Together - 10

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That day we decided to celebrate our graduation day again, this time all together and a bit calmer than usual since we already had a party anyways. It was planned to be only the eleven of us, a campfire and a night under the stars in Namjoon's garden. Jungkook and I knew that we would be too lazy but also probably too chaotic to set up a tent. The nights were warm and we settled on a blanket, two sleeping bags and pillows to be enough. When we then reached there, almost everyone already had gathered. Only Jimin was late as always. We went into the garden and the first thing we heard was Jin's muttering: "A handsome guy like me sleeping on the floor, unbelievable." His girlfriend chuckled and replied: "I feel really honoured that Monsieur got down to our level, nonetheless." "Remember that", he said and then got aware of us. He greeted us and the rest now looked up, welcoming us as well. We went over to a free space and began setting up our stuff, ignoring the girls' curious looks that were mostly directed to my necklace.

"Uhm, guys, so I have an announcement", Jungkook suddenly said as everyone was around. I smiled. I wondered when he was about to tell them. We agreed earlier that he would do it. The others looked up, interested in what he was about to say. Especially Em, Leo and Tes looked excited. "Uh, well, yes, so..." I chuckled and took his hand as he took a nervous break. He cleared his throat. "Uhm... Katy you do it", he ended his trials. I could feel his shyness and squeezed his hand. "Don't tell me she is pregnant?", Yoongi said, trying to make it sound like only a joke. I laughed: "No!!" Jungkook also had to chuckle and quietly added, only for me to hear: "Not yet at least..." I nudged him and then said: "Tell them already." He closed his eyes, took a deep breath and then said: "We are kinda engaged now." He said it so fast that the others first had to process it but when they did, I looked in very surprised faces. Em squeaked excited and grinned at me widely: "So that's what that necklace thing was about? An engagement gift?" I nodded. "Now that is something", Jin said. "Look at our Jungkook go!", Hoseok shouted. "Don't say I wouldn't have warned you about him, Katy", Yoongi said, showing off what his way of complimenting was. Then he added: "Well, congrats then I guess." "Thank you", Jungkook and I said together. One after another they came over and hugged and congratulated us.

The fire crackled pleasantly. After finally figuring out where to sit to avoid the smoke – which took way longer than it should – Jungkook and I now rested on this blanket on the grass. At first, we all laughed, fooled around and ate the food that was mostly made by Jin. JK was the last to be full. And even afterwards he munched on some snacks until Yoongi took them away from him, stating that the sounds would keep him from his well-deserved sleep. Tae and Leo volunteered on washing the dishes. I had to smile as they came back – whatever happened in that kitchen, it surely hadn't been only dishwashing. At least I never seen someone so shyly in love afterwards as those two. I gave Jungkook a light kiss on the arm, remembering all our kitchen stories. The loud and very good mood slowly turned down into a calmer one as Jungkook unpacked his guitar and we all sang some songs together. And now we mostly sat or lied quietly around the fire and stared into it, everyone caught up in his own thoughts. Em and Joon were already cuddling and sometimes I could hear them whispering or chuckling. I was lying on the ground and looked up into the night sky. JK still sat but had grabbed my hand.

"So this is it", I thought, "That's what it is like to graduate. Weird." But what would really change? Was college really that different? I had talked about it a lot with Em. She gave me loads of good advices and I appreciated every single one of them. She really suited Namjoon. Both were deeply caring and always somebody who would take time to listen to others. Anyways, according to her college was a strange combination of a familiar and completely new world. I looked at Jungkook's silhouette. How about us? Despite joking around about it a few days ago I clearly understood what he felt. We wouldn't go to only the same place anymore. Would it have any consequences? And if so, would they be rather negative or positive? Or both? It was weird. I felt excited and worried the same time. Confused and tired of thinking about it, I sighed. "Are you alright, baby?", Jungkook asked me quietly, turning to me as he heard it and squeezed my hand. "Confusing thoughts about the future", I answered. Instead of an answer he laid back as well and pulled me close. While I nuzzled up against him, I smiled. His strong arms around me, his familiar scent in my nose. "My boyfriend", I thought proud. And we already promised forever so whatever would come in the future – he would always be part of my life. Thinking this, I indeed relaxed a bit. Jungkook must have felt it because he quietly whispered: "Much better" and started to play with my fingers.

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