Forever - 4

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In the evening I got another call. Instead of a greeting I answered it with: "Headache?" "Yes." After a short silence Jungkook added: "Sorry." I sighed: "Jungkook, you really shouldn't go overboard. All of your Einstein-ness will go to waste if you go on drinking like this. I mean, I get it. You were happy. But one day this will get you in trouble." "I know", he said and I felt the sincerity in his voice. Then he continued: "It was too much yesterday. Usually you are around to keep an eye on me but..." He paused and then said: "I miss you." I felt the tears coming up again as I said: "I miss you, too." After taking a deep breath I added: "Go rest a bit more now. You sound... not so good, to say the least. And... Only two more weeks." "I know. I love you." "I love you, too, you freak", I smiled melancholily, "and now go sleep some more. Take care." "I will. You too." "Promised." He hung up and I sighed. These "only two more weeks" became like a mantra to me. As much as I enjoyed this opportunity, the longing to be back home grew so much. I missed Jungkook way more than I confessed to him or me. Even when he messed up like at the party – I mean, I mess up too a lot. But well... Love isn't about finding the perfect, flawless person. Rather about finding the one that you could nail against a wall but want to take him off again the next moment. Or something like that.

The days went by and my yearning grew bigger and bigger, resulting in me calling him even more than usually. When I finally left for the airport, I felt quite relieved and was so hyped up about seeing all the others again. But at the same time, I was also really sad to leave my new friends behind. It was a weird combination. My host family wished me all the luck in the world and told me to come visit them once again. I promised I would. Smiling my host father added: "And take that boyfriend of yours along, I wanna meet my host-son-in-law." I laughed. These guys really made me feel like part of their family and I secretly had planned to introduce them to Jungkook once. But one thing after the other – first I had to get back into his strong arms. Excited I boarded the plane. My thoughts trailed off to the day he asked me out and smiling I closed my eyes and dreamed.


Over the time Jungkook seemed to get really attached to our project. After the first two or three meetings I always insisted to see his elbow again. I was relieved that the lotion I gave him after the first day in the garden really seemed to work. He himself was surprised about it, even more when he heard that I made it myself. Every chance he got, he asked me about herbs and what they could be used for. We joked around a lot and laughed together. Apart from the garden we now even started to sometimes sit together in class. He introduced me to his friends – a bunch of boys, all very nice. And even if one wouldn't think it's possible – all handsome. They liked me and I liked them and somehow I got "adopted" into their group. Over the time I realized that whatever it was with these boys – they managed to get the real me out of me. The one who still was nice and followed the rules but now also found a slight bad-bitch-side to her. Who would not shut up in front of authorities when she didn't agree with them just because they were authorities. Who started to go to parties even though she still didn't drink a lot. And one who wouldn't hold back because of some concerns when somebody suggested a rather silly idea but went along. As long as it didn't cross the line, of course.

Sometimes I caught Jungkook being in the garden earlier than anyone, trying to learn the plant's names or just looking at some flowers in amazement. I still don't know when exactly it happened but one day I saw him standing in the hallway and realized that I had a big crush on him. At least.

Sadly, the day came and we finished our project – Jungkook naturally wouldn't be forced to stick around anymore. And when we talked about it, he told me he wouldn't have the time for it but maybe come around to visit every now and then because it would still be "an achievement for me as well", as he called it. I smiled when I realized he really liked spending his time there. But I was still a bit sad when I departed for the first meeting without him – as always a bit too early to prepare for the others.

I stopped halfway as I saw Jungkook standing in the garden. I faced his back, so he didn't see me yet and I thought of turning around again when I realized he held something in his hands. Now curious I approached him. "Can't let the garden go?", I asked. He flinched and turned around. He held a bouquet in his hands. I looked back and forth between him and the flowers confused. He took a deep breath and then began: "Katy... I... Well..." Silence. "I want to ask you out on a date." I didn't get what he said at first. I looked in his eyes with my mouth open. "See", he continued, "I like you. Like – like like you. Not only like. Really like you. That was too much like, I guess, huh?" He smiled unsure and continued: "Anyways, I wanted to get to know you since you came into our class. You enchanted me with your looks and I was amazed by your intelligence. But I was too shy to talk to you first. And when I got the chance to work together with you, I was actually not at all as cool as I tried to be. I thought I could impress you with that. Guess not..." He chuckled shyly and then looked straight into my eyes, ending with: "So... What do you say?"

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