Together - 9

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Almost naturally, we ended up in the school garden. Jungkook had his arms wrapped around me and his chin rested on my shoulder. I felt something was occupying his mind again but knew him well enough to also know that he would tell me as soon as he was ready to. He buried his face in my hair and gave me a kiss on the neck. Then he placed his head back on my shoulder. "So, uhm...", he suddenly said and I almost flinched. Guess he was ready. "Yes?", I encouraged him to go on. "Well... You know... Lately this thought roamed around in my head... You know..." He paused and I figured he tried to gather up some courage. Whatever he was up to – it must be something big. I suddenly felt nervous. Not uneasy, but in a good kind of way. Excited. "Just say it", I said softly and turned my head towards him. He looked at me for some seconds and the love in his eyes almost made me blush again. "I would follow him anywhere with only mild complaining", I thought. "Uh, well... I thought... Maybe one day... When we have enough money... And figured out where our lives will go to... Do you think you would say yes if I asked you to marry me?" My eyes widened. "You mean..." I couldn't go on, wasn't able to form words. Or thoughts in general "I... I mean... Would you... Would you like to get engaged?", he asked shyly and very quietly while lowering his eyes. I suddenly felt shy as well but at the same time happy. So incredibly happy that I could scream. I lifted his chin, making him look at me again and answered: "I would absolutely love to." I could see a big, relieved smile growing on his face. Then he came closer and kissed me.

"I couldn't afford a real ring, you know?", he said after pulling away again, lowering his eyes as if that was something to be ashamed of as a normal student. I chuckled and lifted his head back up: "So what? Hey, we aren't rich, I know that and I didn't even expect you to ask me something like this at all anyways." "Still kinda sorry." "All I need is only you anyways." Now he smiled and excited he continued: "Same. But – To make it up at least somehow I got you something else instead." I looked at him surprised: "Huh?" He laughed and held up a necklace with a heart attached to it. The delicately patterned, silver pendant wasn't fixed in the middle but on one side of it. "It is not from a jeweller but at least it is not from the supermarket", he explained and I smiled: "Even if it was, I wouldn't mind." He smiled back and continued: "But you know... The best is: You can open it, look." Curious I got closer and saw him indeed opening it. Once again, I was amazed by how gentle he often was despite the undeniable strength he held.

As I saw what was inside, I gasped. He smiled, knowing he nailed the surprise and proudly explained: "See, on that side of the heart is the first picture of the two of us as a couple. The one we took here in the school's garden. You know, over there, in front of the flowerbed that I helped to set up. It's my favourite picture of us. And in the other half of the container I let the one half of that heart stone from our recent walk implement. Because of the weight of the stone they had to attach the heart to the necklace like this. And look", he pulled out his keys, "I also have one. But since I don't wear necklaces regularly, I let mine turn into a keychain. D-Do you like it?" I still was so amazed by all the thought – and probably money – he put into it that it took me some seconds to answer. "Are you kidding?", I said softly, "I absolutely love it." He smiled shyly: "That's good. But I promise to get you a ring as soon as I can!" "For now, this is more than enough, my love", I said, "I would marry you even with only paper rings, you know. But now... Would you mind helping me with putting it on?" He nodded blushing and I turned around, brushing my hair to one side. After he managed to close it, I turned around again and saw him smiling. "It looks good", he said. "I bet", I replied and took his hands.

We stood outside for quite some time afterwards but headed inside as it got colder. Prom started to slowly come to an end and after our – I still couldn't believe it – spontaneous kind-of-engagement in the school's garden we soon decided to rather leave for home, both still caught up in the feeling. We said our goodbyes to the others. Leo asked about the necklace and I told her that JK gave it to me as a present. I ignored her questioning look at first. I knew she would expect a reason behind it; I just didn't dare to say it now. But when Tae wasn't listening, I also promised her that she would soon get to know why. When I was home again, I got ready for bed and before turning off my phone to finally give in to the tiredness I felt, I typed into our girls-only-group-chat: "Told you, he was on to something. It was a magical evening. But I will tell you everything in detail when we meet up again. Hopefully."

As I checked my messages the next day, I had to laugh. I know, teasing it like this wasn't fair at all. But I had to make sure it was alright with JK to tell the others.
Leo was the first to answer, probably because she still had been to prom around the time: "KATY! That is not fair! Tell us, come on. What was with that necklace yesterday and what did you guys talk about in the garden? But I agree, it was magical."
Em was next: "Necklace? What necklace? She didn't wear one as she left yesterday! Leo, what do you mean with magical?"
Tes: "Did Jungkook get you a necklace? Something special? How did it look, Leo?"
Leo: "I'll tell you about my evening later, still need to process all its beauty. Tes: Not cheap at least, even though it didn't look like it would cost hundreds of dollars. But something special for sure. It was a heart-container."
Tes: "Oh, Katy! Tell us now!"
Em: "Katy! Come on!"
I decided to text back right away: "Calm down, girls. Yes, he gave me a necklace. But I can't explain all of it without his consent. Please, be patient with me..."
Em: "Then why did you tell us in the first place, that is not nice!"
Em: "But ok. I'll wait."
Katy: "Leo figured already. Couldn't avoid telling you anyways. Sorry though..."
Tes: "Tz, better ask him soon. I am curious!"
Leo: "Count me in. Talk to him asap, I wanna know as well!"
I smiled and promised to do so after thanking them for their patience.

Forever (BTS's Jungkook Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang