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Katy's POV

I sighed. All this mess happened already three weeks ago. Jungkook changed his job right afterwards and now worked in a library. Up until now Vinz hadn't even talked to me. And now here we stood, him trying to convince me that he just wants to be my friend and begging for a new start. Sarah and Jacky next to me, both not very found of seeing him again. Same for me, but if he really meant it... I didn't want to be an asshole for telling him off. So, I promised to think about it, listened to Jacky's and Sarah's scolding and then left, heading home.

There, I found JK, Tae and Jimin sitting on our couch, playing some kind of video game. Leo sat next to them, a bit sulky either because she wasn't allowed to join in or because the others were fully immersed in their game, forgetting about her. I strolled over to her, giving Kookie a quick peck when passing him and sat down as well. "What up?", I asked her. "Why are guys so dumbfounded?", she replied instead of an answer. I raised an eyebrow. "Only one more game, they said. And that is like three games ago. But no, they then have to finish their 'best out of three'-run. And so on and so on. They could at least let me join!", she explained, "And even worse – Charlie was supposed to come along, but she's running late because she has to help out at home. So, I am pretty much bored." Leo sighed and then looked back at me: "How was your day?" I shrugged my shoulders: "Not much better. Vinz talked to me and-" "I don't ever wanna hear that name again", Jungkook growled. I smirked. He clearly wasn't listening beforehand, but this always triggered him. "Hey!", Tae and Jimin protested and I turned around to see what was up. Apparently, JK had paused the game as soon as I dropped the forbidden word. "What did he want?", my boyfriend asked me, ignoring his friends. "Being friends. And only friends this time", I said.

"I will personally beat him up as soon as he comes closer to you than 5 meters. Tell him that!"
I chuckled as I read Charlie's message that evening. I see, Jimin had already told her. Granted, the others heard about it as well by now. Of course, everyone was against me giving him a second chance. But I was the person to give second chances to everyone and the others knew. Together, Jungkook and I had agreed on kind of a "decision meeting". One – and only one – chance to persuade me that he indeed wanted nothing more than my friendship. And even then, it wouldn't be sure if I would want to continue it. And the condition was that JK came along. Tomorrow I had to tell Vinz. I didn't feel sure about this at all. But if one sincerely apologized to me, I was bound to give him another chance. Almost always. We would see how he behaves. At least I wanted him to apologize to my precious boyfriend. That was the main reason I wanted to do that.

I didn't know how to feel about Vinz being ok with this. But he said yes to it. And we agreed on meeting up the next Saturday. I was tense the whole Friday through. And it got even worse since I walked over to the meeting point right after work. Without JK. At least Kookie promised me that he would be there earlier. I opened the door to the café. And there he sat, smiling brightly. Even more as he saw me. He was a bit out of breath. I smiled and sat down.

Jungkook's POV

"Have you been running to over here?", Katy asked me, smirking. Little did she know I indeed had to in order to be on time. I had been shopping before because I finally had the money to fulfil my promise. Tae and Leo had been accompanying me. I needed Katy's dorm mate to advise me and Tae didn't want to leave her side for this "to get to know her taste". We looked through all possible stores until Leo had complained that it would be enough now. We headed back to the first one again. Internally I kind of decided already. I guess the other two had figured. I was standing in front of my little promise, still debating. "Gosh, buy it already!", Leo scolded me. "Are you sure she will like it?", I asked unsure. "She! Will! Love! It!", she almost shouted. Tae put a hand on her shoulder and added: "We sent everyone else except Katy a photo and they all loved it. And you have the money now. Go ahead already, we are almost late." After five more minutes I indeed bought it. I loved it since I saw it and I was pretty sure, she would as well. We added the last details and then they drove home while I started to jog towards the café. The promise was still in my pocket. It may sound stupid, but I didn't want the others to take it along. Even though I now was a bit afraid she would see it too early. We talked and laughed together until the door opened again and Vinz entered. I immediately felt tense again.

Katy's POV

Ok. I was pretty sure that this wouldn't work out. I immediately felt like punching him. Maybe I would. After he apologized to Jungkook. He sat down, smiling towards me. I glared at him. "Before any of you says anything – I wanted to say sorry. And I brought an apology; wait a second." He turned around to the door and it opened again. I saw somebody entering. As I realized who it was, my jaw dropped. This wasn't part of the agreement. Maybe I had to punch him earlier. This wasn't even an apology. This was another insult.

Jungkook's POV

No. This can't be. Why did this backfire now again? I took Katy's hand and squeezed it. She looked as shocked as I was. I didn't notice I tightened my grip around my little gift for my lovely girlfriend until the edges of the box pricked my hand. And then I suddenly had an idea. You wanna play, boy? Sure, let's play. But then we will do it right.

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