Together - 1

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I rang the doorbell at Jungkook's house. I was excited to see him again even though we just said our after-school-goodbyes a few hours ago. Too bad that lately we weren't alone on our last few meters of the way home. Jimin kind of moved in at Jungkook's place to be able to fully concentrate on learning. The construction site near his place seemed to be louder than we imagined. Or maybe he just wanted to get away from his parents that put a lot of stress on him lately to make sure he was learning almost 24/7. Poor boy. Even though we all couldn't avoid that recently. Exams were ahead of us and this time it wasn't "just another grade to pass the year" but it was about graduation.

The door swung open and a widely smiling Jungkook stood in front of me, mischief in his beautiful eyes. Oh, so it was one of those days again. He was in that kind of good mood that sometimes could get a bit annoying to those around him. I smiled back. "Hello gorgeous!", he said loudly and full of enthusiasm and I had to chuckle. "Didn't expect the sun rising in front of me as I opened", he continued. I laughed: "Surprise! Now am I allowed to come in or do you want me to grow roots here?" He pretended to think and replied: "If you indeed grew roots here, at least you couldn't run away from me." Still laughing I pushed him aside and entered. "Hey!", he protested, "That wasn't nice. Don't you think you should make up for this?" I took off my shoes as I said: "How do you want me to?" He helped me out of my jacket and answered: "Maybe like this?" Taking advantage that he still stood behind me, he suddenly hugged me and laughed as I flinched. Then he turned me to him and gave me a kiss. As he pulled away again, he smiled and poked my nose as he said: "Ok. Forgiven. You are pretty persuasive." I rolled my eyes smiling.

"Jungkook?", we suddenly heard and his mum entered the hallway. "Oh hi, Katy", she said as she saw me, "Nice to see you again." She turned back to her son and continued: "Sweetheart, I have to go to work. But would you be so nice to wash the dishes that didn't fit in the dishwasher anymore? I really would like it to be done til today evening and it is actually your task." "But Muuuum", JK started to complain, "Katy is here and..." He stopped as his mother gave him a clear look. I chuckled. "Don't worry, Mrs. Jeon, I will make sure he will take care of it", I said as I took his arm. Jungkook grunted. "Thank you, dear", she turned to me, "And I'm sorry for invading your precious time together but it has to be." "I understand", I replied. She nodded and said: "Alright, I have to go. Don't forget about the dishes or your manners, both of you!" Jungkook blushed: "Mum!" She smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek, making him redden even more and me giggle again. With a last "Bye!" she headed out of the door.

When we finished the dishwashing, we went upstairs to his room and sat down at the table, each of us focused on our stuff. Every now and then we asked each other questions to check how good we already reminisced the stuff. After three hours Jungkook closed my book before I could protest and looked at me: "I need a break." I nodded: "Good idea." We got up and while he was throwing the clothes from his couch on to the floor, I was on the hunt for the snacks that he always hid in the drawer of his bedside table. Satisfied I chose our favourites and went over to him. He was already sitting on the couch and pulled me on his lap as soon as I was close enough for him to grab me. I laughed and leaned against him. "You brought snacks, hmm?", he asked, looking at them, starting to gently massage my back. "Obviously", I replied. "I would rather like something sweet now", he said suggestively. I raised an eyebrow and trying to ignore what he meant, I said: "Well, you didn't have something like this in there." "Because you wouldn't fit", he whispered in my ear. "Jungkook, stop it!", I said blushing and got off his lap before I would start to purr like a cat because of his words, voice or touch. He laughed: "Sorry. But it was worth a try." I rolled my eyes.

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