Chapter 4

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After being introduced to the demon brothers, Mammon and I headed to the House of Lamentation. I was a little nervous to be in the demon world since I had my fair share with demons, both evil and friendly, and I didn't know what to expect now that I'm here as an exchange student. I don't know what was going to happen back in the children's home but, I hope Jamie is going to be all right without me for one year. I was the only person who's like family to him.

"...Ugh, I don't believe this. Of all the rotten luck..." Mammon whined all the way here. "Why should I have to look after some human? it's insulting, that's what it is!"

I rolled my eyes when he said this. Ever since we left the academy, Mammon has been complaining non-stop how he got stuck babysitting me. How does he think I feel about this? I was an orphaned kid who was living a normal life in the human world and then suddenly I've been transported into this world to be a part of this exchange program and I didn't get a say in it.

"That rotten bastard... Does he think he can scare me into doin' whatever he wants?" Mammon turned to look at me and he said to me.

"Just so we're's not like I can't say no to Lucifer, okay?! I only agreed to babysit you because, um... Well you know, because, uh..."

"Because what?" I asked Mammon.

"Anyway, it doesn't matter! Just don't go thinking that I'm scared of Lucifer or anything! because I'm not!" Mammon shouted at me which made me smirk.

"Oh yeah? then care to explain to me why your legs were shaking like a leaf when he glared and scolded you back there?"

Mammon looked at me with a shocked expression and then he loses it after snapping out of it.

"I was not shaking like a leaf! anyway, let's move on."

We walked through the gates and then we walked towards the big house. I have to admit, it looked creepy and scary on the outside but to me, it looks cool. Mammon opened the door and then we walked inside the house. I looked at the entryway and I was impressed with the decoration.

 I looked at the entryway and I was impressed with the decoration

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"This is the House of Lamentation. It's one of the dorms here at RAD. Well, it's not JUST one of the dorms. It's the dorm reserved for student council members. Lucifer, Asmo, and the others take every chance they can get to insult me. Callin' me scum, sayin' that I'm a money-grubber and stuff..."

"Well you are known as the Avatar of Greed for a reason," I mumbled quietly.

"...but, I'm an officer on the student council, same as them. The elite of the elite, the top of the RAD social pyramid. In other words, I'm a big shot. A REAL big shot. Like, even regular big shots are impressed by what a big shot I am. So don't you go thinking that I'm just some ordinary demon. I'm nothing like those other peons walking the halls here."

I sighed a little as Mammon went on and on about himself and how he is top dog around here. Yeah right, more like a big wussy when it comes to the scary Avatar of Pride.

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