~• Part 5 •~

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(warning: this part may triggered some of you and if you feel uncomfortable about it just skip to the next part, I'm sorry)


I woke up early than before and hurriedly went to school. I just purposely went to school earlier just to see Jeonghan.

I want to thank him and asked what happened last night that made he rushed out without even saying anything. All the other students started to fill the school as it was almost 8 am now. I was at my locker, grabbing my books and put it inside my bag when I heard familiar voice getting closer.

I hurriedly closed the locker amd quickly walking to the clas when suddenly I tripped and fell flat on my face. I heard lot of laughing and giggle coming from people around there. I looked up and saw Areum grinning widely. "Poor poor little Eunjin" she said while bending to my level. "she's just too short and too ugly until she can't even see there's someone leg there" she said while pushing her pointing finger at my forehead and people just laughed it off. I look down too scared to even move.

"oh Eunjin" Rina said coming close to me and hold my chin up. I just close my eyes at her touched. "you're bleeding...ahh it must be so hurt, isn't it?" she asked me at the same time mocking me. I was shocked to hear that there's a blood. I opened my eyes and hurriedly went to the toilet. I looked at the mirror and oh my god, there is blood flowing out of my nose. I quickly ran off to the school health room. As I got there, she hurriedly treat me and asked on how did I got this. I just said I tripped and fell. Well have of it are true though. She just nodded and asked me to be more careful.

Fourth period has passed and its finally recess time. I was holding my tray and queueing n the line waiting for the worker to serve the food. Finally its my turn! The worker fill up my tray with food and I happily lifted up my tray to make it easier when suddenly someone snatch it and throw it away that made a real big noise. I was so shocked and paused in my place. Some of the students and even the worker there are also shocked with the incident.

I looked and saw Areum who's proudly smile and lifting her tray instead to the worker. "Now give me the food and ignore her or you all will have to face the consequence" she said smugly while looking at me. I can feel tears threatened to fall down from my eyes. I ran away from there and went back into my class. I put my arms on the table and my head above it and cried silently alone.

Jeonghan where are you.....I need you......you are my strength......


Its been months since that happened and Jeonghan was still nowhere to be found. Areum's become more powerful and worst as day passed. She and her minions will always bullied me everywhere. Just now this morning they kicked off my stomach and it hurts like hell. I just cried and again went to the treatment room. The nurse said she want to report it to the principal but I just said no to her. I don't want to make a fuss about it and besides there's no use for it. She will always uses her dad's influence on this.

on the same day as the recess time already ended. There's this girl name Yura said that the counseling teacher called for me at the store room behind the school urgently. I said thanks and quickly went to there.

As I arrived, I saw no one here but only the store room. I approached it slowly and swung opened the door slowly. I can fell hair standing on my spine because of the silent and eerie feeling of it. "Hello, Miss Lee?" "you called for me?" I asked as I entered slowly. No ones answered when suddenly I heard footsteps behind coming close that made me feel so relieved thinking it was the teacher. I turn around only to be greet with Areum and her minions grinning widely. I didn't even have time to react when Areum push me into the store room that made me stumbled and fell onto my back. I was so scared. Scared than before. "Wh-what are you d-doing?" I asked while trembling.

"oh so now you're talking?" Areum said and laughed out loud with her friends.. I can hear the clicking sound from the door indicating it has been locked. I gulped and tense with what happened.

"Poor Eunjin, her so called savior has been gone for good" "she must be so sad" Both Rina and Haneul said while playing and patting my head. "s-stop" I said while crawling backward just to get away from them but Areum just moved even closer and grab a handful of my hair and shouting in my ears. "YOU KNOW WHAT EUNJIN? I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU SO MUCH! YOU KNOW WHY?" she asked me while grabbing my hair tighter that it hurts me so much. "YOU DON'T WANT TO ASK ME?! ASK ME WHY B*ITCH! ASK ME!" she said flaring with anger and pulled up my hair that made me stand up as it hurts so much. "w-wh-why?" I asked while being a crying mess. Both of her friend just laughed it off. "YOU MADE JEONGHAN TURN HIS BACK ON ME! YOU MADE HE BROKE UP WITH ME! YOU MADE HE HATE ME! YOU MADE HIM LEFT ME JUST TO GO TO YOU FCKING UGLY B*TCH! YOU RUIN MY NAME IN FRONT OF HIM! YOU TOOK IT ALL PARK EUNJIN!" she screamed and letting out her anger. I was so scared, so trembling that my mind can even process anything.

"I JUST LOVE HIM SO MUCH BUT WHY DID THIS HAPPENED?!! WHY DID HE BROKE UP AND IGNORED ME??! she said while pushing me harshly to the ground that made me yelped. " ALL OF THIS HAPPENED BECAUSE OF YOU YOU!" she screamed and spun around to look at me. I catched a glimpse of pocket knife on her hands. "D-don--h-hu--rt me Ar-Areum" I said while trembling and scared to death.

Shr brought the knife out and played with it in her hands. 

"If I can't have Jeonghan, then no one will. Understand?" she asked me while scooting closer and tracing the knife onto my skin and cut a handful of my hair that made me trembled so much.

anyone help me please......

"If you're gone, then it will make it easier for me and also other people as we don't need to see your damn ugly face and...Jeonghan will also be back with me" she said, cutting another handful of my hair while laughing hsyterically loud.

"You scared?" she asked while grinning. "Oh don't be. I'll make it quick and fast for you, so that you'll not feeling any pain" she said side hugging me then pushed me off to the ground.

"Hey Areum, you said you just want to bully her and make her cried not to kill her" Haneul said as shocking was clearly can be seen on her face.

"shut it Haneul!" Areum flared. "Don't you know what she did to me?? If you are my real friend you will do just like what I said" she said while shaking Haneul's shoulder and pointing at me.

Haneul just went silent and looked down. At the same time, Rina came to me and slap me hard that made me lying on the hard floor. Blood was coming out at the corner of my lips.

"ssh shh" Areum shush me while Rina tied my hand at the back. I struggled to free myself while Haneul's watching the door.

"this is will be going just fast and painless" Areum said while examined the knife. She smiled satisfiedly and then hold it up in the air. She swung it fast directed at my stomach until...........



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