Together - 3

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The days went on with all of us getting caught up in learning and we barely spend time all together. Jimin moved from Jungkook to Hoseok. Every now and then the others joined in at our learning as well but most of the times it was JK and me. And even when we were all by ourselves, he didn't get so close to me again. I admit that I kind of was sad about it but maybe it was for the better since it was easier to learn with him like this. Sometimes though, I remembered the moment so vividly that I blushed again – for others to speculate about the reason. One exam after the other passed and we were more or less happy about how they went. Only one was left now. Therefore, Jungkook stayed at my place this weekend. "Otherwise I really won't pass math", he stated as he put his belongings in my room. I smiled. I wouldn't keep him away from doing so. After joking around a bit, we sat down and started to learn once again.

"Ok, I'm gonna head to bed", I said and got up. Stretching I added: "It's late. You shouldn't stay awake too late as well." He just nodded, still deeply focused on his books. I smiled. He was so diligent if he wanted to. As I passed him on my way out, I gave him a quick peck and said: "I am really proud of you." When I came back from the bathroom I had to giggle. I hadn't been away for longer than probably 15 minutes but Jungkook had fallen asleep on my couch. I tiptoed over to him and took the books away from him. Shortly I contemplated if I should wake him up to make him at least brush his teeth before I decided not to. He deserved his sleep. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and pulled a blanket over him. Then I went over to my bed and laid down as well.

As I opened my eyes, I almost thought I was still l dreaming. I saw Jungkook's beautiful and well-defined face right in front of me, sleeping peacefully and felt his arms wrapped around my waist. He must have moved over this night without me noticing it. I smiled as I reached out my hand to him and carefully touched his cheek – lightly enough to not wake him up. I looked at him for some more seconds while playing with his silk hair and thought that this is what I wanted to see for the rest of my life when waking up. Then, getting back to my senses I got up and decided to make breakfast for us. As quiet as possible I left my room.

I was almost done preparing two plates and the coffee as I heard a grunting from behind me and a second later felt two strong arms around me. Jungkook's half asleep face showed up next to me. "Morning, sunshine", I said. He grunted again and I had to laugh. Instead of asking he just pointed to the plates. "Breakfast for us", I explained. The noise this time sounded approving and I laughed again. I freed myself from his hug and took the plates, carrying them over to the table. He followed me, scuffing his feet. After putting the food down, I turned around to him and grinned widely as I saw his full appearance: Eyes almost closed again, the hair an indescribable mess and prints from the pillow on his face and even his arms. I went over to him and tried to arrange his hair. "Somebody sneaked into my bed today", I said and he smiled proudly, still tired but showing at least a bit of his lively mischief. "Come on", I continued and took his hand, leading him over the table, "I made coffee and I think you really need it now." Another approving noise. I chuckled. He was really cute like this.

When I wanted to sit down, Jungkook suddenly picked up my plate again and put it next to his. Then he took a seat and looked at me, almost provocatively. "What?", I asked confused. Still not talking, he just patted on his lap and I understood. "You want me to eat breakfast on your lap?", I asked confused, "Do you think this will work?" He shrugged his shoulders and stared at me defiantly. I shook my head laughing and said: "Well, one way to find out." Then I sat down on his lap and satisfied he gave me a kiss on the neck. We started eating. I leaned against him and sometimes he fed me. I was surprised about how well it worked and afterwards admitted: "Ok, I give you that. It was comfy." He smiled proudly and we headed back upstairs to my room to start learning.

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