Chapter 24

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The next day after last night's events, everyone was silent during breakfast and you could cut the tense with a knife. I quietly sipped my tea while Raven ate his food quietly.

"...Aw, normally everyone's so happy and full of energy at breakfast. But things are sooo tense today!" Asmodeus broke the silence.

"After hearing about what happened last night, I'm not surprised," Satan commented before Asmo glanced at Levi.

"How about you, Levi? You weren't involved in the drama at all?"

"I haven't left my room in the three days since Master of Diablo released. That's my new game. I've been busy trying to finish it. It's an open-world game set in the human world, which you try to destroy by asserting control over Diablo, Lord of the Underworld. It's AMAZING," Levi told us.

"So you're playing yet another game with inappropriate themes..." Satan grumbled. "Still, I have to admit, sometimes there are advantages to being a shut-in. You avoid getting caught up in unpleasant business, like what happened last night."

"Yeah, you can definitely say that. Just look at Beel, he's on his sixth cup of soup. That's only half of his normal pace," Asmo commented as he glanced at Beel.

Satan smirked before he looked at Mammon, "I see that Mammon has the same stupid look on his face as he always does."

"Hey! what's that about my face now?!" Mammon shouted with a frown.

"You all! Stop whisperin' over there! if you've got somethin' to say, just come out and say it!"

"I don't know what you're talking about. We weren't whispering. Don't have a hissy fit, Mammon," Asmo told him.

"You know, we weren't able to ue the kitchen until yesterday, as someone had destroyed it. So I'd say we're the victims here."

Satan spoke with a small frown while everyone else remained silent. I looked at the others and I thought to myself, 'This is really uncomfortable.'

"I'm done. I'm going to class early," I told the others before standing up from my seat.

"(Y/n)," Lucifer called out to me.

"Yes, Lucifer?"

"Would you come see me in the music room before heading to class?"

"Uh, sure."

"I'll be there waiting for you," Lucifer told me before he left the room.

"I can sense how unhappy he is," Raven mumbled.

"Ooh, Lucifer wants to see (Y/n)? Yikes! Super scary!" Asmo spoke up.

"Pff... Careful Asmodeus. He might hear you."

Satan and Asmo told me before they left the room. I looked at the demons who I made a pact with and they all looked at me with a  worried expression on their faces. Maybe I can convince one of them to accompany me part of the way to the music room.


"Forget it!" Raven shouted before he hides in Beel's shadow.

"Some loyal hound you are!" I shouted at him before looking at Beel.

"Beel, do you mind accompanying me?"

"All right."

Beel spoke with a small smile before he stood up from his seat and then we headed to the music room. Once we got there, Beel looked at me and he said to me.

"This is as far as I can go with you. I don't know  what Lucifer wants, but I sure hope it doesn't turn out to be bad news for you."

"I'll be fine, Beel. Don't worry, I've faced worst demons before I met Lucifer."

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