Return - 7

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Okay, that was weird. "Uhm... hi...?", I rather asked than greeted the visitor. "Hi", Vinz smiled back at me. "Uh...", I continued, still confused, "We are supposed to meet later on..." "I know", he replied and stepped in unasked. And honestly unwanted. "But I was around to finish some other business", he continued, "and I told myself I might as well come over a bit earlier before driving back home and staying there for 10 minutes before leaving again. And like this we can just go there together." I furrowed my brows. A bit earlier? 90 minutes were a bit earlier for him? He could have at least spent half an hour at home, from what I knew. He didn't live that far away. "Uh...", I said. Leo showed up behind me and I heard her confusion as well as she said "Vinz? What are you doing here already?" He explained the same thing to her and she – I loved her for this – just casually asked: "The weather is beautiful. You could have just spent the time outside." He raised an eyebrow: "It's snowing and freezing cold." "Then go into the café already", she replied coldly. "Don't have a lot of money with me", he shrugged it off. Great. I sighed. Leo as well. Then she added: "It is just a bit... well, unpolite. We could have been occupied or not at home. We don't know you enough to just welcome you anytime. But you are here anyways... Well, go ahead, you can sit down in the living room." She looked at me and continued: "Katy and I will keep you company until Sarah is here to pick you up." "But..." , I tried to speak up, knowing that she actually wanted to meet Charlie to watch some anime in 30 minutes. She motioned me to shut up and said: "Go take a seat, Vinz, we will be there in a second."

After she directed him to our living room, I whispered to her: "You know, I love you for this, but you really don't have to – " She cut me off: "Bullshit. I won't leave now. Charlie will understand. I'll just text her. And now – Let's go cracking!" She headed towards the living room as well but turned around one more time, saying: "Don't even think of making him feel comfortable. Throw away your politeness; he doesn't deserve it right now." A bit perplexed I followed her and sat down next to her. She had positioned herself in between us and right now typed into her phone – probably telling Charlie about coming later. Then she looked back up and started the conversation with Vinz. She wasn't unpolite, but everyone could have felt what she thought about his actions. I felt myself calming down a bit. Yes, this unbelievable boy had intruded my private space and I didn't like it at all. But Leo was here with me and helped me. I was really lucky for having her as my friend. I had to thank her later on.

The time went by teasingly slow, but I was glad, Leo took over most of the conversation – and made it clear that she wasn't happy about his appearance at all. Finally, the doorbell rang again. Leo sent me to open it and I was relieved seeing Sarah standing there. I could have hugged her. "What happened?", she asked worried, seeing my unhappy face. "He came too", I just said and saw that her expression grew darker. "No way!", she exclaimed. I nodded and explained the basics to her. She seemed mad. I just sighed and shrugged my shoulders. "Let's just get this over with", I said, "And since both of you are already here – We can work here, shall we?" She eyed me carefully and replied: "If that is really fine with you..." I shrugged my shoulders again and honestly answered: "Whatever."

Leo finally could leave and we started to work. Sarah was obviously grumpy, but Vinz ignored it. I wished I could be a bit sharp towards him, but I was too shy for it. "Okay", I sighed for the probably the thousandth time, "Your surnames, please. Sarah, I know yours, but I am not sure about yours, Vinz's, anymore. What was it again? We have to put it here." "Johnston", he replied and I suddenly froze. Wait... Johnston? A bit scared I asked: "Are you – by any chance – connected to the Johnston company?" He smiled proudly: "I am the boss's son and therefore also the junior boss." As I realized what he just said, I felt the urge to punch him. No more politeness here.

Jungkook's POV

"She did what?", I asked confused. "Threw him out without an obvious reason", Yoongi's indifferent voice answered. As if this was normal behaviour for my woman. "Wait, again", I said, trying to get my thoughts straight, "She threw Vinz out of their house without telling him why?" "Yep", my friend said and then added: "Anyways, now you know. Gotta go, dinner is ready. Sorry." "Wait!", I shouted but he already hung up. I shook my head – Friendship or not, nothing would keep Yoongi from his food when he was hungry. Not that I couldn't relate. But I at least wanted more details. Knowing that Katy wouldn't answer her phone right now – I tried multiple times – I called Jin next. Thankfully, he picked up.

"Jungkook, how are you doing? You heard of Katy ticking off?", he greeted me. "Yes, what happened?", I asked. "No one knows", my friend answered, "After she threw this guy out, she ran into her room and didn't come out. Didn't she call you? We hoped you could give us some information." "No, sorry", I replied, getting a bit worried. "Hmm...", Jin's voice was heard. I could imagine him being in deep thought. Then he continued: "I will try to talk to her later, ok?" "Thank you", I said and we hung up after saying goodbye. What had happened?

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