Together - 7

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The next day I decided to end my business in school for good and went to store the gardening team's cash box, like arranged with the others, in the hut instead of my home. Therefore, I now stood in front of it, trying to finally turn the key even though the lock was pretty much messed up due to the rough weather over the years. "Once, only once I really would need to lock this", I got upset, "And yet you won't cooperate, you stupid door!" Swearing I leaned against it. "If only you would lean against me like this once", I suddenly heard a voice behind me and jumping back I squeaked. I recognized Jungkook behind me, grinning widely. Of course. I told him to pick me up here. And who else would say something like this to me? "Very funny", I said sulking. "Are you mad?" "A bit." "Why so, sweetheart?" "Well, surely it could not be because you just scared the hell out of me." "Sarcasm?" "You're such a genius." He came over and gently me hugged while saying: "Hey, come on. Don't be like that. I'm sorry, ok? But it's not my fault you're mad." I felt my anger melting away, but still a bit salty I murmured: "Yes, yes I know. Sorry as well. But could you not rather help me here?" "Much better like this", he said and gave me a quick peck on the cheek before letting me go again and stepping next to me instead. "So, what can the strong and heroic Jungkook help his lovely damsel in distress with?", he said while inspecting the door. Even though I tried not to, I couldn't help but to smile. Dang it. I couldn't stay mad when he was like this. I sighed and surrendered to it. It was no use anyways.

"I put in the cash box today for the next one to manage the allowances. Therefore, I have to lock it now. But obviously it doesn't want to get locked", I explained. "Well, if I were a door, I probably wouldn't like that too", Jungkook murmured and made me smile. He smiled back, stating: "You look way better with a smile than when you're mad." I blushed. "Let's see...", he said, turning back to the door again. He tried to turn the key and managed it easily. I looked at him confused and he looked back at me, just as surprised. Then I realized. "Oh my gosh, I am so stupid!", I exclaimed, "I... I might have turned the key in the wrong direction..." Jungkook started to laugh out loud and a bit embarrassed but in a better mood again I joined in.

"I will miss this", I confessed as I closed the gate to the school garden for probably the last time. In my head I checked if I took care of everything: I had instructed the now-to-be-head of the workshop on everything and showed her around, cleaned the hut with the help of the others and stored the cash box inside. Jungkook took my hand and agreed: "A lot of memories are connected to here." "Indeed", I replied, "Like getting to know you." He squeezed my hand. Sighing I turned around and said: "Come on. Let's go. I will have my own garden one day anyways. And it will be much bigger." He chuckled. Then he followed me, putting his arm around my shoulders and pulling me closer to ease my melancholy. The next stop were the colleges. Jungkook insisted on taking a look.

We stood in front of the second college I had to go to. Because of my interest in everything connected to nature I had to take courses at two different colleges. Even though I would be at the same college with all the others as well, I would also have to come here regularly to go to classes that weren't offered in the other one because they didn't have adequately qualified teachers or fitting surroundings. Suddenly Jungkook said: "Do I have to worry about you being at that college all alone?" "What? Never! Why should you?" "Well, it's not like I wouldn't trust you... But guys in general. I mean – I didn't know it was possible, but you got even more beautiful, you know." I blushed and then sighed. Leaning against him, I confessed: "It's gonna be weird like this." He kissed my head as an agreement. But before we would sink deeper into our thoughts and ruin this wonderfully sunny day with weird speculation, I suggested to take a walk through the park instead. JK agreed and we set off.

I sat on the grass at our favourite place, leaning onto him. His arms were wrapped around me tightly as the sun slowly set. "It will be so weird not seeing you in school every day", Jungkook began again. I smiled: "Kinda. But it's not like something between us changes. School is meant to be graduated from, you know?" He rolled his eyes: "You know what I mean." I nodded and replied: "We will still see each other almost every day though." "But not in school." "Obviously." "Stop it already!" "Sorry", I grinned. Diving into his thoughts, he began to play with my hair like usually. It sent the well-known tingles down my spine whenever he touched my bare skin – if by accident or not, I didn't know. Who would ever know what this boy intended to do to me and what he just did unknowingly? I closed my eyes, smiling happily upon the fact that after almost two years now, he still had that effect on me.

"Are you sleeping?", I heard him asking surprised after some time. "No", I replied, "Just enjoying." "Oh." I smiled. I knew it since that day in school when he kissed me in front of everyone on the hallway. He was my "Forever". But I also strongly felt – now even more than ever before – that this kind of changed. In a good way, luckily. I couldn't really describe it because saying it like that actually didn't make any sense at all, at least not rationally speaking. But our rarely outspoken promise of "Forever" – it somehow deepened. "As if "Forever" would be something that could deepen", I thought amused and chuckled upon my weird thoughts. I felt Jungkook's confusion before I could hear it in his voice as he asked: "What?" I grinned and turned back at him: "Nothing. Just thought of us." "And that makes you laugh?", he raised an eyebrow. "Yes", I said with mischief in my eyes and voice. "How so?" "Because I feel way too happy to be able to contain it", I answered, honest again. He smiled. "Relatable", he said and leaned over to give me a kiss. As he pulled away, I pouted. "Too short", I said in a sulky tone. He laughed, sighed theatrically and kissed me once more. Longer this time. Way longer.

The evening grew colder after the sun set and before catching a cold we decided to go back home again. As I got up, my back cracked multiple times. Surprised Jungkook looked at me: "You are getting old fast, sweetheart." I sticked out my tongue to him. "But I don't really mind", he continued, "I would stay with you until were both old and wrinkly." "Idiot", I smiled at him. "What? Are you saying you wouldn't?", he grinned back. "Look at me, I could have anyone", I replied. He looked at me, pretending to be sulky. "But I don't want to have anyone else", I added and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. He smiled at me mischievously as he said: "Way too short." Rolling my eyes, I kissed him once more and this time he held me so firmly that I didn't even have a chance to make it a short kiss. "Behave", I said, jokingly upset and hit him lightly. He just laughed so lovely that I had to join and we went off to get back home, arm in arm.

At home I checked my messages. I indeed had some in our girls-only-group.
Leo: "Hey girls. You already know that Jimin asked Charlie out for Prom, right? Tae told him that Katy and I would meet up with you, Em and Tes, to get ready for it all together. He asked if we could take Charlie along? She's a bit shy and he wants her to meet us first. He said, we probably wouldn't be so much like the boys for a start. So, what do you say?"
Em: "I guess we can do that. Every new girl in our group should be able to feel welcomed."
Tes: "Agreed. If Katy is ok with it, I don't mind."
Katy: "Sure, I look forward getting to know her! Em, have you talked to Miri and Fia yet by the way? Can we meet up at your place?"
Em: "Sure. They're fine with it. Still ok with 3pm, everyone?"
Tes: "I'll be on time!"
Katy: "Fine with it."
Leo: "Might be a little later, I will pick up Charlie. She lives not too far away from me anyways. Think she'll be fine with it as well. Otherwise I'll tell you."
Satisfied and a bit curious about meeting the new girl tomorrow, I turned off my phone and headed to my bed.

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