Return - 9

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Katy's POV

Before I could make a move though, somebody else smacked him. Pretty hard, I was impressed. Even more when I saw who it was. Sarah was standing there, shaking her hand and mumbled: "Darn it, that hurt..." It was such a weird situation that I had to laugh. "Katy?", I suddenly heard behind me now and my eyes widened as I recognized the voice. I spun around and found myself in a hug. I couldn't make out more than the chest of this person that held me, but I knew the scent, the voice, the feeling of those arms. And suddenly my laughing turned into sobbing. "It's alright. I'm back again", I heard Jungkook's voice as he stroked my head.

Jungkook's POV

It took quite some while until Katy calmed down again. In the meantime, Vinz left hurriedly and Sarah explained everything to us – Yoongi reached us as well. He was grinning widely when it came to her punching Vinz. "Better than any course at College, good thing I didn't go there today", he chuckled. I had to smile and thanked Katy's friend. "Why are you here?", I now heard my girlfriend's voice, "You're supposed to work." "I told them something about family problems and that I had to get back. They understood and wished me well", I answered honestly. "You shouldn't lie, baby", she pouted. I caressed her cheek and said: "You are part of my family, silly." And before she could contradict that, I kissed her.

Arm in arm we left the college's area. Yoongi told us, he would drive us home. I had to thank him later for everything. "Good thing, your friend punched him", he said to Katy, "Otherwise I would have beaten him up, promised." He tried to make it sound like a joke, but we knew that he was likely to have done it. And I would have helped him, no doubt. But it probably was for the best like this – A girl got off easier for punching a guy than two guys against one.

Vinz's POV

Katy told me off. My chin still hurt because of Sarah's punch. And then even Jungkook showed up. This was the worst day ever. I would make this dude leave the company. If he wouldn't on his own already. Why does he always intervene in my life? How dare he? Ok, I still haven't given up on Katy at least. I will make her understand that she is better off being with me. Time for my back-up plan. I typed in the number and pressed the Call-button. Let's see how you deal with this, Jungkook.

Jungkook's POV

After everyone knew everything there was to know, Katy was pretty exhausted. I had carried her into her room and laid her down on her bed. Tae had taken Leo along to crash at his place and therefore gave us some space for only us. I was very thankful for their consideration. A lot had happened and we needed time to settle it. I was sitting next to her, watching her sleep. She looked so peaceful and I always thought looking so relaxed suited her really well. She had been very stressed lately anyways. Her snoring made me chuckle. Geez, how had I even managed to sleep with this noise next to me all the time? I laid down beside her. Good thing I came back. It had been a bad idea to leave. I would talk this out with her once she was awake again.

I felt her wrapping her arms around me. A barely audible: "Baby?" came from her when she rested her head on my chest. "Hmm?", I replied. "Thank you", she said. I started to run my fingers through her silky hair. "Are you mad at me for leaving?", I asked after some time. She looked up, eyes still only half opened. She seemed to think and then tilted her head, answering: "At first I somehow was. But now you are here. You came when I needed you, so... No, I am not mad." I eyed her. She had a habit of sometimes settling things for herself while telling those around her she was fine and even though she almost always managed to take care of those things herself, I now desperately wanted her honesty. She smiled at me, figuring what I was up to and chuckled: "I am saying the truth, baby. I am fine. And I love you." Now I smiled back. I was pretty sure that she didn't hold back with her feelings. Caressing her cheek, I answered: "I love you, too." Instead of placing her head back on my chest, she crawled up a bit higher and kissed me. I kissed her back and slowly our kiss grew more passionate.

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