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Jungkook's POV

I stayed a bit longer at Katy's apartment. But after some time, she shooed me out to take care of her stuff "without distraction". As I came home, my mum already waited impatiently for me. As soon as she discovered me, she started to talk: "There you are, honey. Your boss called. He said it would be important. You should call him as soon as possible." Curious I reached for our phone and dialed the number. My boss, Mr. Johnston, picked up almost immediately. "Mr. Jeon, good to hear from you. I have a special offer for you. One of our employees got sick and now we need a spontaneous substitute for the fair next week. It will be pretty far away and you will have to say goodbye to your family for roundabout one week for getting there, working on the fair for three days and getting back. But of course, the salary will be raised for this time. What would you say?" I thought about it. I already hated the idea of saying goodbye to Katy. Especially with the project going on. But the money... I needed it to fulfil my promise. "Mr. Jeon?", my boss asked, "I would need an answer as soon as possible, please." I threw my worries aside and decided to focus on the salary aspect. Katy was grown-up and had her friends around to take care of her. It was one week only anyways. "I will come along", I said.

Next, I dialed Katy's number. As she picked up, she didn't say hello. Instead I heard: "Kookie, my love, I didn't want distraction, remember?" I smiled softly. She didn't like to be kept back from doing something. "Don't worry, I will hurry", I calmed her down. "Whatever, I always make time for you anyways. Just hope it's important", she answered. "It is kinda", I continued, "I just called work. They offered me to accompany them to a fair. It is paid very well, so I said yes. I will be gone next week. The whole week." It was silent quite a while at the other side. Then I heard her mumble: "Aish, whatever" and louder she added: "You're at home, I reckon? I will come over real quick." A bit surprised I agreed and soon we hung up. Had I made the wrong decision?

Katy's POV

Of course, I wasn't necessarily thrilled to see my boyfriend leave for a full week. The evening he told me, I came over, leaving my stuff undone. Not because I was mad or something – it was his life, he should make those rather minor decisions himself. And it wasn't one that affected me so much except for me missing him already that I would have expected him to talk to me about it first. I just wanted to be around him. I don't know; I guess, I was just being extra emotional that day. As he opened the door, he seemed unsure of his decision. But I soon convinced him that everything was fine and I just wanted to be next to him as long as I could until he left. We spend the following days almost only together and even though it sounds stupid – I already knew how much I would miss him. It was only a week, but it was still 7 full days. 7 full days I couldn't feel his arms around me, assuring me that he was there to keep me safe. 7 full days I couldn't feel his lips on mine, telling a story of forever together. 7 full days of dealing with Vinz alone.

I sighed. "I gotta go", he whispered and I nodded while letting go of him. Why was I so emotional right now? Ok, probably because of my period, I admitted to myself. But still, right now I felt like crying and I didn't like it. He kissed me one last time and then let go of my hands. I waved until he and the company's car he sat in was out of sight. Okay. One full week without him now. You can do this, Katy.

I felt Leo's arm around me. She and Tae had driven me here and now led me back to the car to get back home. "It's only a week", I heard her say, "You guys had mastered an even longer time already." I loved how she tried to encourage me, but right now I didn't feel like it. I forced myself to smile and seated myself on the back seat. I looked at the company's building getting smaller and smaller while we drove away. The Johnston company. Why did this name sound so familiar to me though? I shrugged it off and took my phone out. I got new messages.

The first one was once again from JK. I smiled sadly. He really made this a habit already. "Only seven days. I love you." I texted back: "Get there and back safe. I love you, too." The next one was from Em: "How about meeting up for in a café today?" Tes also texted me: "If you need someone to talk or just be around you or anything – tell me." Then Charlie: "If that Vinz annoys you while Jungkook is away, tell me. I'll beat him up for you. Jimin said, he would help as well." Last one was Yoongi: "Lucky you. I will keep an eye on you in the meantime. You just have to keep me awake therefore." I supressed another wave of upcoming tears, this time because of how moved I was. I tried not to lament about Jungkook being away too much, but I guess they felt how sad I was. Even though I didn't know why. It was only one week, pull yourself together, Katy!

On the other hand – every time I was sad without a real reason, Jungkook told me it was ok to cry. As long as I would let him be around me then. Sometimes you just would have those days and then it would be important to let it all out. I took a deep, but shaky breath. I felt the worrying looks in the rear-view mirror that Leo gave me. I shortly smiled at her, more forced than real and then looked back at my phone before I texted the others back. After thanking Tes and Charlie, I promised Yoongi I would keep him awake and agreed on meeting up with Em – but not in a café, I didn't feel like it. We then decided to just take a walk.

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