Chapter 20

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A/N: Violence and Gaslighting
Ae Shin's eyes widen as she was been kissed by Yoon Seungho, her Master, once again and her mind was so confused, "I have to pushed him." She thought to herself as both of her hands were pressed against Seungho's chest and the young nobleman was shocked at this because for the first time, Ae Shin just rejected his advances.

The young woman's eyes bewildered, "What are you saying, My lord. I don't understand." She said in a mid confusion because her mind was full of stress because of her miserable situation about her injured legs and Naki's sudden 'death'.

"Do I have to explain to you very lengthly? I said, stay with me. Become my spouse." He declared with a pride tone but Ae Shin seems not been thrilled at this indirect proposal. "I'm sorry but I have to decline your offer, Master Yoon. I have no interest on becoming your wife." She said in a serious tone because in the first place, she had no feelings for him but though, she admitted that she enjoyed their physical intimacy in bed and that is all there is to it of their relationship in the first place. She  cannot accept his feelings because of his reputation as the hell raiser who practiced sodomy and he had no regards on respecting others especially women like her.

After hearing this sudden rejection, Seungho was immediately went silent and the intense and dark atmosphere was very obvious as his cold orange eyes filled with anger and something sinister in it that chills down Ae Shin's spine.

"Why? Is there something in me that is lacking?" His questioned was cold but serious as he glared at the arrogant young wench who'd just rejected the great Yoon Seungho.

She replied with a mocking tone, "Ask yourself, My lord. What is it that you're lacking?" Ae Shin looked at him with the eyes filled with coldness that Seungho didn't like. It is the same look that his estranged father look at him when he made mistake when he was just a child.

Suddenly, Ae Shin yelps in pain as Seungho pounced her in bed and his angry, cold expression was visible on her frightened hazel eyes. His large hands suddenly grabs her slender neck and Ae Shin gasps for air as she was struggling to breathe. Her injured stomach was getting bleed as Seungho sat on her stomach as he disregards her pain and lack of air. Her knuckles tried to punched Seungho's forearms but to no avail and her injured legs was struggling to kick in air as she made a movement out of it. The pain was unbearable for her.

"If I cannot have you. Then, you will just die here." He threatened as he choked her ever harder. Ae Shin's tears fell down to her temples as she was struggling for air, "Am I going to die this. Is this how I'm going to end my life?" She thought in a desperate tone as she reminisce her childhood in Hanyang surrounded by her family, her first romance in her early teens with her childhood sweetheart and her sixteen years when she realized that her father betrayed her out of greed.

"Fuck you!" She spit it out curse words against him.

He chuckles, "Since, you're about to die. I'll give you a farewell gift before you will straight down to hell." He said in a sinister tone as he leaned against her left ear.

"I killed your female servant and I'm the one who was responsible for what happen to your legs."

Her eyes widen in shock at the revelation, she couldn't believe what she just hear coming from his mouth.

"Naki..." She thought in a grieving tone.

She just feel helpless as Seungho sadistically pressed both his hands on her slender neck tightly until she could no longer breathe. Ae Shin realized that her decision for leaving her family was a mistake. It was a mistake of her for leaving her wedding day and it was also a mistake of her that she trusted this man who will take her life today.

Painter of the Night: The Runaway AgassiOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz