Chapter 14

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The following chapter is a matured content that contains heavy sex and violence. Be warned!

I looked down on him with a fear on my eyes.

His long, wet tongue was playing and teasing the hole on my insides. My heart races because he'd just looked at me in a sensual way with those teasing orange eyes that is filled with deceit and mockery towards my innocence. "Oh!..Argh...Please that's enough! Milord!" I begged while I tried to hold back my insides from cumming as he keep teasing my hole between my legs. I can feel his tongue right through my insides and I couldn't hold back any longer. I opened my eyes as I stared up the wooden ceiling, "Why is this happening to me?" I thought of those forgotten memories I have with my family and my pampered life as a noblewoman as back then, I was surrounded with expensive silks and jewelries.

But now it's different.

He stared up at me with a bored expression but his teasing expression was heating my cheeks as Master Seungho, licked the excess fluids from his fingers in an erotic way and my cheeks went red as I looked up to him as I struggle to lift one of my thighs but it's useless.

He chuckles at me, "I see that you are trying to hold back, girl and I lauded you to that, but." He grabbed his long, inch penis and he directly rub the tip on my sored hole, "Your filthy hole is getting wet as it begging me to enter.Now, entertain me with your cries." He said sadistically and thrusted his dick inside me causing me to screamed in agony as I can feel his length thrusting against my hips. I had no choice but to hold back my tears once again but this sadistic and deceitful man above me was, surprisingly, caressing and licking my navel until he diverted his attention to my breast. I moaned slighly when he played with one of my breast as he licked and sucked them in an erotic manner, "It taste rather appealing for a woman who is a lowly peasant." He mocked me like any rest of the nobles. I only observed as he started to teased my right breast like he did to the latter. I can only cried softly as he still keep on thrusting against my hips.

His lips started to smooch on my neckline leaving marks all the way down to my chest then, to my bare thighs. I observed him how he treated my body and I couldn't help but to feel strange around this promiscous man. This man won't stop at nothing until he finally quenched his lustful desires for a person's body then, my heart races as he leaned forward and he kissed me deeply which I complied and tongue ravished mine and instinctively, I wrapped my skinny arms around his broad bare shoulders as I pulled him close to me. Master Seungho's lips parted and I started to become greedy as I pulled him again for another kiss that startled him, "What a strange woman" he muttered and he proceed to worship my body with his gentle kisses and strokes and I was getting hot when his length is still thrusting my insides and his large hands was stroking my wet body.

"My lord. I wanted to cum." I complained but instead of listening to me, Seungho just gives me a haughty smile, "You dare to beg?" He lifted one of my legs and prompted it on his left shoulders as he leaned forward against my hips, "Then, I shall give you an exciting way to release your filthy version of yourself, Ae Shin." He said in a crazed manner and he succeeded. I stripped my filthiness in front of him as I moaned in delight just like Seungho wanted to as he keep jerking my body with his hips until I, desperately, released all of my body fluides inside me that frightens me enough. I couldn't bear it any longer as my eyes went heavy and I feel asleep.

While I was asleep, I didn't noticed that Yoon Seungho was staring at me intently as he was observing my sleeping form next to me. He smiled as he stroked my bangs from my face, "You entertained me well, Ae Shin." He muttered and he slept as well.


The next morning, I opened my eyes as I realized that I was in the Master's bedroom and I looked down at my bare neck and chest filled with red marks and my face went red. I immediately covered my naked body with the sheet and I glanced down at my Master who was sleeping soundly and I had mixed emotions filled in my chest, I have given myself to him for the second time and last night was different compare to my first night with him.

I tried to move my body but I can feel the sense of pain on my insides and my aching torso so I had no choice but to crawled and grabbed my clothes but then, a hand stopped me as the owner's hand was holding my left wrist. I was stunned that my Master is already awake and his gorgeous physique was mesmerizing as he slowly get up from the bed.

"Is your body alright, Ae Shin?" He asked me out of concern and I just nodded at him, "I'm fine, Master Seungho. I needed to get back to my station immediately." I said in a nervous tone as I hugged my clothes.

He realized what I meant and he chuckles, "I'll help you put on your clothes but first, we need to take a bathe together." He suggested and carries me bridal style while covering my naked body with his own robe. I blushed as he looked at me intently, "Please don't look at me, my lord." I told him with shyness as the memories last night was repeated through my head.

"Why not? Don't tell me you are going to deny me again. Ae Shin. You are practically belong to me from now on." He declared possessively as we entered the bathroom. The servants are already prepared a giant wooden tub that is filled with warm water. Lord Seungho immediately take off the robe from my bare body and he was delighted to see the red marks around my neck, chest, navel and thighs. "Get in." He told me in a gentle manner and I dipped my legs to the warmed water as I gently sat and closed my eyes as the warm water helps relived the sore pain between my legs and the tiredness on my aching body

I averted my gaze as Lord Seungho joined me in the large wooden tub and thanks to his own weight, the water recedes and I just couldn't say anything.

I looked at him and he was observing me with his haughty expression, he was so charming and dangerously handsome as he was staring at me, "I...I've been meaning to ask why Lord Seungho was so interested in me. I'm not your type of person and I'm just a mere maid! I shouldn't supposed to do this with you." I mumbled while covering my chest.

Then, Lord Seungho replied, "That's right. You are not special but there is something about you that makes me feel curious." He pulled me on a tight embrace and lifted my chin as he kissed me deeply in which I kissed him back in return. I don't know why, but this is absolutely crazy. This perverted, immoral and crude man is not my lover but I give in to his seduction and dominance. He knows how to please a person and make them fell to his grasp.

We parted our lips and I froze as his huge penis was rubbing against my buttom, "What are you waiting for, Ae Shin. Don't make me wait a little longer." He teased and my tears fell down to my cheeks, I screamed as I started to thrusting my hips against his huge member that the fluids started to leaked and I cried when he nibbled each of my nipples and suck them and I moaned loudly as the hotness and the adrenaline that we shared each other was shattering my defense as I gave up on him.

"Lord Seungho! Please give me...Ah!" I moaned and wrapped my arms around his neck and started to kissed him while his large hands was supporting my hips as I keep on thrusting against him.


After that intense incident in the bathroom, I went back to my bedroom and I gently opened the door as I entered and started to change my clothes with another one. The sore sensation between my legs hadn't yet healed and it worries me that it will affect my duties as the maid.

After I change my clothes, I went to the kitchen and pretend like nothing's happen last night and just do my work to be done.

"Ae Shin, will you go to the market and buy these ingredients. The young lord has a guests for tonight so we needed to prepare the dishes immediately." The kitchen staffs said.

I nodded, "Alright." I take the extra coins and basket and left the manor immediately and as I walked to the streets, then, I noticed that the flyers are everywhere of a female figure that was illustrated. I flinched at the familiar female sketched and it looks resembled like me.

"My family...they were very serious on looking for me." I said in a distressful tone. No! They can't find me. There's no way that I'll go back and become their accessory for their political ambition.

I went back to the manor immediately and hurriedly went to the kitchen and placed the ingredients and I immediately closed the door and grabbed the necessary things including clothes and fopd and placed them to the big, white cloth. I gritted my teeth, there's no reason for me to be here any longer, the more that her family is looking for her, the miserable things will happened to her.

Luckily, I found a shortcut that is through the exit outside the estate and I sighed, "I needed to find Naki immediately." I told to myself. The recent information just says that Naki is working as a slave in a kisaeng house, then, I should get going and see her to that brothel immediately.

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