~• Part 36 •~

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Wonwoo's POV

"Yes. At what time? Yes. Okay. Thank you."

I hang up the phone and continue my works. It's been more than a month now. It was just fine before but there's a lot of messed and work when I arrived here that it shocked me. Thank god that I manage to take care all of it with the help of all the good staffs here.

I should've be back weeks and weeks ago but here I am still stuck in here even though there's not many works left. I wonder how she's doing there....I hope she will be just fine. I then took all my things and rush off to a meeting.


"Mr Jeon, I have good news for you" my secretary who named Mya said as soon as we went out of the meeting room that got my attention.

I turned to her and raising my eyebrow indicating that I'm asking about it.

"Well that was your last schedule in here. No more meeting or any works after this since we can handle all of it by ourself." she states that made my lips curved up.

"Really?" I asked back and she just nodded while directing me to the car. Just when we both enter, she handed me an envelope. I took it and look at her. "What is this?"

"um that is your flight ticket. I've booked one for you." She smilingly said while urge me to open it. I opened it and look at the time '11:00am'.

"I booked the earliest flight they have. Hope you'll like it."

"Thank you, Mya. You are such a good friend. Thank you for everything while I'm in here."

I flashed her a smile but I dont know if I'm wrong, I saw that her face change for a second but then back to the smily face. She just smile widely and nodded. We then keep chatting with each other until we reached the hotel.

Can't wait to go back.


Eunjin's POV


I've lost counted on how many sighed I'be been released everyday.

Here am I laying down on the couch while watching the tv. Ever since he forbid me to go to work, I've been watching tv all day long. Not to mention there's no interesting program that they aired and keep repeating the same movies or drama over and over again.

And him? Since that day we talked which almost a week ago, he rarely went home and being so busy with his work. It's been 2 days since he hasn't come home. I dont know where he go but I had to admit that I do feel lonely, bored and a bit worried. He has maids before this but now not anymore. The only maid he has was his driver other than that, he fired them all.

I was rolling around on the couch when suddenly my phone comes alive. I pick it up right away. "Hello?"

"Hello, Eunjin!! the person on the orher line just shout. I pull it away for a while to look at the screen "Jooyeon"I said and she chuckle from the other side.

"What are you doing? I miss you."

"I'm doing nothing and I miss you too."

"Eunjin, let's meet up." she said that made me abruptly sit up. "Meet up? aren't you at—"

"I'm at seoul right now. It's been 2 weeks already but I just purposely keep that off from you" she said and I can sense that she's grinning there.

"Really??? How could you?" I pretend to be sulking and she laughed.

"Well since now you know, let's meet up. I'll text you the location."

Played by Fated | JeonghanWhere stories live. Discover now