Together - 6

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"No more alcohol for you, young lady!", Jungkook laughed and took the glass out of my hands. We were at Jin's party, sitting at the bar. I rolled my eyes, jokingly sulking. How the tables have turned. Usually it would have been me taking out the glass of his hands but since that promise back in the hospital he barely touched alcohol and if he did, he drank mostly some wine with only a few people instead of shots at a big party. And he always stopped before getting unreasonable. Or annoying. Most of the times he had been pretty annoying when he was drunk. He smirked at me and said: "You know I love it when you are a bit tipsy because you get less shy and more cuddly. But that was enough for today. More cuddling and I can't resist you anymore." I blushed. He was right and I knew it. I was more offensive when drinking alcohol. Sometimes a bit too much. I sticked out my tongue to him but since all he did was laughing even more, I then said: "Ok, I admit it. No more alcohol for me." "Good girl", he answered and jokingly patted my head. "Haha", I replied and leaned against his shoulder to draw patterns on his chest with one finger. If he was allowed to tease me then I was as well.

I looked around the crowd. Everyone was just happy to have it done – the results were not yet out, but nobody thought about that today. I remembered something about a stupid pact between the boys to celebrate tests before the results coming out to at least enjoy the high. It kind of became a tradition that nobody questioned. The boys went with it and I never was very scared of not passing. Learning a lot and getting good grades was one of those good-girl-things in me that didn't change despite new clothes and more attitude. "Koooookie, Kady, here ya are...", I heard before I saw Jimin. I grinned. He didn't have a watchdog by his side to take away the drinks. Our friend hugged both of us tightly and said: "I wanded to say... I reaaaaaally luv ya, guys... Sooooooooo much. I luv ya..." Kookie raised an eyebrow but before he turned his friend down, I quickly answered: "We love you too, Jimin. But I think you should stop drinking now. Maybe some water?" "Naaaaaaaah... Lader maybe..." With this he left again, headed towards his next victim. I was wondering where this could probably end. "Follow him?", I asked Jungkook, but he shook his head. "He gets clingier but usually doesn't do anything too stupid. Before he would do that, he lies down to sleep. And normally Yoongi is around to look after him. Jimin is probably right now off to find the others and tell them the same sentimental stuff." I wasn't fully satisfied but then I indeed saw Yoongi trailing behind Jimin with some distance. Probably enough to not be caught by our talkative lost sheep. I smiled.

The party went by and the day came where the results were announced. As soon as I got the note that the grades were online, I checked. As expected, no problems for me. I passed all exams and all rather good. Next, I called Jungkook. He picked up and immediately said: "My beautiful and amazingly intelligent girlfriend indeed got my lazy ass through finals." I was relieved. After checking on the others I was fully satisfied. Every one of our group somehow managed to graduate – even Yoongi who struggled the most. "And there you have it", I thought, "People can even get him through school if we all work together and make him learn. Teamwork makes the dream work." Ok. So this could be ticked off my checklist and suddenly absolutely relieved, I texted the others and asked them if they wanted to meet up to enjoy the wonderful weather in the park. The rest of my to-do-list could wait.

"Urgh, why did you guys drag me along to this?", Yoongi complained loudly. "Friends have to stick together, sorry dear", Em replied ironically while cleaning the windows. He grunted again and I turned around to the others: "Anyways, thank you so much for helping out. I didn't realize that the hut got this dirty..." Leo looked up to me and smiled as she said: "Like Em said – friends stick together." Jimin nodded. "But you owe us", Hoseok said. "Big time", Jin added. I laughed and promised that I would pay them back. Once again, I felt the indescribable thankfulness to this group of people and thought back to our meet-up in the park when I was telling them I had to clean up the school's garden hut the next afternoon. I must have sounded very unmotivated because Jungkook immediately told me he would help me and Jimin asked me if the rest should join in too. While ignoring Yoongi's endless complaining he persuaded the others that it wouldn't be as bad. I was a really lucky person to have them. Getting back to reality I realized that Jungkook looked at me smiling. "Say it, darling", he grinned. I rolled my eyes: "Ok, you got me. I love you guys." "Aaaaaw", Jimin exclaimed and Hoseok laughed again. "Seriously, why did you have to say this now?", Yoongi grunted but couldn't avoid smiling slightly. "We love you too, Katy", Jin said, "But I won't say yes to something like this again." Tes nudged him and added: "I would though. Girls have to support each other. And the boyfriends", she said as she looked over to Jin warningly, "will have to come along." "That is why I am single", Yoongi muttered. We laughed and continued cleaning until everything was squeaky clean.

We were about to pour the water out of the buckets as JK suggested a bet: Playing rock, paper, scissors. The loser would get a splash of water. We agreed, more or less happy about it. Soon we came to the final round: Tae versus Jungkook. "Shit!", JK shouted as he realized he lost. "Hey, no swearing", I scolded him, "And you suggested playing." Hoseok couldn't stop laughing and Tae grinned widely. Jimin supported me, saying: "She's right, Kookie. And now you lost which means you will get the splash of water." "Couldn't you spare me only once?", my boyfriend pleaded. This time Yoongi spoke up: "Hey you rascal, you suggested it, you also have to go for it!" "He's right", Namjoon grinned. "Now, are you ready to get your punishment?", Tae smirked while approaching his victim. "Waaaait...", Jungkook said, looking at the bucket of water in Tae's hands and back at me. "Don't you dare!", I protested but I figured that it was too late anyways, so I turned and tried to run away. As always, he was faster and easily caught up to me even though Jin and Jimin cheered me on. He picked me up and despite me protesting and trying to free myself, he continued to walk back to Tae. Before I managed to escape, I felt the splash of water and gasped. How was the water so cold? We used warm water to clean up! "Hey!", I protested, "I was supporting you guys! How did you dare punishing me too?" Yoongi shrugged his shoulders: "You settled for him as a boyfriend, it's not our fault." Jimin added laughing: "Otherwise we wouldn't have been able to get him." I had to agree. At least it had been refreshing. Jungkook leaned over to me and kissed me on the cheek before saying: "Through thick and thin, my darling." I sticked out my tongue to him. "That isn't a very nice thing to do", he jokingly scolded me, "Maybe you need another splash of water?" I squeaked and ran away again. And again, he easily caught me. Luckily, it wasn't another bucket this time. Instead, he tickled me until I surrendered and apologized. Laughing and exhausted, we got back to the others, ignoring Yoongi's sarcastic: "You guys are so childish."

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