried to make me laugh a few times but stopped as he realized that it hurt me. He then rather focused on making me feel comfortable the best he could. He brought me water and fluffed up my pillow and all along talked about stuff that wasn't important at all. I loved how he tried to make it as normal as he could for me. Tae and Leo came together. They mostly stood next to us and only sometimes joined in in the talks. Both rather focused on asking me what I probably needed right now. They also brought along some clothes and stuff I needed. Leo stayed by my side, holding my hand. Later on, Joon, Jin and Em came as well. Em took over my hand from Leo when she left and Joon, Jin and Tes just stood there, trying to make sure it wouldn't get too much for me.

Before they had to leave Joon brought up the issue once again: "So... What do you say? You dare to talk to JK just yet?" I was unsure. Somehow it convinced me that the others told me to speak to him. And how he got so angry about that girl must have had a meaning, right? "You don't have to", Jin added, feeling my doubt. Then he chuckled and pointed to the teddy bear that I almost forgot about again: "You can just imagine this is him and beat him up. Should I bring it over?" I smiled but shook my head. Jin shrugged his shoulders. I contemplated again. But then I told myself it wouldn't get any better with the waiting anyways. If he really had an explanation, he at least should be able to tell me. So, I looked back up at the guys and said: "Whatever. He may come tomorrow." Namjoon slowly nodded and said: "That's good to hear." Some time later they left.

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