Forever - 7

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I realized what probably awaited me and smiled widely as I saw I was right: Jimin, Hoseok, Yoongi, Jin, Namjoon, Tae and three other girls stood in front of me. And next to them an improvised table with food and drinks and all that on it. The boys grinned at me – even Yoongi spared one of these rather rare expressions of his. The first girl I already knew. It was Jin's girlfriend Tes. I liked her a lot. The one girl next to Namjoon – obviously Em – looked at me curious but seemed very nice. The other one – Leo – seemed more cautious but curious as well. Both looked really pretty. "How come only good-looking people show up around this group?" I asked myself. But before I could say anything Jimin already was next to me and hugged me: "Welcome back!", he said and one after the other the boys came over and did the same. Jimin didn't stop talking until the others calmed him down. Now JK took my arm and led me to the girls: "May I introduce you to Em and Leo?" "Hi, nice to meet you", I said, "I am Katy." We shook hands and I saw a slight bruise on Leo's neck. I pointed at it and asked: "What happened to you?" She looked a bit shocked but when Tae grabbed her hand tightly, she relaxed a bit and quietly said: "My dad." "Oh", I replied, taken aback. I didn't know what to do or say but fortunately Leo spoke up again: "It's ok. Got better already." I nodded and felt JK's hand on my back. He said: "Maybe Katy can help you out with some lotions. They work really well." Leo shrugged her shoulders. "Probably", she said and looked back up: "Let's not talk about things like this." I nodded slowly but smiled as I saw Leo's slight smile. Now Jimin started to talk again. Then I turned to him and thought to myself: "I forgot how much this guy can talk."

Some time later we sat down to eat. The food tasted even better surrounded by all my friends. I also decided that I probably would find Em and Leo very dear to me over time. They fitted in perfectly in this chaotic and versatile group of people and I enjoyed the first day with them a lot. While JK tried to not let Jimin monopolize me I tried to answer every question asked. The whole time Kookie had his hand on my arm or back or around my waist. Somehow, I felt like he missed me just as much as me as he couldn't stop touching me. Not in the clingy way Jimin sometimes used to do but in a definite "She's mine"-kind of way.

The afternoon went on and I had a great time. Probably apart from when that girl showed up. I didn't know her, but the boys later told me that she was new around and now also at our school. "Not our year though. She's a bit younger. We know her since she somehow shows up around us a lot", Jimin said. I didn't even really realize her at first. I just saw that somebody walked on the path towards us. But then I recognized that she got slower and looked over unsure. Her eyes were wandering between Jungkook and me and as he nodded towards her as a greeting, she turned around and left hurriedly. Telling myself not to think about it too much, I leaned against my boyfriend and took another sandwich. After all, he was already mine and I knew that none of us planned on changing that. So why letting this ruin my mood now?

Over time I got used to my old hometown again. Almost every free minute I spent with Kookie, trying to make up for all the wasted time while I was away. We met up with the others quite a lot as well. I grew comfortable with Em and Leo. Before I knew it the three of us were close friends and it felt like I knew them for way longer than I actually did.

As usually the time for another party came. This time it was not a party by the boys but hosted by somebody called Jackson for mostly the whole school – or whoever was still around in holidays. Somehow Jungkook persuaded me to come along even though I was sceptical at first. We agreed on him not picking me up like normally but me coming on myself after I finished my tasks at home. I had quite some stuff to do that day and by the time I had finally finished dressing up, the party already started. Nonetheless, I looked in the mirror satisfied: A tight, black jeans and a white shirt with long fringes. It was long enough to cover my whole body when I didn't move too much but not too long to always fulfil that. I knew JK loved the outfit and smiled thinking about his proud look when he would see me. I combed my long, blonde hair and decided to leave it open – another thing he preferred, even though I always thought that it would be a bit sad that my earrings couldn't fully be seen then. I shook my head – I didn't have to impress anyone else than Jungkook and I knew that he liked it. So no debate about that. It's not that it made me feel uncomfortable or really regretful. I put on some slight makeup to finish off the look and after one last critical look into the mirror I decided to go for a compromise at least. I took a hair clip with a black, delicate flower attached to it and pulled one strain of hair out from behind my ear. Then I attached it with the clip so that at least one ear could be seen. I nodded to my image and left.

I reached the party and tried to find Jungkook. Following my instinct, I headed instantly to the bar. Ah, there he was. And next to him Jimin and... Well that other person wasn't one of the boys. I looked closer and slowly realized: It was the girl from the park. Wondering what she would do here I started walking towards them again. Suddenly her head turned to me and she looked at me shocked. Then she turned back, said something to Jungkook and as he faced her – I couldn't believe my eyes. Wait... Did she... Did she just really kiss him? What in the world? I stood there frozen solid until she let go off him again and with a last, but now rather triumphant look towards me disappeared on the dance floor. The same time JK turned around and as he saw me, he looked as shocked as I felt. Without thinking twice, I turned around and ran out.

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