Return - 2

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When my alarm went off the next morning, we both didn't want to get up again. Jungkook only grunted while I turned it off and nudged him, mumbling something like: "Get up." He turned around, ignoring me. I rubbed my eyes and told myself he would stand up some time anyways. I wanted to get out of bed as I felt his hands on my waist. I heard a quiet "No... Stay..." as I got pulled back into Jungkook's arms. I tried to protest but the feeling of him close to me made my change my mind. Five more minutes wouldn't be too bad. It was hard to keep my eyes open when feeling so perfectly comfortable and before I knew it, I fell asleep again.

Until Leo poked her head inside my room and shouted at us to finally get up again because otherwise we would be too late for College. Shit. Groaning, I sat up and this time I nudged JK harder than before. This time he wouldn't get me back into bed like this. This time we both would stand up. Sighing he finally opened his eyes. "Get up already", I instructed him and slipped out of bed, grabbing some clothes for us and throwing his over to my boyfriend. He sat up and looked at them confused. I had to laugh. Seems like Jungkook wasn't fully awake yet. I walked over to him after changing and gave him a kiss. Now softer I repeated: "Please get up, will you?" He looked at me with half opened eyes but finally nodded. "Alright, I will go prepare breakfast", I said and headed out of the room.

Five minutes later he stood behind me in the kitchen and didn't say a word as I handed him over a coffee and some bread. Instead he nodded thankfully and with a soft smile. I laughed as I realized he had his shirt on the wrong way round. "Baby, your shirt", I chuckled and he looked down. "Ohhh...", he muttered and corrected it right away. I blushed as he took it off to do so and turned around. His soft giggling upon that didn't make it any better. Then we heard Tae's car pulling up the driveway to pick us up. Since Kookie still was partly in dreamland, I turned my boyfriend around and led him into the hallway, took food and coffee out of his hands again and instead handed him over his jacket and shoes. Leo watched us and had to smile widely. She looked at me mischievously and asked: "Long night? Doesn't look like you to oversleep." I blushed again but shook my head as I replied: "Just too comfortable." She chuckled. Finally, Jungkook managed to put on his stuff and went outside. Still shaking my head, I took the coffee and breakfast he left behind and followed the others, locking the door after me.

During the first two lessons, I managed to wake JK up completely. Then I already had to leave him with the others and headed to the bus station to get to the other college for my next subjects. I took out my phone to listen to some music while waiting and saw two new messages. Curiously I opened the first one and laughed. He had told me the exact same thing like five minutes ago, yet still Kookie had texted me: "Get there and back safe. Love you <3" I was such a lucky girl to have him. Never would I let him go.

I opened the second message. It was from a guy called Vinz that I had met at the other college. He had the same subjects as me and took care of me a bit in the beginning. He asked me if he should pick me up since it was his way anyways. I contemplated a bit. Of course, it was way more comfortable than taking the bus. And cheaper. But even though JK already kind of forced me to tell this dude that I had a "perfect, irreplaceable and absolutely lovely boyfriend" (which was only partly solely his words, to be honest) didn't mean he now trusted him to keep his hands by himself. I smiled thinking about how easily jealous he got sometimes but always tried to hide it. I typed in "No, thanks". But right as I sent it, a car stopped in front of me. Vinz sat in it and grinned at me. I hesitated. But this guy was polite the whole time since I knew him. I would tell JK about it but for now – I could take the offer. I opened the car door and got in.

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