Together - 11

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As I woke up the next day, I could smell the mouth-watering smell of fresh bacon. Rubbing my eyes, I sat up halfway and discovered Yoongi sitting by the fireplace, frying the meat in a pan. The others were still asleep. I freed myself from Jungkook's embrace as our group's second hidden cook motioned me to come over. My boyfriend somewhat grunted and as I looked back, he now was hugging my pillow. I chuckled and sat down next to Yoongi. "How did you sleep?", I asked him. "Quite ok for a night on the ground. What about you?" "Good", I replied and it was silent between us for a while. But then he suddenly spoke up again and I could hear the honesty in his words: "Listen, Katy... I am really happy for you guys to be engaged now. Still... I have to say this... I like you a lot, even though I don't really show it most of the time. That's just who I am. But I know this freak over there since kindergarten. Now, I don't think you are so dumb to say yes to something this important if you weren't a 100% sure. Still... If you break his heart, I will have to cut off this friendship. And you don't want me as an enemy." I felt chills. Yoongi could be quite intimidating if he was like this. But I was also moved by how he cared for his friend. JK always had been close to Yoongi and looked up to him and once again having clear evidence it was mutual, I felt happiness. I carefully chose my words as I answered: "You're right, this is an important thing to decide. But... I already knew beforehand that I want this freak over there in my life forever. There is nobody else for me. I promise. And you are also right on this: I wouldn't want you as an enemy. So, no option anyways, I guess. But seriously, Yoongi, I love Jungkook. I love how he makes me comfortable and safe around him. He can melt my anger away in an instant and make my sadness go away almost just as fast only by being with me. And he's the only one to be allowed to tease me about my height like he does. I am always amazed by how gentle and strong he is at the same time. How light and careful his touch can be one time and how determined the other time – for example when he decides to drag me along to a punishment for a lost bet. Another thing only he is allowed to without me sulking for days. I even find him attractive right after getting up in the morning. Gosh, I love and I trust him with my life." Slightly smiling, he slowly nodded: "Good thing then. When did you notice?" "Oh, since quite some time." "So not because you made out on his couch instead of learning?" I got completely red: "What in the world?", I almost shouted, but got a hold of me before waking the others up, "Where did you – Why are you asking this? Why should you know anyways?" He smirked and answered: "A drunk Jimin is very talkative, you know. But don't worry. He only told me – well, as far as I know. But I intend on keeping it for myself. Was it fun?" I hit him and he laughed: "I take that as a yes." I would have to talk to Jimin later. But first, I decided to enjoy the bacon and bread, Yoongi now handed over to me. It was delicious.

One after the other, everyone started to get up and gathered. To add something to the bacon, some of us headed to the kitchen and the rest started to help out outside with setting up the table and all. Soon we enjoyed a luxurious brunch. Later, we cleaned up everything.

---JK's POV---

After our delicious, but sadly too short brunch we started to clean up. Yoongi and I were carrying the dishes inside as he suddenly said: "Jungkook... I mean, not that I am not happy for you guys but... You are sure about that engagement, are you?" I was a bit surprised but nodded: "Yes, absolutely." My friend looked at me and added: "That is good. I just wanna make sure you won't break her heart. She's such a nice girl and I really like her. And she is good for you." I smiled on his words. This was the caring side of Yoongi he didn't show too often but every time he did, he really meant it. So, I continued to assure him: "Don't worry, Hyung. I love her for real. I already figured after the accident when I was so desperate for her to forgive me. But over the last few days – so much happened, all those little things that made me sure that I could dare to go this step." Yoongi looked a bit confused, so I explained a bit more: "See, I love how she knows how to handle me when I am annoying, mad, unmotivated or upset but also when I'm sad or scared or literally anything. She makes me happy just by looking at her. I love how she doesn't stick to conventions but sometimes leaves the old and well-known paths to experience adventures. Or goes along with even the dumbest things I suggest. How she changes her perspective every now and then in order to be able to understand the world better. I love how she brings things to an end even though it's annoying. I love how fast she always blushes despite her actual self-confidence. I love how she sometimes dresses up just for me and how honest she is with me. She knows how to scold me without me feeling too bad afterwards but instead understanding what I have done wrong. I love how organized she is and how gentle, loving and caring, childish and mature at the same time." I stopped realizing that we almost were back with the others so I concluded: "Hyung, I love her in a way I didn't even know somebody could love somebody else." Yoongi smiled softly and nudged me as he said: "You will be alright together." We then walked the last bit to our friends and arriving there I put my hand on Katy's back and massaged it gently. I felt pure happiness as she looked up at me and smiled. No, never would I let her go.

---Back to Katy's POV---

Way to soon, we said our goodbyes. Before Jimin could get out of my reach though, I held him back and looked at him scolding: "Why did you tell Yoongi?", I scream-whispered to him. He blushed and stuttered: "S-Sorry..." I couldn't really stay mad at him, so I just shrugged my shoulders: "Too late anyways. But did you tell the others as well?" "Not sure anymore..." "Oh, Jimin!" "Sorry again." "It's fine, I guess", I sighed and finally let go of him. On our way home, I told JK about it. He just laughed, stating that it indeed was too late now anyways. I kind of agreed. Whatever. Everyone probably could understand.

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