Forever - 8

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I didn't know why. I just ran. Not knowing where I was headed or where I was, I continued running. I heard Jungkook behind me shouting: "Katy! Katy, please wait! Let me explain!" I didn't want to hear him. Didn't want an explanation. Not now. Probably never. I fought against the tears. Suddenly I heard him shout, louder than before: "Watch out!" It suddenly got so bright on my right side. I felt something hitting me. It hurt. And then: Black out.

I opened my eyes. The lights were bright. Too bright. I groaned. Everything hurt. Where was I? What happened? Slowly the pictures reached my mind again. The party. The girl. Jungkook. Kissing her. There were the tears again. And sudden anger I never felt so strong before. I was angry at JK. How could he? "But he never would actually do that", a quiet voice in the back of my mind said. I ignored it.

"Are you awake?", I suddenly heard next to me. I turned my head. Leo, Tes and Em sat next to me. "What happened?", I asked and immediately realized that even talking hurt. Em looked at me seriously: "You got hit by a car. You were lucky, though. One more week or so and you can get back home. Until then: Welcome to the hospital." I must have looked quite surprised and now Leo took over: "Jungkook was one step too late to pull you back from the street. At least he was right beside you to take care." I snorted: "Ha! Could have gone without that!" Em and Leo looked at each other. Slowly Em started: "He told us what happened... That's why we told him that we will take care of you for now. Even though he was outraged to not be allowed to come in. At least you are at the hospital where Tae's mom works. She put her feet down and he couldn't say anything against it. She will take care of you personally by the way." I didn't know what to say so I turned my head back to the ceiling. I again saw the pictures from before the accident. The tears came up once more and I started crying. Leo took my hand. We sat together without saying anything until I could get myself under control again – for now, at least. "You should talk to him", I heard Leo's voice. "I don't want to", I replied. "Understandable. But give him a chance. It's not like it seems." I snorted a second time. Then I turned my head to them: "Anyways... Thank you. For being here and stuff." Leo squeezed my hand.

After their work my parents also dropped by. They checked in but as they saw I was in good hands, they soon left again. The girls on the other hand stayed until they had to leave. They still tried to persuade me to talk to Jungkook, but I felt like I wasn't ready. What did they mean with "It's not as it seems"? Jungkook obviously kissed another girl. He might have been drunk again but I wasn't. I knew what I saw. And knew that it was real. Caught up in my thought, I didn't sleep well at all.

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