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Katy's POV

I never knew I could be so angry at someone. Apart from the nameless girl that kissed JK at the party that one day maybe. But even her I didn't really harm. Because my boyfriend held me back. Without obvious reasons – for others at least – I had told Vinz to immediately leave this house and as he just looked at me confused, I grabbed his wrist and forced him to leave. He was too surprised to withstand. When I wanted to close the door, he tried a last "But – ". I had slapped him in the face and slammed the door. Then I had returned to Sarah, telling her I would explain it later and politely guided her out. Luckily, Vinz already left. I had locked myself into my room and let nobody in. I was too furious to talk to anyone – even to talk to JK. Otherwise I probably would have judged him to leave me alone like this, breaking his promise. I didn't want him to feel bad. And then I somehow feel asleep and before I had a chance to explain anything to anyone – or wanted to have it – I had to go to classes.

And now I just got out of class and immediately pulled out my phone. Jungkook had waited long enough. I felt at least somehow ok again and I was really sorry for ignoring his uncounted calls and messages yesterday. I finally calmed down enough to not listen to the stupid voice that wouldn't shut up about the promise. Whatever. Obviously, I could deal with this idiot alone. I typed in his number and pressed the Call-button. This time he didn't pick up. Dang it. I really would have loved to hear his voice now; it wasn't even important what he would say. All I wanted to do, was to explain myself. He definitely heard about yesterday already.

Sighing, I walked over to one of the flowerbeds in the College's yard. The project Vinz – this absolute asshole – Sarah and I worked on included rearranging this one. I got myself a shovel and started to dig to finally put the new flowers in. "Hi, Katy, what are you doing?", I heard a voice behind me and immediately recognized it. I didn't turn around and just growled: "Digging your grave for after I am done with you." "Ok, come on, tell me already. What is up? Why did you throw me out yesterday? Out of the blue?", he continued. I snorted. Was he that dumb? I answered: "You show up uninvited at my apartment and don't even think about how uncomfortable I was. I made clear multiple times that I love JK and nothing would change that. Yet you didn't back up but instead got even more annoying. I mean – Excuse me?" Now I finally turned around and glared at Vinz while adding: "And the worst – You make my boyfriend leave just to have a clear run for getting me. How in the world dare you, idiot?" I almost shouted the last words. He raised an eyebrow and replied: "First of all, he chose to follow along himself. Second: What exactly do you see in him anyways? A girl like you needs someone with class. I have that. I don't have to do the dirty work for money. I am the one who is even to you when talking about gardening. With me by your side, you would have way less trouble." I felt my blood boiling.

Dangerously quiet I spit out: "He surely had a good reason to leave with the company. And I gave him my ok, you hear? As for the other things: I prefer a guy who knows what it means to work for his money. One that knows how hard it can be and therefore knows how to spend it wisely. One that doesn't think he is the most wholesome guy in this world. Oh, and not to forget – one that doesn't already determine my future live without my consent just because he's the spoiled son of the boss of a big company who seemingly never heard a clear no. If you would know me only a bit, Vinz, if you only would have tried to see beneath my surface – which isn't that hard honestly – you would have known that this live you imagine for me is everything I never wanted. Jungkook on the other hand leaves me my freedom to decide IF I want to be the wife of a successful businessman. And doesn't FORCE me to be that just because he thought that would look nice. Kookie makes me come out of my comfort zone, helps me discover my talents, fight my fears and grow. My boyfriend – the one that I love more than anyone else in this whole wide world – isn't a sneaky asshole like you who had to send his rival to the other end of this country to get to talk to me. My boyfriend got me without having to use any stupid, lousy tricks. I decided for him and freaking heck – I got engaged to him because he is who he is. Nothing and no one can change what I feel about him even when he is doing the biggest bullshit ever or makes me worry. I! Love! Him! And now get lost already. If I have to look at your stupid face one more second, I can't guarantee for anything."

This idiot didn't move an inch. I was about to throw hands as he snickered: "But at least I wouldn't get myself drunk at a party and kiss another girl." My jaw dropped and I clenched my fists. Holding myself back the best I could, I whispered: "You take that back immediately." He said nothing. I would lose control any second now. Three. Two. One. Chance over, boy.

Jungkook's POV

Yoongi was so nice to drive me over. I already was tired from the all-nighter I pulled for Katy. I still was worried. I first was at their apartment, but Leo told me that she was at college. Right, I forgot. She had classes today. Leo offered me to accompany me there, but I told her off. She had to go to college, too. And Katy would scold me from keeping her to do so. But she couldn't say anything about keeping Yoongi from lessons. He didn't come often anyways. And as he picked me up – heaven knows why he knew where I was – I was glad for being able to get there faster.

We both got out of the car. Yoongi was trailing behind me while I was running towards the entrance. There I met Jacky. She seemed surprised to see me: "Jungkook? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at that fair for work?" I didn't want to explain. It felt like something bad was about to happen. "Where's Katy?", I instead asked. She just pointed towards the yard and I stormed off again. What was this uneasiness?

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