Together - 5

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"I don't want to anymore!", Jungkook sighed. It was Sunday and we had learned almost the whole day. I smiled as I replied: "Only this last exercise and we're done for today." "No-ho", my boyfriend continued to whine. "Concentrate. It isn't that hard", I motivated him. "I don't want to", he answered. I rolled my eyes. Sometimes I really needed patience with him. "Come on", I tried again. "We can do that tomorrow as well", he said. "No, we can't, silly, because we are taking that test tomorrow." "Then screw it." "Jungkook", I said warningly. He started to pout: "My brain is already fried." "Mine as well. What is the solution now?" He stared at me, trying to convince me to call it a day. I stared back, not giving in. None of us backed up so I tried a new strategy. "Ok, listen", I began, "You finish that exercise as a favour you do to me. And then you can make a wish." He raised an eyebrow: "You know where this could get you?" "Kookie", I warned him again. "Yes?" "Just solve this stupid thing!" "Ok, ok, don't get mad. But I do have a wish granted afterwards?" "Only if it's nothing too much." Instead of an answer he just grinned.

"Done!", he exclaimed 15 minutes later. I went over to check it and was happy as I figured that he did it just right. "Congrats", I said, "correct and done for the day." I turned to him and continued: "So what is your wish, Mister?" He looked at me knowingly and motioned me to sit down next to him. Then he approached me and while playing with my hair, he whispered in my ear: "I will keep it for when I really need it." My heart raced hearing his deep and seductive voice. He laughed, knowing exactly what he just made me feel like. After getting serious again, he continued in a normal volume: "For now I am just happy to call it a day." I nodded. Then I leaned against him and he put his arms around me.

The next day we sat in school, waiting for the exam to start. It was unusually quiet around us, everyone either focused on learning the last parts or trying to calm themselves down. And then there was Yoongi. His head rested on the table and I was pretty sure he indeed slept. Jimin stormed in, right towards me and before reaching me he already started to talk: "Katy, you HAVE to explain this to me!" I smiled. That was Jimin just like I know him. I looked over the exercise and started to explain. Meanwhile Hoseok came in as well and sat down next to us, starting to chat with JK and Tae and Leo that arrived last, 5 minutes right after him. As far as I knew they also had been learning together. Thinking back to that one day on JK's couch, I had to wonder how it went for them.

The exam was over sooner than I expected. After the teacher came in, organized our seats and woke up Yoongi, it already started and in the blink of an eye it seemed to be over. Afterwards, we all chatted and shared some sweets for a bit, but soon departed. For this evening Jin invited us over for a party to celebrate the last written exam, so we had to get ready. JK accompanied me home as always and suddenly got out some sweets, he had hidden from the others and showed them to me. "Only for the two of us", he grinned. And then opened them to take one out, holding it towards me.

"Come on, only a little bit more", he laughed. I was about to get sulky over his continuous teasing: "Stop it already, I know I am short even without you proving it to me!" He lowered the jelly a bit but as I was about to take it, he lifted it up again. "Jungkook!" I pouted and gave up. I knew he would give in either to me being really cute or getting salty. But I didn't feel like acting sweet for him today, so I just turned away, mumbling: "Whatever." Barely a second later I felt him hugging me from behind. He tried to rest his head on my shoulder but soon figured that it was impossible doing so while walking and gave up on it. "Sorry", he said and held the jelly right in front of my mouth. My lips took it cautiously from him, but I still didn't say anything. He kissed me on the neck and added: "Please forgive me?" I only grunted. "Ok what do you want me to do?" He knew me too well. I stopped and turned around to him: "When will you finally ask me to go to prom with you? Jimin already asked Charlie out even though they aren't a couple. Yet probably, I mean, she is pretty cute..." I stopped myself before starting to ramble and looked at him. "Oh that", he said, "Well, isn't it clear that you will go with me?" "Hey silly, a girl wants to be asked nonetheless!", I complained. "Ok then, will you go to prom to me?", he asked casually. I rolled my eyes: "You could do it more romantically." "Please, my amazingly beautiful love of my life – Would you give me the honour to go to prom with you?", he tried again. "You're hopeless", I smiled and went up to him, putting my arms around his neck. "So?", he asked. "Yes, stupid. Of course, I will go to prom with you." "Finally, she said yes", he sighed ironically and before he could say more to ruin the mood, I kissed him.

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