chapter forty three **

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She had always known that her life could change in an instant. How there could be one moment where she was feeling as though she was on top of the world, then the next she could be tumbling down to the bottom of it. How there could only be such a high before meeting the lowest of lows.

Being with Harry had been her high, but losing her brothers had become the lowest she could ever go.

She tried to block her thoughts from spiraling around her brain, wondering if there could have been anything she could have done to stop this moment from happening. She simply shook her head to bid the thoughts, packing up the smallest amount of her items to make sure she had enough room for everything that Luke and Cole would be needing.

She looked around Cole's room, trying to figure out everything he needed before going into Luke's room and doing the same thing all over again. She was about to leave, placing the rest of his things into a small garbage bag when she saw something under his pillow.

She walked towards his bed slowly, her mind wondering what he could be hiding when she lifted his pillow up slightly. She let out a small 'aww' seeing that it was the small picture book she had given Cole just a few short days ago. He had been carrying it around everywhere with him, telling everyone that he had come into contact with about his father.

She sighed deeply, knowing that he was probably upset that they didn't allow him the chance to get the book when they took him last night. She placed the book in the small bag, when a piece of paper fell out. It was another one of his drawings, one with the two of them standing outside of their home. Their hands were holding onto one another's, both smiling widely. The picture itself was quite simple, knowing the stick figures in the drawing was them because he had scribbled their names on the bottom.

As she looked at the picture, she had realized that there had been two more underneath it. A small laugh escaping her lips at the picture of Luke and Cole. The boy had always drawn pictures of him and his siblings together when he couldn't sleep. Vicky saying that it was just his way of coping through the struggles - as if it was a way to remind himself of the people who were always there for him.

So when she flipped the page for a second time, she wasn't entirely sure who she would find. A part of her had just assumed that it would be a picture of the three of them together, maybe one of him and Phoebe or Louis. But she definitely hadn't expected him.

The curls that were drawn on his head were perfectly placed, the vibrant green of his eyes caught her off guard as she looked at the drawing. There was a small smile on his face - one not as big as Cole's - but enough to see that he had one. His arms had small lines through them, as if Cole had been trying to make sure he had gotten his tattoos on them. But her favorite part of the picture... the small loop attached to the corner of his lip, minnicing the lip ring he always had in.

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