Return - 6

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I pressed his shirt closer to my chest and breathed in his remaining scent. Jungkook at least kind of lived with Leo and me anyways. Everywhere there was his stuff to be found. Mostly in my room though, because my official dorm mate didn't really like his clothes on the floor of our living room. She had told him off clearly and I had to chuckle about how shy he got. He really tried to make up to her and even got her some chocolate. From then on, at least the clothes stayed in my closet. To my luck right now. I felt a lot better today. Like I could actually survive this week without him right by my side. The fighter spirit within me rose up again. And it did a pretty good job – at least good enough to agree to a meeting for our group's project tomorrow.

I looked at the clock – ok, a bit more than two hours left until I had to meet up with Vinz and Sarah in that café. Sarah had promised me to pick me up so that I couldn't encounter Vinz on my own. I had prepared my part yesterday already to keep my thoughts off of missing JK too much. I sat down and watched the snowflakes fall down in front of my window. Taking a sip from my warm tea, I smiled while thinking back to one of our numerous dates.

--- Flashback ---

The snowflakes fell down thickly. I loved this weather. The sky might be grey on days like this, but I didn't mind as long as it snowed. Jungkook and me strolled along one of the paths in the park like we often used to. A bit earlier we had a competition on who could catch more snowflakes with his mouth and I had won. But I also had a strong suspicion that he let me win. The student's exchange would be in only a week and we both tried to not think about it. Right now though, the thoughts caught us once again. His arm around my waist felt more possessive than usually, but I actually wanted it to. I didn't want to leave him and I knew he didn't want to leave me. But we also both knew that I would regret it afterwards if I wouldn't. "You know what?", he suddenly asked and I looked up at him: "Hmm?" "A warm coffee always helped me against heavy thoughts. Let's go buy one over there, shall we?" "Only if you finally let me pay for my own stuff", I grinned, "I don't want to make you poor." He laughed slightly and said: "Maybe for one cookie." I looked at him mischievously: "But I already have the best Kookie in this world." He blushed and I felt proud. It was rare that he instead of me blushed. "Then I will pay everything", he then shrugged it off. I hit him lightly and he chuckled: "Ok. This time you can pay for your own stuff." "I wanna pay for both of us", I insisted, "Because I won earlier. Doesn't this sound fair?" He still smiled, but finally agreed.

With two hot cups of coffee we continued our walk a bit later. "I will miss you", he sighed and I stopped. He turned to me a bit surprised. I ran my fingers through his hair and said: "Hey, sweetheart, let's don't think about it just now. I will miss you, too. Way too much. But right now, the weather is lovely and the coffee tastes good. Let's just enjoy." He looked deep into my eyes and then gave me a kiss. I really had to concentrate to not spill my coffee. When he pulled back, he said: "Ok." Jungkook took my hand and led me further on.

--- Back to presence ---

I smiled. And this time it was him being away. Only a week though. It still felt weirdly comparable. Did he feel like this when I left? The doorbell got me back into reality. Surprised I looked at the clock. Nope, still half and an hour left before the meeting. Who could it be then? Curiously I got up. Maybe Leo awaited somebody? She at least didn't say something about it. Maybe Tae wanted to surprise her. But as far as I know, he met up with Jimin today for playing some games. I reached for the doorhandle and opened.

Forever (BTS's Jungkook Fanfiction)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora