Chapter 21

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It had been a few nights since Luke did a disappearing act. We couldn't work out how he disappeared from the closet from Beel's room, it was a mystery. Speaking of that night, Raven didn't have to hide as much as he used to anymore because ever since Lucifer told me that he knew about me keeping him as a familiar. Raven didn't need to feel the need to hide from the others. It was a huge relief and I was happy that I got to keep him but, there were more things to worry about like Luke's disappearance. 

"Luke never did come back last night," Beel commented as we hung around the classroom while Raven was sitting on my lap. "You two saw it, right? You saw me push him into the closet. So then why did he just va-"

"Well, hello Bee, Akira. Good to see you," Simeon cut off Beel's sentence. 

Simeon looked at Raven and he asked me.

"Who's your new friend?"

"This is Raven, he's my familiar or in human terms, he's my new pet dog."

"Nice to meet you," Simeon told him before petting Raven's head. 

"You two are looking after Luke, right? I hope he isn't causing you too much trouble."

"Oh no, not at all," I lied to him while petting Raven's head.

"I'm sorry you had yo get caught up in our private squabble. I tried to stop him before he could run off, but Luke is just too quick I'm afraid. I'd appreciate it if you could take care of him until he's ready to come back again. Thank you both," Simeon spoke with a smile.

Beel and I were silent and we wondered if we should tell him that Luke has vanished. Simeon looked at me and he said to me.

"Luke can be a real handful. He's still young and immature as angels go, and he knows little of the world. So, he tends to judge everything in life from the perspective of someone in the Celestial Realm, using its logic. Though that's also one of the positive things about Luke. He's honest, genuine and he adheres to a strict set of values that he doesn't break. When the two of us were orginally chosen for the exchange program in the Devildom, he was extremely upset and depressed. It was hard for him," Simeon explained.

"I had no idea. But, who can blame him?" I asked outloud making Beel and Simeon chuckle.

"But personally, I thought that studying in the Devildom would be a good opportunity for Luke. Here, Luke is able to come in contact with demons as well as human students like you, (Y/n). It's a chance for him to expand his perspective. And on top of that, it's my hope that he'll be able to grow as an angel as well. I'm guessing Michael must have felt the same way, which is why he chose Luke for this program. Though Luke himself still hasn't figured it that out."

"Then why don't you tell him this?" I asked Simeon.

"I believe this is true in the human world too, but some supervisors like to teach the people they lead directly - to give them the answers they need. But other supervisors like to make those they lead to think for themselves and have them figure things out on their own. I belong to the latter group. I like to sit back and watch Luke find the answer on his own," Simeon spoke with a smile as he explained this to me.

I smiled back at him and I thought to myself.

'Figure things out on your own huh? I wish it was that easy for me...especially since I don't have any clues about why I can see demons in the human world and the whereabouts of my parents.'

"You make a great leader, Simeon," I complimented him.

"Thank you. Though I'm not sure if Luke would agree with you," Simeon chuckled and I could hear Luke's ranting right now if he were here.

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