Return - 5

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When she picked me up at home, I already felt a bit better. Leo had cared about me very lovingly. She had made me a hot chocolate and put it in front of me while saying: "I'll be in the living room if there is anything you need. Just come over if you feel like it." I loved her subtle way of being there for me. Now Em stood in front of me, smiling compassionately. "Let's go", she said softly and we headed off to somewhere. We didn't really plan on going anywhere, just followed where our feet took us. Somehow, we ended up next to the river and decided to sit down for a while. "You miss him a lot, don't you?", Em cautiously asked. I nodded. "It's just... I mean, it's only one week; I don't even know why I am like this. Yes, I am on my period right now and I hate the mood changes that go along with it but somehow... See, this sounds weird... And I don't wanna sound like I would really be mad at him. I know he has his reasons and I don't want to keep him from doing what he thinks is the right thing to do. But there is this annoying little voice inside of me that just doesn't shut up... And..." I had to stop and took a deep breath before continuing: "It somehow tries to tell me that he actually promised me to keep an eye on Vinz during this project. And now he's gone, on his way to the other side of this country. I try to fight it, because I know it's neither fair nor right to say this, but it feels like he let me down in this. And I... I am just overwhelmed with dealing with this guy alone. He's a whole lot since we're teamed up. I just feel... abandoned. And at the same time guilty for thinking like this. Jungkook is grown up and allowed to do whatever he wants to. But still..." Em nodded slowly and I knew that she understood. "Have you talked about it with him?", she asked. I shook my head but then said: "Kinda. I teased him about leaving me alone with Vinz and he said, he would immediately tell his boss off if I want him to. But I felt like it is too childish to be like this." Em put a hand on my arm and replied: "No. If you feel like this, you gotta be honest to him." I looked into her eyes. She had a warm, compassionate look and I felt understood. So, I dared to say: "Somehow, it's too late now anyways. He would still turn back if I tell him, yes. But... I somehow actually want him to do that as well. It felt like he thought of it as really important. So... I... I decided to trust in us. It's just hard right now." My friend sighed slightly and then put her arm around me, softly mumbling: "I see." And it felt like everything was said. I know, she wasn't fully satisfied with my reaction and I felt the same. I valued honesty a whole lot. But I somehow felt like I couldn't do this. Vinz stayed in his lane until now even though he got more annoying. So why was I worried? This wouldn't really change in a week, would it?

Jungkook's POV

I felt kind of bad leaving Katy behind. She seemed more anxious than usually when it came to goodbyes. She normally was very though about it. Was it because the kind of broken promise? She was joking about it once, but I felt the worry inside of her. But all I could do was encouraging her to tell me her honest feelings. Since she didn't say she didn't want me to stay, I thought it was ok to leave. I felt a bit bad and therefore now texted Yoongi to care for her in the meantime. He promised to do so and that he would have done it anyways. It made me feel relieved. Then I texted Katy the usual goodbye-message and smiled as she answered. Yes, we loved each other. Maybe that was why she let me go even though she was sad about it – more than usual. Because she wanted me to do what I thought was right. If only she had known why I said yes in the first place. I would be gone for a week now, but I could get back with an almost fulfilled promise already. The salary was incredibly good. I wondered why they took me along instead of somebody who was more experienced. My boss told me it was the junior boss's idea and he had liked it. Katy had seemed impressed as I told her, making up stories about how I probably impressed this guy. Thing was – I didn't even know who the junior was. Maybe I just couldn't remember. Whatever. As I watched the landscape passing by, my thoughts trailed off.

--- Flashback ---

"What are you laughing about?", she laughed along with me. "Your hair", I still smiled. The wind had made it gone crazy. Katy blushed and I started to rearrange it. It only was our second date and we decided to go for a walk. But the weather was terrible, so she had a new idea: The cinema was just around the corner. We looked up possible films and agreed on a new version of "Pride and Prejudice". I loved the idea as soon as she suggested it. It was just a perfect movie for us, considering out story. I now took her hand, looking one last time at her beautiful face and then led her over to buy the tickets. She protested at first, but I insisted on paying everything. "Jungkook", she complained, "that is way too expensive. I feel bad." She pouted and I caught myself thinking that she looked even cuter now. I laughed and said: "Don't worry. I really want to." I loved how she still felt guilty – I figured as she didn't stop chewing on her lips – but let me do how I wanted to. She always did that: Letting me make my move if she felt like it was important to me. I loved it.

We shared the popcorn and during the usual adds I had fed her and we joked around. But being the nice girl she was, she wanted us to be quiet when the actual movie started. She then cuddled up to me – as far as she could at least – and enjoyed the film. While she was fully into it, I couldn't take my eyes off her beauty. It was enchanting to think about how she really was my girlfriend now. For only two weeks officially, but I had her on my mind all day since way longer already. She looked so pretty when being immersed in something. I wanted to kiss her but also didn't want to disturb her right now. I decided to do that later.

Before I dropped her off, I kissed her once again. It was crazy how my brain stopped working once I saw the love in her eyes or felt her kiss. She had me wrapped around her fingers so easily. And I didn't mind. I remembered how I had been a bit mad about her after our meeting in the director's office. I thought she was way too arrogant back then. I had complained about it to Jimin, saying that I wanted to pin her to a wall that day. He just smirked, replying: "With tape or your body?" If only he had known how he hit the bull's eye with this – I didn't know with what, actually. Funnily enough, I knew the answer now and got even more sure with every kiss. It was "with my body".

--- Back to the presence ---

I grinned despite my melancholy. By now, the answers sometimes also was "with tape". For example when she insisted that we would have to climb that stupid steep hill in the forest. Or when she forced me to do my stuff. But then again – I would take her off immediately. I knew that most of those times, she was right in doing how she did. "First stop in five minutes, guys", my colleague said and I got back into reality. I reached out for my bag and searched for my wallet. I would have to buy lunch there. I felt hunger coming up in me. I opened it and stopped surprised. I had to smile. This girl. She just had proven me to be the love of my life for a reason.

Katy's POV

I had to laugh as I read his message: "My sneaky little love! Thank you for your care-package. I knew my backpack felt heavier. With all this I surely will survive this week. I love you so much! <3" I answered him while wondering how his expression must have looked like. I packed a lot of snacks, proper lunch for today at least and also put a small plushie – my favourite one. Moreover, I wrote a short letter telling him how much I loved him and to not forget about me. And instructing him to call me whenever he missed me. Or at least cuddle the plushie.

Forever (BTS's Jungkook Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें