Together - 12

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Jungkook and I decided to take a detour, through the park as always. We stood on one side of the main path, a lot of people around us. He hugged me from behind as we enjoyed the view that we had over the river right next to us. Suddenly he started to whisper in my ear, only for me to hear and with a very seductive voice: "Hey, darling, do you remember that I still have a wish left?" I felt my heart starting to race again. What did he have in mind now? I could hear the smirk in his voice as he continued: "I might have an idea for this. Imagine this: A bottle of wine, some candles and a movie or two." Before he went on, he gave me a kiss on the neck and I felt the blood rushing into my cheeks. "The two of us could watch it on my old couch. You probably already know how comfy it is. Or do you maybe prefer my bed? We can discuss that point later. If we still want to then..." Another kiss. Then: "And I mean... We could just see where that evening leads us. Probably don't need sweets this time, though." Kiss number three. "So... What do you think?" "Jungkook...", I tried to scold him, but my voice was too shaky. He chuckled and I cleared my throat before continuing quietly: "My dear Kookie, we are in the public. Why are you doing this to me?" Now he really laughed and turned me around, looked into my eyes and kissed me – passionate but appropriate, considering we weren't alone. He pulled back way too early for me and pulled me in for a hug instead, still smirking.

I leaned against his strong chest, burying my face in his shoulders, trying to at least somewhat hide the red shade on my face. "So...", I heard him say and before looking at him, I already knew that he still was so annoyingly confident. How did he not get influenced so heavily from things like this? "Hmm?", I replied, trying to sound casual. I didn't manage to. He smiled and went on: "Do you like... wanna crash at my place tonight? Jimin moved out as you know, and my parents are away the whole weekend. We would have the whole house to only ourselves." The last two words he again whispered into my ears and I felt that my face was getting redder again, probably resembling a tomato. He chuckled as he realized it as well and teased me: "You are way too cute when you turn into a strawberry." "You're mean", I said pouting, but he just answered with another soft laugh. Then I got serious again and looked into his eyes as I said: "But... About your question: Uhm... Yeah, I guess. No. Actually... No guess. I would love to. I mean, I promised you that wish, didn't I? And I am a woman of word." His expression grew from surprised to happy to absolutely in love before he kissed me – this time more careful. Only at first though, I figured, as we went back to the same passion as before. I suddenly remembered my weird thoughts about the whole "Forever"-thing and finally understood what this feeling about the deepened promise was. We added one more important word: "Forever together."

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