Together - 4

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After our lunch break that day I laid on my bed with my head hanging over the edge so that the whole room seemed upside down to me as Jungkook entered, snacks in his hands that he stole from our storage before following me upstairs. "What are you doing?", he asked me confused. "Changing my perspective", I grinned joking. He shook his head and came over to sit in front of me on the floor. "Ok, let me change my question: Why are doing this?" I tried to shrug my shoulders but figured that it didn't work. He grinned and gave me one of the chips he already opened. "Don't know", I said chewing, "When I was a kid, I used to do this often and I thought I just could give it a try once more." "So, what are your insights?", he smirked amused. "It's interesting seeing my room like this. Kinda fun." His typical mischief lit up in his eyes as he said in a flirty tone: "You know, there are more ways to have fun in this bed." I blushed and not because of how I laid there. He laughed, crunching on his chips. "Get out of your imagination", I pouted, "It's not good there." He just kept on laughing and fed me again. Then he got up from the floor to lie down next to me, also with his head hanging over the edge, still eating and feeding me. After some time, he confessed: "It is kinda interesting." "Ha! I told you!", I said triumphantly and then got up again because all the blood slowly got accumulated in my head. He smiled and stayed like this a little longer while I got back to my books for learning the second part of the day.

I looked up as I got aware of the arms that rested on the other side of my table. Jungkook looked at me and said: "You've been learning for hours now while the sun is shining brightly outside." "So?" "So, you need to get out a bit and give yourself a break." "Jungkook, I can't, there is still so much left that I wanna get done today." His expression grew more demanding as he said: "Break." We looked at each other and I figured that he wouldn't give in. Sighing I closed my book and got up. He smiled at me and said: "Thank you."

I was still so caught up in my learning that I didn't realize where Jungkook lead me. But as I did, I felt happy. We were walking down the path to my favourite place to wander around: The forest near the outskirts of the town. I used to explore it almost every day when I was a child and knew every single centimetre of it. I grinned at him excited and he laughed. When we reached there, he wanted to go along the path, but I stopped. "What is it?", he asked wondering as he turned around to me. I glimpsed over to a little, but rather steep hill a bit away from the path. It always awakened my curiosity and I hadn't been up there in forever. "Noooo...", he said as he understood, but it didn't sound very convincing. "Come on", I pleaded. He looked at me and I knew I had won this time. "Yay!", I shouted as I ran off towards the hill. Sighing he followed, leaving the path behind as well.

I must confess that the hill was stepper than I remembered. And higher. "Why did I agree to this?", I heard Jungkook muttering next to me. He was breathing as heavily as I was. I smiled: "Because you love me." "Hmpf." "Come on, baby, admit it." Instead of an answer he changed topic: "Every other girl would have sticked to the path." "But I am not every other girl", I said and looked at him mischievously, "I am special. And that is why you love me." "Why do I do this to me?", he ignored my comment. "Oh, stop whining already. Sometimes you gotta give in to curiosity to be able to take part in adventures. Just following the path is boring. It's more fun to explore the world like this. Look, where at the top now anyways."

After we took the last step, we both stopped in awe. The view was fantastic. We were silent for a while, fully taking in the sight. "See?", I said as I leaned against a stem, "Adventure." Jungkook's expression changed from amazed to fake pouting and I had to laugh. "You won't win me so easy this time", he said. "Oh really?", I replied and walked over, looking at him with my best puppy-eyes. "Yes", he said, but not sounding too sure anymore. I bit my bottom lip as I stood in front of him and put one hand on his chest. "Fine then. Whatever. Yes. That is why I love you, silly", he murmured. "Ha! I knew it! I won!", I exclaimed grinning. "No", he said and before I could ask what he meant, he pulled me in for a kiss that could only be described as breath-taking. As he pulled away, he said: "See? I won." I laughed. "Let's just say we both won", I suggested a compromise and putting his arm around me, he agreed.

On our way down a small and flat stone caught my eyes. I picked it up and held it in front of Jungkook's face as we walked on. "Look!", I said excited, "It is heart-shaped. Isn't it cute?" He chuckled. "You're cuter", he said and put his arm around my waist. I blushed. "Here", I said and offered him the stone, "You already have my heart, you might take the heart stone as well." "What?", he asked amused. "Just take it, I want to give it to you", I replied. He laughed softly and took it out of my hand as he said: "It's my pleasure then."

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