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  "Why am I floating?"

I was currently hovering over my bed. I looked up to see my wings moving on their own. "I thought I got out of this habit." I landed and went to my stair railings. I jumped over them and landed on the first floor. "Oh shit I gotta go find the bastard today." I paused and looked at the time, it's like 4:30pm guess I slept all day. I started to think. I decided to gear up and go do my job.

"FUCK SHIT BITCH OWWW," I yelled as I got my wing stuck in the top. I eventually got it out and finished getting dressed. I put my blades in there respective place and jumped out my window. I did my normal routine of jumping off the power lines and I looked at the map on my wrist. Last time I saw him I placed a tracker so this shouldn't be that hard. The map led me to a building. I walked inside with 3 throwing knifes in one hand. I saw a man sitting in a chair.

"Hey," the man paused and turned around, "Nightlock." I knew something about this was shady. Before I could move I felt something on my throat.

"I wouldn't move if I was you, my feathers would cut through you easily," he said.

I laughed and turned on my voice changer, "897."


   "Do you know what that number means?"

He shook his head still not moving the feather against my throat. "Every feather you moved. Every time you took a misstep. Every time you were left wide open," I let out a creepish laugh, "Every chance I had to end you right then and there."

His eyes went wide and I could tell he was fearful. "Now if you are going to kill me I suggest you do it quickly," I said while secretly moving one of my feathers.

"Wha-," before he could finish he fell to his knees and his feather dropped. "Like I said, should have done it."

I walked over to him and cleaned my feather. "You won't die," I said to the paralyzed man on the floor. "But you will be down for a good 20 minutes depending on your stamina," I bent down and leaned next to his ear, "and by then I'll be gone," I sang into his ear as I flew out the building.


I looked down to see a man on fire running towards me. "How about no." I flew through a alleyway and folded my wings to make them fit. He followed me. Fuck, bitch I just wanna go home and now I have to lose these idiots again. I flew up higher into the air and used the clouds as covering. He began to shoot fire. Bitch what the hell. I used my wings to cover me body and flew through the fire. "YOU VILLAIN SCUM," the man yelled. "IM THE VILLAIN!? IM NOT THE ONE WITH THE FIRE QUIRK!" I was pissed. I always get called a villain damn heroes maybe I should start taking the jobs on them. Fucktards.

  I kept flying through the fire as I led him to a alley. Gotcha. I used feather to paralyze him. He fell to the floor and I landed. "Do not call me the villain." I looked up to see a big blonde man coming towards me. "I AM HERE!" I covered my ears, loud. I quickly ran past him and flew into the air, "Yeah and I AM GONE," I said mimicking his voice. He tried to follow me but I got bored and just decided to use my wings and push him back. He moved back and in an instant I was gone.

  Fuck that took a while. It was now at least 30 minutes later and I finally got home after loosing them. I flew through my window and landed on my bed. "Hello," I heard a voice say from downstairs. I threw a spare knife I had in my hand and heard a noise. "Ouch that fucking hurt."

I flew down the stair to see the red feathered man pinned to the ground with my knife. It was stuck through both his wings. "Pussy," I said walking over to him.

"I'm not the villain here," he said while laying on the floor. I rolled my eyes, "Neither am I."

He laughs a little, "You've killed people." "So have you." He looked shocked, "W-what do you mean?" I laughed, "Takes one to know one." I touched the knife on his wings. "How do you know I won't kill you?" I smiled through my mask, "You couldn't." He scoffed and looked away. "This is gonna hurt like a bitch," I said as I yanked the knife out. He flinched a little.

He reaches out to touch my wings, "I wouldn't do that if I were you." He tilted his head and I rolled my eyes. "Just don't touch unless you know how they work."

He moved his hand back and I laughed a little. "I never knew the famous assassin Nightlock," he paused and looked me up and down, "was a woman."

I scoffed, "You think a man could pull this off?" He smiled, "Not at all."

"You can turn that off you know," he said. I shrugged. "Might as well," I said as I turned off the voice changer. "Hey," I said in my normal voice.

He seemed to blush as I laughed a bit. I noticed his wings were going to be scarred. He moved when I touched his actual wing. "Oh stop being such a baby," I said as I got one of my smaller feathers.

"What are you doing?"

I placed the feather on the scar, "helping you bird brain." In an instant the scar was gone and I grabbed the feather. "So you have a healing quirk?" I nodded, "Originally." He looked confused, "Originally?"

  I shook my head, "We ain't friends bird brain and I don't feel like sharing my past."

He put his hand to his heart, "Ouch, and I thought I was getting somewhere." I looked at him and he reached for my mask, "Aht, no." I leaned back dodging his hand. "Why do you wear a mask?" I facepalmed, "I'm a assassin remember." He nodded, "Right." "Aren't you going to turn me in?" He smiled and shook his head, "No, I don't think I will."

I shrugged, "Whatever but I'm not paying you back." He laughed as he walked out the door, "We'll see."

  I walked back to my room and sat on my bed after changing, "Yeah we'll see."

Author J Out

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