Jail Time

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-Narrator Pov-
The heroes finally did it. They 'captured'......a victim. Idiots.

As y/n sits in the van she has a mask over her mouth. It prohibits her from talking as her hands are chained to a wall behind her. Her wings are still stuck in cages as she rest with her head down.

2 guard sits in the van with her, both armed. She looks at the and looks sadly back down. The ride is silent as she stares at the floor.

As they arrive at the prison she gets thrown out. She gets up and rubs her wrist. The guards step out and point the guns.


She does so and kneels. Her arms are placed behind her back and she's handcuffed again.

She steps up and they walk.

-Time skip-

Hawks was currently standing in front of the Assassin's Point group. He has just learns of what happened to y/n. Kavy was the only one not yelling at the man. She stood in the back of the group. Her arms crossed as she thought about the situation.

The man didn't say a word, his head was down. He didn't make eye contact with the group as they all walked away.

Kavy got up from leaning against the wall and walked towards the male. Her shoes echoing in the room.

"Look up."

He did.

"Did you know?"


Kavy hums, "I believe, she won't. Y/n has many things about her, I'm sure you know most."

The man nods.

Kavy continues, "Y/n was abandoned once, betrayed. She never wanted it to happen again, and we swore we would never let it happen again. The Assassin's Point became her family," she paused as she step up to the winged hero, "You, became her family too."

And then it hit him.

"I have to go," he says.

"Hurry, she doesn't like to be kept waiting," Kavy says smiling. He nods and leaves.

-Y/n Pov-
I get led to my jail cell. I look down at my clothes, "Stripes really do not look good on me."

"Probably should have thought about that before killing people."

I look up to see All Might, I sit down, "Maybe. Anyways, why are you here? Never really heard of the Number one hero visiting a lowly villain."

"I thought you weren't a villain."

"I'm not."

"You very confusing, do you know that?"

"I make a living off it," I say.

He stays away from the cell and I roll my eyes, "I don't bite....how could I," I say while motioning towards the cameras, "one wrong move and I go into solitary confinement."

I lean back on the uncomfortable bed and rest my head on my arms, "Are they okay?"

All Might looks confused, "Who?"

I shake my head, "Never mind."

He leaves and I sit up. How did this happen? To me of all people. I sigh and hear the buzzer for the doors. Others open and mine is still closed.

A guard comes and I'm placed in handcuffs. I get led outside with the other prisoners. They stare at me and I keep my head low. The guards leave and I sit on a table.

A group of men walk over and I keep my head down.

I fee that stare at me and I look up, "Do I know you?"

"You will. We have a tradition around here," man number one pauses as number two laughs, "newbies get pick on how they want to go."

"Go where? Maybe you can educate me since Im new and all," I say with a innocent tone.

They laugh, "Drop the act...we all know you're in here for a reason."

I shrug, "Maybe."

I hop off the table as the cages on my wings make a clinking sound, "If you want to fight, I suggest you do it quickly," I pause and brush off my shirt, "I do hate to be kept waiting."

"Look at who's all big and bad."

I snicker and..... "Visitor for Y/n L/n."

I look at the guards and back at the men, "Told you." I walk away and wave, "Have fun boys."

I walk out and get led to the visiting area. I sit down and grab the phone.

"Well hi......" He looks down and I scoff. "What do you want? I was just about to make some friends."

"Never heard of someone doing that in prison."

"Well I'm not everyone. Now we all know you're here for something, what do you want.........dad?"

He sighs, "You know, I'm not the one who decided what happened to you."

"I know, but I'm not to keen on revisiting my old life. So unless you're here to hand me a million bucks. I suggest you leave."

"I know about the pro hero." I turn, "So that's why you're here."

"I want to help you, you know that."

I scoff, "If you wanted to 'help me'.... you would have stayed out of my life. But this is one of those weird ass movies so, I don't mind you being here. Truly, I do love you dad."

"I love you two y/n." I smile as he leaves. And then someone else comes. My smile drops.

"Was- was that your dad?"

"Nah it was just some random man that decided to visit me."


"Why are you here? I kind of make it a point to not keep traders in my life, Hawks," I say.

He sighs and speaks, "Look. I'm sorry, I didn't know what they were planning."

I look at him, "Were you apart of it?"

He doesn't answer.

"I'm going to take that as a yes and," I reach into my pocket, "why?"


"Like I said the first time, I'm not dumb," I say setting the red feather on the table.

He slouches and looks down, "It's not what you think."

"I'm pretty smart so, I'm definitely going to say it's what I think," I pause, "you were apart of it. You ease dropped on me. Spied on me in my own home.....but you didn't know."

He looks back up at me and I smile, "You may have been apart of it, but I'm not going to blame you for getting duped....bird brain."

He looks like he just had an existential crisis and I laugh, "Scared?"

"Yeah, kinda."

"Are they okay?"

He nods, "Yeah, but Fuji and Ania keep asking where you went."

I nod, "Tell them I went on another mission and I'll be home in a few weeks."

"Isn't that lying?"

I shrug, "Maybe, but it's for the best. Also-"

"Visiting time is over!"




And I get dragged off and thrown back outside, "Ow my ass." I hope this bird brain gets it.

The guys from before the walk up to me and do some tough guy thing. "Well little lady, who's your pick?"

Oh here we go.

Author J Out

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