Chapter 21

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The cold winter season is approaching.

And some drastic changes is happening surrounding the Yoon Household.

Ae Shin's trusted confidante and handmaiden, Naki was working alongside with the other older women servants that was separated to Ae Shin, who was now, a personal female servant of the enigmatic Yoon Seungho who enjoys his luxurious life as the only head of the Yoon Household. For the past three months, Ae Shin's relationship with Yoon Seungho hasn't changed much after that horrible incident when she and Naki was saved by this man whom she indebted to with their lives. She thought about it deeply while preparing a warm tea for the Master, "If it weren't for Master Seungho, we would have died back there." She thought to herself with a sad expression then, her deep hazel eyes glances at her Master who was sitting outside while smoking his pipe absentmindedly as his orange eyes stared up the fallen white snow from the skies and she sighed at this, "Master Seungho, the weather is cold so will you please come over here and have tea?" She told the eccentric nobleman in a mild tone and she then, heard him chuckling, "You're bold enough to order me around, girl. How very thoughtful of you." He said with a teasing smile and Ae Shin's cheeks went red and snorted at him, "I don't want to get you sick in this cold season, Sir. Please bear in mind that you are the lord of this household." She slightly reprimanded him as Ae Shin approached him with a small tray of green tea to relaxed his mind and body as she kneeled beside him.

On the other hand, Seungho was in a lighter mood whenever Ae Shin was beside him;

For some reason, his mental issues had become a rare occasions as of late rather than before because of Ae Shin's attentiveness towards his wellbeing and after that incident in the woods and Jihwa's revelation about a woman that resembles Ae Shin was missing who hails from an elite noble family in Hanyang, he had become even more wary of her identity that's why, he had an intention on transferring her next to his bedchamber for a deviant purpose.

As he observed her beauty and grace, it is very unlikely that she was a lowborn as she knows how to read and write and her movements and graceful behavior are akin to a cultured woman. His orange eyes darkens as he glanced the naive young wench, "If she really is indeed a noble. Then, what shall I do to her." He thought in a sinister way as his right hand outstretched the beautiful young woman and Ae Shin noticed his peculiar behavior, "Sir, Are you alright?" She asked him with a curious look and Seungho was back to reality, "Give me the tea." He ordered the girl in a lazy tone and Ae Shin offers him a warm tea, "Be careful sir. It is quite hot." She warned the nobleman and Seungho just carefully sips the tea and he quite admit it, it was good, "This is quite a good tea. When did you, a mere slave knows how to make a good tea? Hmm?" He interrogated the flinching young woman.

She bit her lower lip and Seungho just noticed it, "I...happened to have experienced it in my first employment to a merchant family, Sir." She lied. Obviously, she learned the basics on preparing tea when she was still a young girl back in her childhood memories in Hanyang. As Ae Shin observes his intense look, she had become very nervous, "What is he doing and why does he looked at me suspiciously? Wait! Don't tell me!" She thought in an alarm way that maybe, this man is suspicious of her.

But to her astonishment, he was chuckling amusingly, "What a rare sight to see a slave such as yourself who was able to create such thing perfectly." He looked at the empty cup on his hand, "I was glad that I made the right decision to purchase you from Jihwa. You are an excellent slave indeed." He complimented her and Ae Shin was speechless, that Yoon Seungho was singing her praises like this, "Thank you, my lord." She smiled at him as she prostrated in front of him but her thoughts deepen about her plan to leave the estate with Naki as soon as possible, "The reason why I decided to serve him for the past three months after that incident in the woods so that he cannot be wary against me. I will continue to play my part as an obedient servant for him and then, I will tell him soon enough that we will leave his estate and I hope that he will agree with it." She thought with a worried tone as her stomach churned out of anxiousness, as she observed this man for the past three months, he was an unpredictable person and Ae Shin cannot let her guard down at all times when it comes to Yoon Seungho.

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