Pretty Girl

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"What the hell is this," Kiego exclaims walking in to see what's happening.

"Oh how nice of you to join us, Hawks, would you like the rainbow dagger to your throat or the plain one. I think you're more of a plain guy."

"I like her.... she's funny," the man pointing a fucking blade to my throat says.

"Thanks, can you remove the-"



I look at the woman standing in front of me. Long black hair.... dark eyes.... pale skin. The hell are you? A vampire.

"Maybe, maybe not," she answers what I was thinking.

"How did you-"

"I can read minds, a pretty handy quirk for the career I'm in," she smirks.

I scoff and look at the rest of the people in the room. "Let's put that to the test."

I jump up causing the two men to try and cut me. I push their arms together causing the knives to stab into the headboard. That'll be a pain in the ass to fix.

Flipping over them, I smile and grab one guy's head bringing him up in the air and slam him on the ground. I look back at the woman to find her just simply standing there. Weird....

I continue to fight the men. I win, obviously. I look at Kiego, "Second time your ass hasn't helped."

"You had it handled." I scoff and looks back the woman holding the men's daggers in my hand,

"I got 4 you have 2, you wanna face these odds?"

"Of course, who would I be if I didn't," she smirks.

"Let's go pretty girl."

And with that she throws multiple knives my way. I dodge them and send multiple feathers towards her. She dodges as well. I snicker, "Seems you're smarter than you look!"

She bows, "Not so bad yourself, 'pretty girl.'"

"I'm right here," Kiego exclaims.


I block the woman's knife with my own. Still in sleeping clothes damn this is something.

"I still think you're gorgeous," she replies once again.

"Thanks, but I'm taken so!" I drop down and slice the back of her ankle.

"Ouch this is what I get for giving a compliment," she says falling to the floor. I pull out a feather and hold it to her throat, "Nope, that's what you get for waking me up."

"Y- Nightlock!?"

I look at my kids standing in the doorway. I knock out the woman and toss my book bag on her.

"I feel cheated on," Kiego pouts. So dramatic.

"Then dump me? I don't know how to help you with that," I say picking up Ania and Fuji while Havena follows after.

"No! Why would I do that?!?"

"You feel 'cheated' correct? Sorry man but unfortunately I don't swing that way."

"Yes you do!" Yes I do.

I sit with Ania in my lap while I braid her hair. I hear a small shuffle come from the room.

"Oh I believe our little friends are up," I smile while looking at Kiego, "can you go check on them? Wouldn't want them to feel unwelcome. Also, why is she in my house."

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