Chapter 8

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The next day, we were at the dining table having breakfast and somehow, the brothers have heard about last events about me making a pact with Mammon.

"AHAHAHAHA!!" Asmodeus laughed when he heard the news.

"Asmodeus, keep your voice down. If Mammon hears you, he'll get upset again, and we won't hear the end of it," Satan told Asmo with a frown.

"Eh, he won't be awake for a while. He's really not a morning demon, you know? And anyway, how can you NOT laugh after what's happened? I mean, this is Mammon, and yet a human was able to play him like a fiddle and force him into a pact."

Satan curled up his lips as he snickered quietly.

"Hey, I hear you laughing, Satan! I know you think it's funny, too!"

'I don't see what the big deal is but then again, watching Mammon getting onto his knees was really funny. I wished I had taken a picture of it when I had the chance.'

I thought to myself as I ate my breakfast.

"Mm, this is delicious. The meat is so tender..." Beel commented as he ate his food.

"Beel, calm down. You're biting off chunks of your plate along with your food," Levi warned him.

Asmo turned to look at me and he said to me.

"Anyway, I have to say I'm surprised. I never thought an average human like you would be able to make a pact with Mammon - certainly not THIS fast. I guess they really did know what they were doing when they picked you for the exchange program, huh?"

"I still can't believe I managed it," I told him with a small smile.

"Well, I guess it could simply be beginner's luck, yes..." Satan told me.

"All I know is that I finally got Mammon to give me back my money. So, I couldn't ask for a better outcome! Epic win for Leviathan! I should've rounded up a random human and done this sooner! Now I'll be able to buy the Blu-ray box set of Journey to the Devildom: The Tale of the Little She-Devil and her Reluctant Companio! The initial round of copies includes promotional tickets to a live event as a special bonus! That live event is going to be sooooo epic!"

I sweat dropped when I saw Levi's happy face and then Asmo spoke up.

"You know, I find it surprising enough that (Y/n) managed to make a pact with Mammon...but, what's even more shocking is the team-up with Levi that helped make it happen. Don't you think?"

"Yep, I never thought I'd see the day that a human won over Levi, but here we are," Satan spoke with a smile.

"Excuse me?! Don't go getting the wrong idea. Nobody won me over! Our interests just happened to align, that's all! The relationship was purely business! I mean, why would I want anything to do with some non-otaku normie of a human? I wouldn't! I mean, I'm spoken for! I'm no cheater! M-M-My one true love is-"

"Chesseburgers," Beelzebud cuts Levi's sentence off.

"No! That's YOUR one true love, Beel!" Levi shouted at him.

"Mm...I get hungry just thinking about them." 

Beel drooled over the thought. I chuckled at his reaction before Asmo asked me.

"You know, the way things are going the rest of us just might find ourselves in a pact with (Y/n) as well if we're not careful. If you had your choice, which one of us would you forge a pack with next, (Y/n)?"

That question took me by surprise but, it was still a good one. I looked at the three brothers and I decided which demon I would pick to make a pact with next.

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