Chapter 5

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*Trigger warning: The following content has a sexual scene

I woke up early the usual as I started my daily duties in the Yoon Household. I wash my face and put on my clothes and pair of sandals.

It's still early in the morning but I have to do my duties diligently out of habit that I have in the Ahn Household. I fear that I if I have arrive late on my servant duties, I will be scolded by those strict ahjummas in the Servant Quarters so I get the broomstick and I started to sweep the ground on the excess dried leaves scattered.

I pause for a moment when I saw the few men from Master Yoon's bed chamber and I was stunned that they were out of his house-chamber in the early morning and I heard them 'complimenting' Master Yoon for some reason.

"Master Yoon's technique was so astonishing. He didn't even let us sleep for a bit and we keep doing it till he gets tired. He was really fiend." I heard from a young man who was older than me says in a crude manner and I was both shocked and confused

"Yeah. My penis is getting so wet. I should replaced my pants back at home." The other one said with an amusing tone. I was leaning against the wall while listening to their crude dialogues, my hands were trembled while holding the broomstick, just what are they doing with Master Yoon last night?

I decided to continue my duties while I didn't noticed from behind that the two male visitors of Master Yoon was staring at me and then, they immediately left the traditional noble house of the Yoon Household.

The ahjushhi from yesterday was approaching me and I believe that he was called Servant Kim, "Ahjusshi, did you need anything?" I asked in an innocent tone.

He looked at me in a sad expression and I find it very complex. I don't understand why he was this dejected, "The Young Master is requesting you in his bedchamber immediately." He said in a nervous tone.

Servant Kim was handed me a medium size wooden bowl filled with clean water and a clean towel. I was confused as to why I've been given this, "He needs you to serve him." He added but I had no other choice but to comply to his order.

"I'll do it." I took the wooden basin and the towel and I immediately went to Master Yoon's bed-chamber. I sighed as I announce my presence, "Master, it's me Ae Shin. You have summon me, says that you wanted my assistance." I said in a normal but calm tone while holding the wooden basin filled with water.

"Come in...Ae Shin." He purred on the last part that makes me shudder.

I gently slide the door and I was paled when I saw his broad naked body in all his glory as he was sitting on his floor mattress in a relaxed manner and I observe the hint of body fluids staining the fabric. My cheeks went red at the sight, I have never in my life seen a naked man's body before so it's really embarrassing that I will be serving a naked Master in his bedchamber.

Just what the hell is happen last night? and the smell of body fluids was pricking my nose. I know very well the scent of a body fluids during coupling between opposite partners when I accidentally saw my colleagues in the storage room making out back when I was just a slave in the Ahn Household.

I averted my eyes from his naked body as I was hesitantly enters his bedchamber and he was looking at me with an amusing tone, "Don't be shy. Ae Shin...I'd just have a little...exercise with my two friends last night and I was feeling so sweat that I needed someone to clean my entire body." He said in a perverse manner.

My lips were trembled but I needed to say something, "Servant Kim should do it. So, why me...Master Yoon." I said in a brave tone and I realize that I made a mistake as I see his displeasure from his handsome face.

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