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   I woke up to the kids laying on me. I smiled and picked them up. I flew them to my room and laid them on the bed. Havena moved and I quickly rubbed her back to get her to go back to sleep. I'm awesome. I flew back downstairs and made some pancakes. I started to listen to my music and ended up making too many pancakes. "Welp."

"Y/n." I looked up from the stove to see them all standing there. "Hi," I said while pulling out some plates. "I made pancakes," I said while handing them each one. They all smiled and began eating. I nodded at my work and went back upstairs. I changed out of my pajamas and fixed up my hair. I walked back downstairs and was now curious. I sat on the countertop and looked at them. "How old are you guys?" They began to speak. "I'm 10," Havena said. "I'm 7 ," Fugi mumbled while stuffing his face with a pancake. "I'm 6," Ania said proudly. I nodded, "Do you have quirks?" They all shook their heads sadly. "Hey, hey it's alright if you don't have a quirk," I said instantly running over and hugging them. "B-but we want to become a hero like you," Ania said. I felt my heart swell. I'm a hero to them. A hero. I smiled and felt tears poke at my eyes, "You can be a hero okay? You don't need a quirk to help people and don't let anyone tell you different," I paused and looked at all of them, "And if someone says something just tell me and I'll teach them a lesson!" We all laughed and they continued to eat.

I walked down from upstairs wearing a crop top and some leggings. "I'm going out again," I said while they watched TV. Yeah I finally got that fixed. They nodded. "Here," I said handing them a feather. "What's this for?" I smiled, "If anything happens just speak into it and I'll come back." They smiled and I walked out the door.

I wonder where I can get some toys. Oh- how convenient. I walked into a nearby toy store and got some stuffed animals. I also got some blankets and some clothes for them. I paid for all my stuff and then left. I was walking down the road back to my house when I heard Ania scream. I gripped the bags tight and flew as fast as I could back to my house. Within a few seconds I was there. I flew through my window and dropped everything. I threw on my mask and grabbed two knifes. I hid them behind me and jumped off the stair well, my wings slowing my fall.

"KIDS!" I ran to the couch where I left them to see them all standing in a corner. I walked towards them and bent down. "What's wrong?!" They pointed behind me. I turned around and saw red wings. Fucking bird brain. "Hey, if your going to break into my house can you at least leave them alone," I said pissed off that that he was sitting on my countertop, "And get your ass off there." He smiled, "I didn't know you had kids." I sighed, "I don't." He tilted his head, "Did you- did you kidnap them?" I smiled, "Yes I, an assassin, stole them. For what? because a," I paused and looked at the kids, "cover your ears," they did so and I continued, "because a bitch got bored." Note the sarcasm. I looked at them and motioned for them to remove their hands. Hawks just facepalmed and I walked to the kitchen.

"So do you want a pancake or are you just going to stand there," I said while getting a container out my lower cabinets. "Do you have any chicken?" I sighed, "Cannibal." He scoffed and I turned around. "Kids can you go upstairs and go watch some TV or something," I said. "Sure thing y-," I cut Fuji off with a glare. He gulped and I gave him a soft smile as they walked upstairs. "AND LOCK THE DOOR!" "OKAY," Havena replied.

I walked to the countertop and Hawks and I were on opposite sides. I placed my knifes on it and looked at him. "Why?" "Why what?" "Why are you here," I asked. "To check up on you of course," he said doing a hero smile. I rolled my eyes, "And why would you do that, like I said we aren't friends." He mumbled something. "Speak up." "Nothing," he said. "Whatever." I looked at him and sighed, he's hopeless. I took off my mask and his eyes went wide. "What you like something you see?" I walked by him and threw my mask on the couch. He followed me. "You're acting like you didn't see me yesterday without a mask," I said. He smiled, "Yeah but I didn't get a good look at this beautiful face in front of me." I walked up to him and grabbed the collar of his shirt and brought his face closer to mine, he blushed and looked away, "Bird brain." I let him go and flew upstairs. "Stay as long as you like yada yada yada," I looked at him, "If you're going to take me in, make sure the kids get a good home." He nodded and I walked into my room.

  ~Hawks POV~
Why did I blush? Didn't I have a reason for coming over here- OH RIGHT. "Um wait come back," I said as she walked into her room. Damn it. I could walk up there- NO BAD KIEGO. Do I leave? No I want to know her name. Then what the fuck do I do? I sighed and decided to leave. "Leaving so soon." I turned around and saw her standing right there. "W-whats your name?" DAMN IT KIEGO WHY DID YOU STUTTER. She smiled. That damn smile. She jumped off the railing and landed in front of me. "Like I would tell you bird boy," she said. I scoffed and walked away. Fine. "Wait, wait come back," she said. I turned around and saw her motioning towards her room. What?! "Can you watch them?" Her voice sounded strained. "What I'm not really good with ki-," "I'll tell you my name." I smiled, "Deal."

She called the kids downstairs. They all listen to her and ran to hug her hip. "Y'all are going to listen to," she paused and looked at me, "Papa hawks over there and not kill him." She gave a closed eye smile and before I could realize what happened she was gone. "Okay byeee," she said as she closed her door. What? I'm not ready to be a dad?!

Author J Out

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